Complete, save, print. Collect signatures.
Kenyon College
Synoptic Major Proposal
Proposed Title:
Class of Student ID # GPA
Student Signature: ______
A. Although you may have to list some courses tentatively, please complete the next page of this form by listing all courses you expect to undertake in your entire Kenyon career. Each course should be listed such as: Econ 11, Intro to Econ (.50).
B. Once your proposal is refined and meets the approval of your advisers (do not gather their signatures yet), you should provide each of your advisers and the Associate Provost with a copy, and arrange for a meeting of you and your advisers and the Associate Provost. At this meeting, you should be prepared to explain the scope and limits of your proposed major, and answer any questions about it that may arise. Once your advisers and the Associate Provost are satisfied that they understand your proposed major, you will be excused from the meeting. Your committee will then determine whether or not your major is an acceptable one. If it is, then the members of your committee will sign their approval. You will be notified of their decision on the next day.
Primary Adviser: ______
*Primary Dept. Chair: ______
Second Adviser: ______
*Second Dept. Chair: ______
Third Adviser: ______
*Third Dept. Chair: ______
Change of Adviser
Former Adviser:
I acknowledge this change of adviser and am returning the student advisement folder to the Associate Provost
Signature Date
Associate Provost: ______
Signature Date
Received in the Registrar’s office: ______
Signature Date
* Department chairs are indicating AWARENESS, not necessarily approval.
List all courses you expect to undertake in your entire Kenyon career.
(i.e., Econ 11, Intro to Econ (.50)
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