
October 2015 Newsletter “Know Your Faith”

Upcoming Meetings:

Tuesday 9-29-2015-8:00pm Officers’ Meeting Heritage House

Thursday 10-1-2015 8:00pm Business Meeting Heritage House

Thursday 10-1-15 7:00 pm Laudato Si Discussion Cafeteria

Sat/Sunday 10/10/15 10/11/15 Church Drive All Masses

Saturday 10/24/15- 8:30 am Cemetery Clean Up Mt. Carmel Cemetery

Grand Knight’s Comments:

Dear Brother Knights: I had the privilege and honor of serving at the opening Mass of the World Meeting of Families as Color Corp on Tuesday September 22nd, and as a volunteer for the Papal Mass on Sunday September 27. These events gave me the opportunity to see firsthand the beauty and piety of our Catholic Faith, and to obtain a true understanding of the worldwide commitment and devotion that our fellow Catholic have for our Faith. I meet a group of young nuns from the Bronx, who spent 8 hours signing God’s praises. I meet nuns from Poland, who teach at Academy High School in Philadelphia, who have come to America to help spread the word of God to young Catholic children here in America. Most impressive, however, were the many volunteers from the Knights of Columbus who were at these events, and who offered their time, energy and enthusiasm to help make this a successful event. It made me proud to be an American, a Catholic and a Knight of Columbus.

Jim Bonn, Ron Curry, Joe Badowski Ed Michalk, Joe Badowski

Laudato Si

On Thursday evening at 7 pm October 1st in the cafeteria, we will be hosting the first (of three parts) of our parish discussion of Pope Francis’ recent encyclical, “Laudato Sí,” “On Care for our Common Home.” This week, Fr. Damian will lead the discussion of the overview of the encyclical, where the Holy Father reminds us that we cannot rely simply on technology, but are called to “… a change of humanity,” and that we must consider what it means to “… take us to the heart of what it is to be human.” Additional discussions will also take place on 10/8 and 10/15 in the cafeteria. All Knights are encouraged to attend.

San Alfonso Retreat

The New Jersey State Council K of C is holding its annual retreat at San Alfonso Retreat Center , 755 Ocean Ave., Long Branch, NJ 07740 Oct. 23 - 25. This year's theme will be "Living in Love". A NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee of$25.00is required. The cost is $200.00 less the deposit. If you are interested, contact Joseph Orosz , FDD, 31 Virginia Ave., Carteret, NJ 07008-1235 (home 732-541-7882 or cell 908-313-1410 or e-mail ). The deposit is made out to San Alfonso Retreat House and mailed by Oct. 12 to Br. Orosz. Questions may also be directed to Dick Bakley (856-235-7972 or ).

Council Programs

Papal Mass Simulcast: I hope all of our members and their families were able to witness at least part of our Holy Father’s visit. Whether you went to Philadelphia or watched on TV, Pope Francis’ presence was historic and his words were profound. Our Council provided the gold and white bunting that was installed under the OLGC sign at the main church. We also held a simulcast of the Papal Mass in the cafeteria. A small group turned out – including Father Damian and Father Jim – to watch, laugh, remark, and enjoy refreshments. Thanks to all who attended and all who helped with this event.

PGK Dinner: Be sure to get your reservations in for the Past Grand Knight’s Dinner. This year we are honoring Dr. John Sherry for his accomplishments and achievements in the 2014-2015 Columbian year. The dinner will be held Thursday, October 29th, at 7pm at Tarantella Ristorante in Medford. Reservation form is attached to the newsletter. Pre-payment is required and is due October 18th.


Rosary Rally – Oct 4th, 3pm, St John Neuman, Mt Laurel

Membership Drive – Oct 10th – 11th

Open House – Oct 22nd, 7:30pm, OLGC Cafeteria

Cemetery Maintenance – Oct 24th, Mt Carmel Cemetery, Camden Ave, Moorestown

Church Activity

The Silver Rose of Our Lady of Guadalupe is here in NJ until October 18. Six Silver Roses will begin their journey across North America, from Canada to the United States to Mexico. The 2015 Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose - One Life, One Rose Program will conclude on December 12, 2015 on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Monterrey, Mexico. We love our dear Blessed Mother and this is one beautiful way and a powerful expression to show our devotion to Her!! Conduct a Silver Rose Program in your Church - Booklets are available for the program which can include any or all: rosary, readings, prayers, litany, petitions, etc.

The follow is a list of activities that our Council has planned for the upcoming Columbian year.

Council Retreat / Blood Drives / Knight of the Month
First Sat. Devotion / Food Drive / PGK Dinner
Memorial Mass / St. Vincent de Paul / Honorary Membership
Pride in Priest / Eyes for Needy / 1st Degree Exemp.
Keep Christ in Christmas / Cemetery Clean Up / Rosary Rally
RSVP / Turkey Donation / Phillies Raffle Sale
KC in Christmas Poster
Baby Bottle Drive / Lunch with Santa / Scholarships
Roses for Life / Christmas Party / School Spirit Award
Options for Women / Movie Night / Letters to Seminarians
First Way Burl. Co. / Golf Outing / BB Free Throw
Good Counsel Home / Pancake Breakfast / Disabilities Drive
Soceer Challenge

As you can see my Brother Knights, we have a very busy agenda scheduled for this year and we need your help. Thanking you in advance for your help.

George Tower, Deputy Grand Knight and Program Director

609-304-2743 (Cell)

856-437-0435 (Home)


During the weekend of October 10th and 11th Council 1082 will be conducting our Church Drive at each Mass to help recruit new members to join the Knights of Columbus. I am calling upon each member of our Council to join us at anyone of the Masses to help greet potential members and to discuss with them the benefits of joining the Knights of Columbus. I am challenging each of you to try to recruit at least one new member to our order during the upcoming Columbian Year. Matt DiPaula is our new Membership Director. If any men wishing to join our organization, you can forward their information to myself Matt DiPaula.

Matthew S. DiPaula|Cell: 856-577-1253| Email: |
Seton Hall University Class of 2014

There is a 1st Degree Scheduled for Wednesday, October 5th in Haddon Heights and a 2nd Degree Scheduled for November 4, 2015 in Haddon Heights NJ. If you are a First Degree Knight of Columbus and interested in taking your Second Degree please contact Tom Bell at 856-235-6266 or .

I am pleased to report that Jeffrey Napoliello took his First Degree Exemplification at Holy Eucharist Church in Tabernacle, NJ on Thursday September 17th, and is now officially a Knight of Columbus and a member of Council 1082. Jeff lives in Moorestown and is an executive with Lockheed Martin. He is married with 2 children. Jeff is a graduate of the Naval Academy, where he earned a degree in nuclear engineering. Please welcome Jeff to our Council

Fourth Degree Report

If you are a Third Degree Knight of Columbus please consider joining the Fourth Degree. The next Fourth Degree Exemplification will be held in Cherry Hill, NJ on 11/15/15 so now is an excellent time to join. The deadline for submitting your application to the Assembly is 10/1/15.

Pro-Life Message

According to an article on the USCCB website an other Planned Parenthood video has found its way to the surface. This one shows The president of Planned Parenthood having lunch with staff. She is eating lunch and drinking wine as she talks about the importance Of preserving the condition of parts being harvested from aborted babies. The condition of these parts reflect the amount which can be charges as The babies’ parts are sold for research. At the same time we have people Preaching how important it is for women’s health to continue sending Tax-payer dollars to local Planned Parenthood centers.

Joe Graham, :Pro-Life Director.

Pope Francis’s historic visit to the United States has inspired our nation toward a greater commitment to the flourishing of all of creation through respect for the dignity of the human person, especially the most vulnerable among us, including the unborn. This week we have the opportunity to put this call into action.
The U.S. House of Representatives will consider a bill, H.R. 3495, “The Women’s Public Health and Safety Act,” which will allow states the freedom to exclude abortion providers from Medicaid funding. Please contact your representative with this message and encourage him or her to vote for this important legislation. Taxpayers should not be forced to fund the abortion industry, either directly or indirectly.
In his address to the U.S. bishops last week, Pope Francis reminded us of our responsibility to speak out to protect life:

The innocent victim of abortion, children who die of hunger or from bombings, immigrants who drown in the search for a better tomorrow, the elderly or the sick who are considered a burden, the victims of terrorism, wars, violence and drug trafficking, the environment devastated by man’s predatory relationship with nature – at stake in all of this is the gift of God, of which we are noble stewards but not masters. It is wrong, then, to look the other way or to remain silent.

Supporting this legislation is one small but important step we can take on behalf of those who need of our protection. Thank you once again for your efforts on behalf of human life.
Vivat Jesus!
Carl A. Anderson
Supreme Knight

Religious & Civil Liberties:

The House of Representatives passed the bill to defund Planned Parenthood. I am sorry to report that in the Senate the vote had 54 supporters 6 votes short of the 60 needed to pass the bill. it is important to note that the vote in both houses was very much a party line vote with almost all Republicans voting for defunding and Democrats favoring funding.

The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, an act to ban partial birth abortion, that had been passed by the House was also defeated in the Senate on a largely party line vote. It would have banned abortion after 5

months gestation. Only 7 nations allow abortion after 5 months gestation. Among these are North Korea, China and the United States of America. Our two senators, Booker and Menendez, were among those that voted to

defeat both these bills.

Action Items

Please ask your members to take action on the following acts:

The First Amendment Defense Act H.R. 2808

Please ask your members to contact their Congressman and ask him tosupport The First Amendment Defense Act H.R. 2808 (FADA). So far, two NJ house members, Garrett and Smith, have committed to support this bill. FADA is a common sense policy. It would ensure that no federal agency will ever revoke non-profit tax-exempt status or deny grants, contracts, accreditation, or licenses to individuals or institutions for following their faiths’ teachings about the nature of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act

The Doctor Assisted Suicide Bill (the Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act S382/A2270.) may become active again, as a result of the passage by the California Legislature of a similar act. This bill has already passed the

Assembly so please ask your members to contact their StateSenator and ask him/her to vote against this bill. An easy way to contact a State Senator is to use the NJCC site described below. Ask your members to routinely go to the NJ Catholic Conference website and click on the Faith in Action icon. This will allow them to easily communicate their views to the Legislature on any issues of concern posted by the Catholic Conference.

Please pray for our country.

Thank you for all you are doing to protect life, marriage, and religious liberty.

Jim White,

State Council Religious and Civil Rights Chairman

{609} 586-0784

2015 Council Golf Outing

Our Council held their Annual Golf Outing on September 2015 at Ramblewood Country Club. We had over 40 golfers participate in this event, which was followed by a wonderful dinner where trophies were awarded for lowest score, longest drive, closet to the pin and putting contest winner. Through our Council’s efforts with this event we were able to raise over $6,000. The Golf Outing is the largest fundraiser for our Council! The proceeds of this golf outing will be donated to the following Charities:

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Options for Women

Catholics Charities

Good Counsel Home

Many thanks to our 2015 golf committee, especially, Jim Horsley and Jim Walton who dedicated may hours of their time to help run this event. Many thanks as well to our many sponsors and donors who contributed money and gifts for our outing. The follow is a list of these sponsors and donors:

Hole Sponsors

Abbruzzi and Giunta’s Italian Market & Catering / Options for Women
Barlow Auto Group / Ouellette & Associates Inc.
Beechwood School / Petulla & Petulla
Bevan Security Systems / Quaker Wealth Management
Capehart Scatchard Attorneys At Law / South Jersey Eye Physicians
Carl’s Shoes / Tait Roofing
Criterion Claim Service / Tech of the Town
Derrmatology Physicians of South Jersey / The Flynn Company
Essex Group / Ward's Automotive
GFP Enterprises/Moorestown McDonalds / Anthony Pizzo
Holman Lincoln Ford / Albert Chinappi
John Verderame & Sons / Mario Nicolais
Landstar Express America / National Forensic Consultants
LaVita Pizza
Leonberg Nursery
Maple Shade Auto
McChesney Funeral Home
Moorestown Memorial Home
Mount Laurel Bagels
Mount Laurel Home for Funerals

Gift Sponsors