Minutes of a meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on 5TH June 2007 in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall at 7.15pm.

Present:Cllr P R Burley (Chairman),

Cllrs Mrs S Melladay, WH Rawson MBE, M Spencer, R Clements, Mrs S Manders, G Fletcher, Mrs K Storey, C Lowery and GP Young

Two members of the public were present

CountyCouncillor Mrs C Talbot, District Councillor M Gallagher & Mr J E Stanley – Clerk to Council were in attendance

Public Session

Police Report – PCSO Flanagan reported that 12 offences had been recorded within the Parish over the preceding month the offences included criminal damage, assault and theft. PCSO Flanagan then answered a number of questions from the members regarding matters within the village, the responses were noted.

County Council – County Councillor Mrs Talbot having sent a report to the Council regarding the voluntary Youth Club, which had been circulated to the Members prior to the meeting, gave Council further information as to the source of funds received and also advised the Members present that Malcolm Ryan Youth Service Manager (West), was committed to the formalisation of a Youth Service Provision within Bracebridge Heath and would be happy to meet the Council to progress this. CountyCouncillor Mrs Talbot advised the members present that the Annual Civic Service would be held on Sunday 8th July and extended an invitation to the Members to attend. Cllr Rawson MBE raised the matter of the poor quality of a repair that had been carried out to the footpath outside the John Bull Public House; Cllr Mrs Talbot agreed to inspect the repair and take the matter forward with the relevant officers.

District Council–A resident of Davy’s Lane asked if a response had been received regarding the request for non-council tenants to be permitted to use the tenant car park on Davy’s Lane. No response had yet been received; Cllr Gallagher would take this forward with the Housing Officers. Cllr Gallagher reported that there are plans to review the Parish Partnership allocations with a view to splitting the Witham and CliffVillages.

Cllr W H Rawson MBE declared a Personal Interest as a life member of Bracebridge Heath Day Centre.

Cllr Rawson MBE asked District Councillor Gallagher to clarify and explain the situation regarding the wardens and warden control at Beech Court, what are the duties of the warden and what would occur in the case of emergencies. A question was also raised regarding the empty property formally the warden’s residence. Cllr Rawson MBE requested a written reply to the points raised. Cllr Gallagher would attend to this.

District Councillor Burley advised the meeting a scheme for elderly and infirm residents to have their waste bins collected from the doorstep rather than the footpath; residents need to contact NKDC and this can be arranged. Smaller bins are also available for wheelchair users, again contact NKDC for details. A query was being progressed regarding the question of a right of way via the car park at the Blacksmiths Arms.

Council Session

087/2007 - Apologies for Absence – Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Appleton, Ward and District Cllr Pring

088/2007 - Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda – No declarations of items on the Agenda were made

089/2207 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th May 2007- Council received the minutes of the meeting held 8th May 2007; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.


Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 8th May 2007, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman

090/2007 - Clerks Report on ongoing matters - The Clerk updated the Council on the following matters; School Crossing Patrol, Arenway re litter, NKDC re Section 106 Agreements re Barrett Estate, Bus Shelters, Speed Cameras, Dog Warden, Roller Shutter, Litter, Damage at the Pavilion and Bowling Green. The mobile skate park had been booked from Monday 6th August to Thursday 9th August to be situated on the tennis courts at the Recreation Ground.

091/2007 - Bracebridge Heath Youth Club–Members discussed at length the report from Cllr Mrs Talbot regarding the voluntary Youth Club, Cllr Spencer gave the members some additional information regarding the accounts. Following discussion it was proposed and seconded that the Parish Council seeks to meet Malcolm Ryan of the Youth Service to progress the formal establishment of a County Council supported Youth Club provision in Bracebridge Heath.


Resolved: The Parish Council seek to meet Malcolm Ryan of the Youth Service to progress the formal establishment of a County Council supported Youth Club provision in Bracebridge Heath.

It was further proposed and seconded that the Council inform the funding provider that the Youth Club is no longer in operation and advise the members of the Management Committee of this action.


Resolved: Council inform the funding provider that the Youth Club is no longer in operation and advise the members of the Management Committee of this action.

092/2007 - Removal of the unused bus shelter on Grantham Road – it was proposed and seconded that the handyman be requested to removed the unused bus shelter on Grantham Road located by Viking Court as this is no longer situated on a bus route.


Resolved:The handyman be requested to remove the unused bus shelter on Grantham Road located by Viking Court as this is no longer situated on a bus route.

093/2007 - Report from the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee meeting of 29th May 2007 – Cllr Mrs Manders gave a report on the meeting of the Planning Lighting & Roads Committee held on 29th May 2007 the following Planning Applications and Decisions had been received:-

Planning applications received -1st May 2007 - 31st May 2007
07/0433 / Erection of two storey dwelling and garage - 1 Worcester Close
07/0482 / Change of use from chiropodist to retail - The Village Store, Bentley Drive
07/0554 / Single storey extension to side and conservatory to rear - 6 Lagonda Close
07/0599 / Proposed rear conservatory - 21 Appian Way
Planning Decisions Received - 1st May 2007 - 31st May 2007
0390/07 / Erection of a single storey rear extension - 31 Churchill Avenue
0360/07 / Erection of 2 storey extension - 61 Lichfield Road

It was proposed and seconded that the report from the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee meeting held on 29th May 2007 be accepted and the recommendations therin be made resolution of Full Council.

Vote:9 votes in favour, o votes against, 1 abstention – Cllr P R Burley

Resolved: The report from the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee meeting held on 29th May 2007 be accepted and the

recommendations therin be made resolution of Full Council

094/2007 - Report from the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee – Cllr Burley gave a report on the May meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee the following items had been discussed; damage to the doors, CCTV, football, bowls club, youth club and tennis courts / club.

095/2007 - Review and consider for approval the payment of accounts to 31st May 2007 - The Clerk to Council presented the accounts for payment and confirmed all accounts were in order and within the budget. It was proposed and seconded that Council approve the payment of the accounts.

Vote:UnanimousResolved:That payment of the accounts to 31st May 2007 be approved by Council

400741 / Parish Dog Warden Services / May Account / £215.76
400742 / Archer Safety Signs / No Smoking Signs / £37.19
400743 / Allianz Cornhill / Insurance Premium / £2,144.57
400744 / ABB / Street Light Repair / £27.58
400745 / Powergen / Pavillon Account / £206.61
400746 / Bracebridge Heath Village Hall / Room Hire / £15.00
400747 / Serviceteam / Grass Cutting / £218.55
400748 / Mohawk Security Ltd / Rec Ground Gates / £376.00
400749 / Bracebridge Heath Recreation Ground / Running Costs / £1,500.00
400750 / Salaries, Allowances / Handyman & Reimbursement / £721.79

096/2007 - Clerks report on items of correspondence received to 31st May 2007 - The following items of correspondence and publications received since the previous meeting were presented to the Parish Council for information and noted:

Lincolnshire County Council – Transport & Travel Briefing

St John’sPrimary School, St John the EvangelistChurch and Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holders Association – Thank you letters for payment of Grant

BestKeptVillage Competition – Confirmation of entry

NKDC – Information on smoke-free law

NKDC – Notice of the appointment of District Councillor Burley to the Recreation Ground Committee

NKDC – Code of Conduct Training

FWAG – Spring / Summer Magazine

097/ 2007 Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting to be held on 3rd July 2007 – The following items were requested to be placed on the Agenda for the next Council meeting to be held on 3rd July 2007; purchase of goal posts, questions re revise Model Code of Conduct, Remembrance Sunday and August Recess.

098/2007 Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public.{As per the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960}- It was proposed and seconded that under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 099/2007 & 100/2007 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Resolved:That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from

the meeting for the consideration of minute no 099/2007 & 100/2007 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act

099/2007 - Wayleave – Redhall Lane – Members reviewed correspondence from Langleys Solicitors regarding the granting of wayleave over Redhall Lane; the contents were noted and the Clerk was instructed to reply appropriately.

100/2007 – Correspondence from Langleys Solicitors re Public Open Spaces -Correspondence and advice had been received from Langleys Solicitors re Public Open Spaces and were discussed; the contents of the correspondence were noted.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Signed______Chairman3rd July 2007

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