2014 American Academy of Family Physicians

Annual Leadership Forum (ALF)

Request for Proposals

Please note: This Word form is available to assist you as you finalize your responses to this RFP. Submissions should be completed online at by October 14, 2013. Contact Lauren Wiedt at or (800) 274-2237, ext. 6811 with questions.

Presenter(s) Information:

Main Presenter’s Contact Information:

  • Name: ___
  • Credentials (MD, FAAFP, MBA, , CAE, CMP):
  • Company:
  • Phone:
  • Email:

Will there be additional presenters in this session: [Y/N] [IF YES, THE FOLLOWING FIELDS WILL POPULATE]

Additional Presenters’ Information:

  • Presenter 2:
  • Name:
  • Credentials (MD, FAAFP, MBA, CMP):
  • Company:
  • Email:
  • Presenter 3:
  • Name:
  • Credentials (MD, FAAFP, MBA, CMP):
  • Company:
  • Email:
  • Presenter 4:
  • Name:
  • Credentials (MD, FAAFP, MBA, CMP):
  • Company:
  • Email:

Session Details:

  • Leadership: governance, strategic planning, volunteer recruitment, training, running effective meetings, succession planning
  • Operations:administration, HR, staffing, professional development
  • Membership: recruitment, retention, engagement, marketing strategies
  • Non-Dues Revenue: affinity programs, events/meetings, exhibit halls, grantwriting, sponsorships, chapter foundations
  • Communications/Marketing: content strategy, newsletters, websites, social media, public relations, branding
  • Advocacy:lobbying, government relations (state and federal), motivating members to act, practice management
  • Other: topics outside of the above areas are not common, but will be considered.
  • Presentation Type - DROP-DOWN MENU SELECTIONS:
  • Lecture: presentation by one or more presenters followed by a period to answer questions
  • Ignite Session:presenters are given five minutes to present 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds
  • Structured Discussion: a presentation with discussion opportunities throughout the session
  • Panel Discussion:a moderated discussion by panel members
  • Case Study: a presenter discusses an analysis of a real-life situation
  • Intended Audience: (select all that apply)
  • Chapter staff
  • Chapter presidents/presidents-elect
  • All chapter-elected leaders
  • Aspiring leaders
  • Session Title:
  • Session Learning Objectives:

List at least three learning objectives – what the presenter(s) intends to accomplish in the session, and what the audience should know or be able to do as a result of attending the session.


  • Session Description:

The session description should be concise, creative, and reflective of learner outcomes and session objectives. If selected, the description may be modified for use in marketing materials.

  • Preferred Presentation Date: [RANK IN PREFERRED ORDER]
  • Pre-Conference Session: Wednesday, April 30, 2014
  • Thursday, May 1, 2014 (there is limited availability on this date)
  • Friday, May 2, 2014
  • Saturday, May 3, 2014

If you are interested in presenting a second session of a different topic, please complete an additional RFP submission.