UC Santa Cruz Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (UCSC IACUC)Proposal Code:ADMIN USE ONLY
Phone: (831) 459-3150 | Fax:(831) 459-1452Approval Date:ADMIN USE ONLY
Email: | Mail stop: Office of Research
Annual Protocol Update
Please fill out this form completely and send to . Enter N/A where not applicable. Questions and feedback regarding this form should be directed to .
In accordance with federal law, if an update is not approved by the anniversary date,enter anniversary date here, all animal use activity under this protocol must stop and a new protocol application must be submitted and approved by the IACUC.
Submission date:MM/DD/YYYYProject title: Enter project title here
Principal investigator: Name here
Department: Enter department here
Phone: (XXX) XXX-XXXX / Email: Enter email here / Mail stop: Enter mail stop here
Co-respondent(s) on protocol communications: Enter name(s), email address(es) here
- Were animals used since your last annual update (or initial approval if protocol is in its first year)?
Enter text here
- If no animals were used, state reason (if animal use is complete and will not resume, you are finished):
Enter text here
- If currently inactive, is animal use expected to resume? If so, approximate date? (if no, you are finished):
Enter text here
- Specify by species animal numbers used since last approval or update:
Enter text here
- Specify by species animals remaining (total approved less total used since initial approval):
Enter text here
- If you have applied for funding through the UCSC Office of Sponsored Projects that you have not yet reported to UCSC IACUC, specify the funding agency and OSP Cayuse #. Failure to do so will delay distribution of any grant funds:
Enter text here
- List all personnel approved to work on this protocol:
Enter text here
- If there has been a change in your permit status, please indicate the agency, new permit number, and permit expiration date:
Enter text here
Note: Any proposed changes in animal use sites, personnel, study purpose/objectives, species, animal numbers by species, or research procedures must be submitted on aProtocol Amendment Form (on the UCSC IACUC forms web page) sent to nd approved by the IACUC prior to implementation of any changes.
Signature of principal investigator: SignatureDate:MM/DD/YYYY
Certification of review and approval by the UC Santa Cruz Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee:
Approval signature: Date: