When you live your life “by the rules”, you don’t anticipate the “unexpected” to be a part of your life. Michael, age 26, young and healthy, cruised through his early years with goals and plans to be followed. He graduated college in 2002, got married in 2004, and bought his first house in 2005. His smooth course changed in January 2006. Within the same week, Mike’s grandmother passed away, his wife Erin proudly announced that they were pregnant with their first child, and Michael was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.

Michael spent the majority of January in Barnes Jewish Hospital under the care of doctors who are being challenged because a young, athletic, non-smoker should not have this type of cancer. Michael’s cancer is not a text book case. The doctors have an aggressive chemotherapy program designed that Michael should be starting this week. We are optimistic that with the treatments he will eventually be able to return to work and have his normal lifestyle back.

First and foremost, we are asking for your thoughts and prayers for them at this difficult time. On Friday, March 3, 2006 we are having a Benefit Dinner-Dance and Silent Auction to help offset some of their expenses. We would greatly appreciate any item(s) you would be willing to donate to help us in this endeavor.

Items mailed should be sent to: Tim Maguire

710 Blumhoff Ave.

Wentzville, MO 63385


Items may be dropped off at Tim’s house or:

Donna Smith Marsha Birk Toni Diani

3443 Brookwood Circle 623 Woodbriar Lane 3440 Hereford St.

St. Charles, MO 63301 St. Peters, MO 63376 St. Louis, MO 63139

636-947-4996 636-928-6028 314-832-2799

If you would prefer to make a cash donation, a special account has been set up for them.

Make checks payable to: Mike Diani Benefit

Mail to: Mike Diani Benefit, C/O Regions Bank, 1416 Harvestowne Industrial Dr., St. Charles, MO 63304

We would like to receive all donations no later than February 25, 2006, so we can put together an auction book to help with selecting items. However, late donations will be accepted up until the night of the benefit. Please note this is a non-tax deductible event.

Family and friends who are planning to attend the Dinner-Dance/Silent Auction need to call one of the above drop off people to buy tickets. Tickets ($40.00 per person) will be sold on a first come first serve basis.

March 3, 2006 7:00pm – 11:30pm Includes dinner, Open bar, DJ

Trigg Banquet Center, 300 O’Fallon Plaza, O’Fallon, MO Phone: 636-240-3288 .

Thank you for your help and support,

Tim Maguire, Donna Smith and Jeanine Dickherber
