Career Services Office

Incoming Student Profile: Class of 2016 (Current full-time day students)

Please drop this in the designated box when you leave this session, do not take it with you! Thank you.



Phone number: Email (other than Kent):

Hometown, State:

Undergraduate School, Location: Degree/Major: Grad Date:

Graduate Degree(s) (please include field of study and date):

Do you have post-undergraduate work experience? _____Yes ____No

If so, please specify in what fields and how many years of experience:

Are you working now? If so, position and employer: ______

Please list any additional skills or certifications/licenses (i.e. foreign languages, Patent Agent, CPA, etc.):

Areas of law in which you may be interested:


_____Antitrust/trade regulation

_____Banking /finance


_____Civil Rights/Constitutional







_____Criminal – Defense

_____Criminal – Prosecution


_____Employee Benefits/pension





_____Govt. Contracts

_____Health Care



_____Intellectual Property/Patent



_____Judicial Clerkship

_____Labor/Employment – Labor

_____Labor/Employment – Mgmt

_____Land Use/Zoning


_____Litigation – civil

_____Litigation – criminal


_____Medical Malpractice



_____Personal Injury/Product Liability



_____Public Interest

_____Public Utility

_____Real Estate


_____Solo Practitioner







_____Worker’s Compensation

_____Other (please specify)




Type of employer in which you may be interested:

_____Law firm

____very large (501+)

____large (101 - 500)

____medium (26-100)

____small (11-25)

____very small (2-10)



____in-house legal dept


_____Accounting Firm


____in-house legal dept.


_____Public interest

____legal services org.

____public defender





_____Judicial clerkship


____JAG Corps

____civilian attorney


____law school faculty

____law librarian

____legal writing instructor

____other (specify)______

_____Alternative Career/Other Setting (please specify)



Certificate Programs at Chicago-Kent in which you may be interested:

____ Business Law ____ Intellectual Property Law _____ Litigation & Alternative Dispute Resolution

____ Criminal Litigation ____ International & Comparative Law _____ Public Interest Law

____ Environmental & Energy Law ____ Labor & Employment Law

Geographic preference:



____North suburbs

____West suburbs

____South suburbs

____Downstate (specify)


Out of State:



_____Los Angeles/Orange County/San Diego

_____Miami/Other FL______

_____New York

_____San Francisco/Bay

Area/Silicon Valley

Out of State (continued):

_____Seattle, WA

_____Texas (specify)______

_____Other (specify)______

_____ International (list country or city)


