Dear Parents

Here is a summary of the curriculum and events happening this term.


First Confession will take place on Sunday May 12that 4.00pm in Church.

First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday June 9th at the 9.30am.and 11.15am Mass. It is usual for the parents, extended family and friends to read at the Masses I shall be asking for volunteers in the weeks to come!

The children will also be leading the Mass on Tuesday June 18th. After this Mass, a photographer will be in the school hall to take photos of the children in their First Holy Communion outfits. The children will also be having a party in the afternoon. Children who are not making their First Holy Communion are very welcome to attend the Masses and will of course be coming to the party.

The children will also be leading the family Mass on Sunday June 23rd.

If any children would like to become altar servers after making their First Holy Communion they will be most welcome. Last year there was an excellent response. More details will follow nearer to the time.

We would also like to thank you for your support during our Easter Play. The children all performed very well and we were very proud of them.

We shall be studying:- Easter, Reconciliation, The Eucharist is a thanksgiving to God and Pentecost


We shall be studying, Explanation, Traditional Tales, an Author Study on Hans Christian Andersen and Language Play which is a poetry unit.

Reading books are changed as your child finishes reading them. Please remember to fill in the reading record for any book your child reads at home. We want to encourage the children to read as wide a range of books as possible.

Spellings will resume next week and will be given with homework.

I am hoping that Mr Cooke will be issuing some pen licences to Year 3 this term for those children who have shown consistently good effort with their handwriting. Please support your children in our handwriting scheme.


The Numeracy Framework divides the term into 6 blocks of learning;- Counting, partitioning and calculating, with this term, the emphasis of standard written methods of calculations replacing the informal written methods.

Securing number facts and understanding shape, Handling data and measures, Calculating, measuring and understanding shape, Securing number facts, calculation and relationships. The children will also be encouraged to develop their mental maths skills. We are going to have a times tables competition later on in the term involving the children in Keystage 2, so remember to keep practising!


We shall be looking at Characteristics of Materials, Rocks and Soils and Helping PlantsGrow Well


The children will be learning the recorder this term and each child has a recorder in school. (Don’t worry we won’t be giving the children music homework!) Mrs Ellis will be teaching the children recorder skills.

ICT Skills

We shall be looking at simulations and sending emails with an emphasis on internet safety. The children will also be using the internet to find out facts for their topic work.


Tall Paul will be taking the children on Mondays for a games lesson and on Friday Miss Kelleher shall be taking the children for dance lessons for the first half term and I shall be taking the children for athletics and tennis lessons for the second half term.

Please ensure your child has a labelled PE kit in school and if they have any jewellery it should not be worn on Monday and Friday for Health and Safety reasons. Girls should have their hair tied back.

Themed Work

We shall be looking at Coventry and its history since Saxon times.

The children will also be finding out how the land use has changed over time and what factors have affected this.

Art and Design and Technology

The children will be using sketches, paintings and 3D modelling to create a settlement.


The children will receive homework on a Friday which is normally expected to be returned on Wednesday. This is in addition to the reading books and times tables that the children should be doing regularly. If the homework requires some research then extra time will be given.

School Visits

As part of the History of Coventry theme, we shall be visiting the Priory Centre, The Herbert and TrinityChurchlater on in the term.

The cost of the trip will be just bus-fare.

We shall also be walking to the old Alvis Factory site, now of course the retail park to show how land use has changed in the local area.

We still have confusion over the ownership of cardigans and hunt for jumpers – PLEASE label all your child’s school uniform and PE kit to make this task easier.

As the weather is getting warmer (in theory!), please ensure your child has a water bottle which can be filled up at school.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Ms Croarken and Mrs Scullion.