Enhanced 2YO Provider Programme Pilot – 2nd July 2014

Requests for training to include:

·  Interactions/scaffolding learning

·  Challenging children

·  SPA pathway

·  Working with parents

·  E-Learning journey – other staff

·  Attachment

·  Emotional support for children

·  Mental health

What’s Working Well

·  Awareness of 2YO funding offer – good uptake

·  Planning and assessment eg Best fits and next steps

·  Looking at practice as a whole for all children

·  Children starting earlier leads to better outcomes.

·  Highlights possible disadvantaged children early

·  Entitlement can be split by Term Time Only or All Year Round

·  It is what it says on the tin “Early Intervention”

·  Consistency for children

·  Being given someone to talk to about 2YO funding

·  Increase in 2YOs

·  Progress seen in the children accessing 2YO funding through their language, routine etc.

·  Supporting parents with ideas to use at home

·  Building relationships with parents from an early stage; trusted relationships

·  Advice form Speech and Language therapy benefiting other children in the setting.

·  Using real life experiences “heuristic play”.

·  Room leader doing 1 to 1 work with keyperson about children eg colour coding of ECAT (every child a talker)

·  Peer observations at all levels

·  Developing home learning packs for 2YOs

·  Parental workshops eg nutrition, Speech and Language

·  Building relationships with Health Visitors.

Even Better If…

·  Family Support Worker in place

·  Level 3 staff – (experienced)

·  Attendance

·  Paid Lunches

·  Wages to reflect funding

·  Funding for peer support, lunches (FSM children get lunch at school)

·  Emergency crisis – wouldn’t it be cheaper to use EY setting rather than the child be taken into care? “consistency” for child

·  Be better if we didn’t have to think of the cost for putting in support.

·  2YO funded children were monitored from 3+.

·  We are finding that some are not attending. Is a contract made?

·  Focus on whole nursery not just 2yO for funding

·  More real life experiences for hiclren

·  Triple buggies to take children out more

·  Taking children out into the world –trips/outings etc

·  Could we have them more often?