Injury Surveillance Workgroup Conference Call (Workgroup 3)

July 30, 2012

Call Attendees:

·  Organizers/administrators:

o  Nancy Bill (Injury Prevention Manager, IHS, co-lead of project)

o  Holly Billie (Injury Prevention Specialist, CDC, co-lead of project)

o  Marguerite Carroll (Falmouth Institute, Project Manager)

o  Laura Brooks (Falmouth Institute, Curriculum Development)

o  Basla Andolsun (Falmouth Institute, Curriculum Development)

·  Workgroup members:

o  Bridget Canniff (Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, Project Manager, Tribal Epidemiology Project)

o  Jason Hymer (Phoenix Area IHS, Reno District OEHE)

Agenda :

1.  General comments from WG3 about materials/other thoughts

  1. Refer back to larger group and make sure we aren’t missing anything we’re assuming they’ll cover.
  2. Coordinate with WG 2 to see where some of this best fits.

2.  Finish reviewing CDC Objective 6 materials

  1. Pages 45-47
  2. Remove
  3. Page 48
  4. Table 3
  5. Put in appendix and mention material is available to look at. Interesting for thinking about where you want to put your surveillance efforts.
  6. Update it. It’s based on Community Guide, and there’s been an update.
  7. Is no Indian Country report available.
  8. Table 4
  9. Combine this with Table 3 into one effective strategy guide.
  10. Page 49
  11. Useful for folks to access, but expand/include other injuries that are more relevant to Indian Country: Falls, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Suicide Prevention, Drowning Prevention
  12. See what’s being used for examples elsewhere in the manual/course
  13. Page 50-51
  14. Use San Carlos motor vehicle example instead
  15. Update list and provide Indian-specific references, websites.
  16. Page 52
  17. Keep. Review of how to identify priority injuries. Refer people to appendix for b and c.
  18. Page 53
  19. Just reference it and let folks know this tool is available. Give blank example as reference to work on on your own.
  20. Pages 54-57
  21. Starting earlier (4.1 on page 52) through 57, review process of how to go about using these tools, but include matrix in appendix and have them do it on their own if they need to review it.
  22. Page 58
  23. Adapt this to make it match what we took out.
  24. Instead of “You should be able to…”, “You’ve reviewed…”

3.  Review IHS materials on Data Analysis & Interpretation

  1. Slides 1-5.
  2. Should have already been covered extensively in Levels I & II
  3. Balancing act of making sure folks are up to speed but not getting bogged down in too much review.
  4. Slide 6
  5. Start getting into it here, at “Injury is not randomly distributed in a population…”
  6. We need to get people pretty quickly to third bullet, “our role is to identify…”
  7. Review what an epi-curve is. Put picture in to remind folks. Then move on.
  8. Mention that we’ll assume a basic knowledge of epidemiology, and if you need a review of key terms, see the glossary
  9. Slide 7
  10. Talk about accessibility of data. How collected and by whom.
  11. Discussion of how this plays out in Indian Country
  12. Linkages can help, but mortality studies are much more comprehensive than morbidity ones.
  13. Talk about what data is available at state, IHS, and tribal level.
  14. Will differ depending on type of local system and where they get data. Also mention there are differences between different IHS areas.
  15. Discuss doing linkages
  16. Extracting data from different data bases
  17. Note: These are important topics to have a conversation on (in the materials)
  18. Give examples of how different tribal organizations are doing different things.
  19. Discuss what makes data difficult to obtain.
  20. Racial classification in existing data bases
  21. Ex: mortality study w/tribal data base didn’t change overall proportion, but did change overall # due to misidentified people (Basla’s note: is that reversed?)

c.  Note to Falmouth: listen to recorded conversation to get complete conversation here.

  1. Bring this up to WG 2 and have them explore where it fits in
  2. Slides 8-10
  3. Update – this is from level II, and don’t want to repeat same materials over and over.
  4. Combine 8-10 into one discussion. “Remember… what is risk, how calculated, how we can use surveillance to think about calculating risk” rather than giving definitions.
  5. Slides 11-22
  6. These are being reviewed by WG 2 – better off there if they are working on it. Make sure they know it won’t be dealt with by this WG.
  7. Some of this is important to review, and other group should include.
  8. Ex: Slide 20 is important. More advanced.

4.  Scheduling Next Meeting

a.  August 14, 2:00-3:00 EDT.

To Do:


·  Note that at the next meeting we will be reviewing IHS materials relating to IHS Objectives #2 and #7, starting with the slides on Data Collection Planning from the PowerPoint presentation called Level 2 Data Collection Planning Billings Area 2011.


·  Send meeting invitation for August 14, 2:00-3:00 EDT

·  Make sure WG 2 understands that WG 3 will not be covering overlapping materials discussed above (slides 11-22 of Data Analysis and Interpretation)

·  Have WG 2 decide where some of this info best fits


·  As it firms up, create outline based on feedback from call and send to WG3 members

·  Post call notes online

·  Email call notes to all WG leaders as well as all WG3 members

Injury Surveillance Conference Call Summary (Workgroup 3, meeting #2)
