Meeting notes from May 4, 2016

PCRA Board meeting

Called to order at5:45

  1. New Business
  1. The treasurer is strongly recommended to be bonded. Kelly Dean will look into prices.
  2. 25 K dishonesty policy 1 year $187.00, 3 year $532 Find out the proof-external audit, what the policy entails. Get a quote from Peck-Glasko on the dishonesty policy.
  3. Will start having a pep rally 2 weeks before the sign ups of each season.
  1. Basketball
  1. All but 3 coaches have turned in their balls for basketball. Julie will reimburse those coaches.
  2. Will need to purchase new basket balls and donate old ones to PES.
  1. Baseball
  1. Hardship; Pay for 2 kids to play softball and baseball. He needs to pay 1 remaining uniform fee of $15.00. Motioned Kelly, second Anne, motioned carried.
  2. Complaints about double headers on week nights.
  3. Background checks on all rostered coaches. Discussed dugout moms Not being checked.
  4. All star teams
  1. softball
  1. 14 kids per team, needed one more team. Need to talk to County about pushing out the roster due date, instead of it being the day after the GMM. So, if need be other girls could be added in order to make a 3rd team and or find another coach.
  2. Kayla Cagle has asked PCRA to pay the All-star fees for u8 softball. Kelly Dean will fill in info.
  3. All star tournaments are going on at the same time as the county tournaments…

5. Football

A. Julie to give final numbers on costs vs. profit for the season.

B. 60% of the players did NOT turn in their equipment. What needs to be done to make sure they do not check out additional gear and or check the condition of their equipment if playing again this season.

  1. Will keep an updated list of rules in concessions stand.
  2. We need someone in charge of concession stand.
  3. Recommend CPR training for Soccer, football, coaches.
  4. Bo Eubanks voted in for the football rep. John Creighter will be his assistant. John C. along withZack W. were present at the May meeting.
  5. The football committee has requested we post the meeting minutes, the financials of the monthly balance on the PCRA website. They also Coach Shrunk involved on the committee.
  6. Football pep rally was very successful, Chuck and Bo were there to promote the football program and did talk about Soccer and cheerleading. Wendy Black, said they should have talked more about Soccer .

6. Soccer

A. Alan Thurston will be the soccer rep, still looking for an assistant.

B. Birthday cut off, have to be 4 by July 31st to play soccer.

C. soccer coach training

7. Old Business

  1. Kelly will come up with verbiage for ineligible coach, ie. Arrested during season, cannot coach the rest of said season, until charges are resolved.
  2. Make sure every coach signs a waiver for back ground checks.
  3. Discuss basketball coach paying fine for missing 2 TVBA games $100 per game. PCRA agreed to pay the fine, as to not penalize the other 2 Priceville teams. A formal letter needs to be drafted. A suggestion was made he not be allowed to coach or be an assistant coach for 2 years. He needs to pay back the fine to PCRA. Alan will write the letter we will all sign.
  4. We need to write a policy and place in by-laws, punishment for coaches that do not comply.
  5. Patrick Dean is now the Equipment manager with the rep. for each sport.
  6. GMM will be June 5that 2:00 PES. On-line sign ups available until June 4th.
  7. Make sure we advertise what Reps are needed for the following sports season at GMM. Ie basketball at June’s meeting.

8. Financial

A. New computer for Julie. Wendy motioned to purchase, Kelly second, voted and approved.

B. Emory will find a good deal and Julie will purchase. Alan will talk with John Keahey about the apple computer.

C. Bank account @ roughly $29,000.00

D. We have 2 bad checks from the same lady. She is in jail, kid has quit the team. Will offer mother to volunteer to work off payment.

GMM meeting June 6th at 2:00 PES

Next Board meeting is July 6th, 2016.

Minutes approved as read, motionMarlin Hood, second by Brent Gann.

Members present Alan, Emory, Kelly, Wendy, Anne, Marlin, Brent.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:15
