Welcome to the NAU student course registration feature of the student portal. This tutorial will assist you in completing your course registration. Students are required to consult with their academic advisor prior to registration to ensure they are on track with their program requirements.

All students taking online courses for the first time are required to complete the online orientation prior to gaining access to their online courses. The online orientation takes approximately 1-2 hours to complete and must be completed prior to the end of drop/add week. If you are having difficulty, please contact Learner Services at 1-800-548-0602 or your academic advisor on campus.

If you have any questions regarding the student course registration process contact your academic advisor.

Important Note:Be sure to select the correct campus and course section when registering for classes. If a course is not available at your campus preference, please contact your academic advisor.

To register for courses:

  1. Login in to your student portal at
  2. Select My Academics > Course Registration.
  3. When the Student Course Registration page appears, select an enrollment from the Select Enrollment drop-down menu (if more than one enrollment exists - otherwise the enrollment will already be selected). The enrollment and term selection determines your course registration status.
  4. Select a term from the Select Term drop-down menu (if more than one term exists - otherwise the term will already be selected).
  5. You cannot proceed to course registration until you select a valid enrollment and term. After you select a valid enrollment and term, a window appears that displays important registration information:
  6. Registration Status - the status for this enrollment and term is either Open (available for registration), or Closed (registration is closed for that start or you are not eligible to register in that start – contact you academic advisor for more details).
  7. Registration Period Starts - date when you can begin to register courses for the term.
  8. Last Day to Add/Drop Courses – student course registration is available until the first day of the term. Contact your academic advisor to request schedule changes after registration closes.
  1. If you are not registered in any classes for the selected term then click the Begin Online Registration link to launch the registration screen and register for classes in 3 easy steps.
  2. If you have previously registered for classes in the selected term the registered courses will appear in a window titled “Previously Registered Courses”. Click the Modify Online Registration link to launch the registration screen to add or modify your schedule in 3 easy steps.

Step 1 Select

Step 1 Select of the Student Course Registration is where you can select courses to add or drop. If you have previously selected courses for registration, those courses will appear in the Selected Courses panel.

To select courses registration:

  1. Use the Course Searchpanel to search for courses.

Note: Courses on the term schedule that you have already completed will not appear in the Search Results Panel. For example, if you have already taken AC1060 Prin Accounting I this course will not appear as aselection. If you would like to repeat a course that you have already completed you will need to contact your academic advisor for assistance.

  1. Add courses to your schedule by moving them from the Search Resultspanel to the Selected Coursespanel. Click the Add () button or click the Drag Select () button on the desired course, and drag the course to the Selected Courses panel.

Remember, it is very important that you carefully select the correct campus and course section. In the Search Results panel click on the “+” sign on the right hand side of the course. A drop down panel will open for you to review. You may need to use the scroll option on the right side of this panel to see all the results. Refer to the Icon Legend below for more details.

  1. Use the Quick Addpanel if you are familiar with the course codes and sections of the courses you want to add.
  2. When you have selected all your courses in the Selected Coursespanel and want to arrange your class schedule, proceed to Step 2 Arrangeby clicking the button at the top of the page.

Step 2 Arrange

Step 2 Arrange of the Student Course Registration allows you to view your selected courses in the List Viewand a Calendar Viewso you can modify your schedule of classes easily. This step also provides an opportunity to verify all the information about the classes you have selected (day, time, location, instructor, and so on).

To arrange or modify your class schedule:

  1. In the Calendar Viewpanel, view the selected courses in a one week view to create your course schedule. Select Monthly Schedule to view your selected courses from Start Date to End Date for the term.
  2. Selected Courses – List Viewappears at the bottom of the page. Details are described in Selected Courses panel controls.
  3. When you have finished arranging your schedule, proceed to Step 3 Registerby clicking the button at the top of the page.

Step 3 Register

Step 3 Register of the Student Course Registration allows you to complete the registration process. You must complete Step 3 in order to finalize your course registration.

To complete Course Registration:

  1. Verify that your courses are displayed accurately on the screen.

Remember, it is very important that you carefully select the correct campus and course section.

  1. Click Register for Courses Above. After you click the button you will proceed to view your Registration Statement.
  2. If you wish to go back to arrange your course schedule, click the button Return to Arrange Courses.

Quick Add Panel

If you already know the course code and section number, use the Quick Add feature to quickly add a course to your Selected Course panel.

To quickly add courses to the Selected Courses panel for registration:

  1. Enter the course code in the Course Code field.
  2. Enter the section number in the Section field.
  3. Click Add to add a course to the Selected Courses panel.

When using the Quick Add feature you must enter the course code & the section. The section code to use in the Quick Add Section field is located in the drop listing of the course titles. This section number is telling you how many sections (classes) are available to register for that particular course.

Course Search Panel

Use the Course Search panel to quickly find the courses. When the courses are displayed in the Search Resultspanel, you can add courses to your schedule by moving them from the Search Results panel to the Selected Courses panel.

To search and display courses:

  1. Select the search criteria in the Course Search panel by using the course search panel controls.
  2. Click Search to display the found courses in the Search Resultspanel.

Course Search Panel Controls

Instructor: Enter an instructor's name or initial to filter your search. For example, entering "Jo" would display in the Search Results panel only courses with instructors starting with Jo, such as Jones, Johnson, and Johansen.

Level: Enter the course level. For example, entering "Grad" would display all the graduate level courses.

Type: Enter the course type: lecture or lab. For example, entering "Lab" would display all the courses taught in a laboratory. Leaving this field blank allows courses of all types to appear.

Course Code: Enter a partial or full course code to filter your search. For example, entering "AC" might display all the courses for Accounting.

Keyword: Enter a keyword to filter your search. For example, entering "math" would display in the Search Results panel only courses with math in their keyword list.

Sort by: Click the down arrow to display the list of choices. Click one of the choices to select it as the basis for sorting the list of found courses in the Search Results panel.

  • Default - displayed courses are sorted by the system default.
  • Course Code - displayed courses are sorted by the course code.
  • Title - displayed courses are sorted by the course title.
  • Credits - displayed courses are sorted by the credits to be earned for that course.
  • Type - displayed courses are sorted by the course type.
  • Status - displayed courses are sorted by the course status.

Display: Click the down arrow to display the list of choices. Click one of the choices to select it as a search filter.

  • All Courses - all courses for the selected enrollment and term, not necessarily part of the program, are included in the search. If you are eligible to register for courses outside of your program, this setting will allow them to be displayed.
  • Required(not setup at this time) - limits the search to courses that are required on your degree audit for the selected enrollment and term.
  • Elective(not setup at this time) - limits the search to courses that are elective for the selected enrollment and term.
Week (MO TU WE TH FR SA SU) Meets ONLY on these days

Meets ONLY on these days: Check this box if you want the search to be limited to only courses that meet on the days you have checked in the Week boxes.

Week: Select days of the week to include or exclude courses that meet on certain days. For instance, if you need to select a course that meets on weekends, you would check the SA and SU boxes.

Classes starting between (from time) (to time)

Classes starting between: Use the time boxes to find a course that begins within a specific time range. For example, to find only evening courses, you might select a start time between 6:00 pm and 11:00 pm. The *Any* setting allows courses scheduled at any time to appear in Search Results panel.


Search: After you have the search criteria set the way you want, click Search to display the results in the Search Results panel.

Search Results Panel

All courses that satisfy the current settings of the Course Search panel will appear in the Search Results panel when you click Search.

If the list of courses has displayed for several minutes, you may want to click REFRESH to ensure that other students have not filled the classes you seek.

The courses that are listed can be added to your schedule. See the Icon Legend details about the icons, or hold the cursor over an icon to read the tool tip for the icon.

Note: Courses on the term schedule that you have already completed will not appear in the Search Results Panel. For example, if you have already taken AC1060 Prin Accounting I this course will not appear as aselection. If you would like to repeat a course that you have already completed you will need to contact your academic advisor for assistance.

Remember, it is very important that you carefully select the correct campus and course section.

To view details about a course:

  1. Click the red triangle to open or close the detailed information window for that course. All sections of that course for the selected term will be displayed. If no day and times display this means the class is setup as arranged and meets at various days and times. For more information regarding arranged courses contact your academic advisor.

To add a course to your schedule:

  1. Click the Add () button or click the Drag Select () button on the desired course, and drag the course to the Selected Courses panel.

To sort the list of found courses:

  1. Click the name of the column that you want to sort by.
  2. Click the name again to reverse the sort order.

Note: The column “Seating” refers to the class seat count. For example, if 17/22/0 is displayed in this column 17 = number of students currently registered in the course, 22 = the maximum number of students that can be registered in the class and 0 = number of students who have reserved this class (reserving courses feature will be available in a future release).

Icon Legend

Icons (graphic symbols) used in the Student Course Registration are described here.

Select - click to select a course.

Remove - click to remove a course.

Drag Select - click and hold the mouse key to drag a course to a new panel.

Drag Remove - click and hold the mouse key to drag a course from a panel.

Help - click to display help topics related to the panel where the icon appears.

Refresh - used to refresh the displayed data.

Icons (graphic symbols) to be used as future registration features are released.

Reserve - indicates that the course with this icon has been reserved.

Waitlist - indicates that the course with this icon has been placed on a wait list.

On Hold - indicates that the course with this icon has been placed on hold. Holding the cursor on the icon will cause a tool tip to display the expiration time.

Expired - indicates that a timer for wait list or reservation has expired.

On Campus - indicates that the course with this icon is held on campus.

Off Campus - indicates that the course with this icon is held off campus.

Online - indicates that the course with this icon is held on line.

Closing a Session

Whenever you close a registration session, the following statements are true:

  • Courses that have been registered remain registered.
  • Courses selected for registration remain selected, but not registered.
  • Course student count and status will continue to be updated, so courses that become filled or cancelled are indicated as such in the Selected Coursespanel.
  • Any course in a pending drop status will not be dropped, unless step 3 of the process is completed, and a drop confirmation is obtained.

To Drop a Course

To drop a course:

  1. Check that the end of the valid period to drop a course has not passed.
  2. Click the Remove icon for the course you want to drop (unregister).
  3. Select Registerto proceed to Step 3 Register.

Registration Statement

When you have completed registration, a Registration Statement is displayed. Review carefully to ensure that the information is correct and current. You can also print the statement for your records, if you like.

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