
SPF SIG Sub-Grant Proposal Instructions

This document serves as a template for SPF SIG sub-grant proposals in the event that SPF SIG funds will be dispersed to community agencies for expansion or extension of prevention activities (e.g., afterschool programs). Other documents available on the IRPC website (www.drugs.indiana.edu/spf_doc/cir- implementation.html) may prove useful for evaluating the merits of a proposal including the Intervention Selection Scoring Sheet and Questions You Might Want to Ask a Developer as You Explore the Possible Use of an Intervention document. Your IPRC evaluator is available to assist you with developing measures, writing objectives, and reviewing proposals. Please utilize your TA provider for any other assistance.

It is recommended that all potential SPF SIG Sub-Grantees submit a proposal that includes the following:


Provide a data-driven rationale for your program using data from the community’s epidemiological profile. In addition, provide a description of the capacity and infrastructure that will support the proposed prevention activities including training of staff (e.g., IAPP certification or IPRC training).

Capacity Building

Describe how SPF SIG sub-grant funds will increase capacity for prevention in the community. Capacity building outcomes could include participation in the LAC and/or related workgroups, provision of data to the epidemiological profile (e.g., IPRC school survey data), or participation in the community readiness survey.


Describe the scope of planned evidence-based prevention activities. Illustrate how the planned activities fit with the needs assessment results. Outline the evidence of effectiveness for the activities. Describe and outline the details of how grant resources will be deployed.


Describe the implementation of the planned prevention activities including the expected outcomes, staff and volunteers, roles, and timelines as well as assurance of culturally competent practices and sustainability.


Submit an evaluation plan (see sample provided by the Indiana Prevention Resource Center) that includes a complete logic model and narrative. At minimum, plans should include the collection of National Outcomes Measures (NOMs) for program participants (not required for environmental strategies), completion of the Community Level Instrument (CLI) Part II, periodic meetings and reporting on outcomes, participation in site visit(s), and completion of the implementation section of the fidelity instrument.