GSGA General Assembly Meeting

December 6th 2017

Graduate Student Expo

  • Sign up for the 2018 Graduate Student Expo, Thursday February 15th in the TUC Great Hall from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
  • The Expo is an adjudicated university-wide event that consists of three main competitions:
  • the Three Minute Thesis
  • the Poster Forum
  • the Creative Arts Gallery.
  • Network with professionals!
  • Compete for prizes!
  • January 15th for 3-minute thesis.
  • January 21st deadline for posters.
  • Contact Megan Tischner for more information.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

  • The Senate version of the bill does not include a provision to tax the tuition waivers that graduate students receive as research and teaching assistants.
  • The GSGA is working closely with the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS),and has shared call scripts and contact information so that graduate students can call their state representatives and tell them that we oppose the House version of the bill.
  • President Pinto submitted letters regarding the tax reform (link to letter in GSGA Power Point).
  • GraduateSchool will wait for final version of bill to assess impact on students.

Other Updates

  • The media have published that Richard Spencer will be coming to campus March 14th at Zimmer Hall. However, no contract has been signed yet. We are still awaiting official confirmation from UC.
  • Langsam Library and Nightride operating hours have been updated.
  • BTS shuttle updates: Uptown shuttle route will be eliminated in order to enforce North route. Email GSGA if this affects you.
  • Conference travel award was increased last November for presenters and non-presenters ($100 increase each).
  • Use the GSGA $300 community building money (Group Budget Awards). Please spend before the end of the fiscal year in community-building events.

International Student Fee

  • GSGA met at join Faculty Senate committee meeting with Undergraduate Student Government.
  • Faculty Senate will adopt their own version of resolution.
  • Please inquire what is the international student tuition at your college.
  • Rationale is that some students are covered, so that justification for fee coverage from other sources will be difficult.

Group Grant Awards

  • Next submission deadline is December 15th, 2017.
  • Can apply for subsequent cycles if first is not successful.

GSGA Graduate Spring Ball

  • GSGA Charity Nomination deadline: December 20th.
  • Voting during the January GSGA General Assembly.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Spend your GSGA budget awards!

Ambassador’s Report

  • Drop-off pantry for bearcat pantry through Arts & Science Winter Drive (December 4th to 8th).

GSGA Board of Trustees Report

  • The state may offer to help pay for costs associated with guests who give controversial talks such as Richard Spencer.
  • Current Lindner Business School will house the Law school once the business school is moved and remodeled.
  • UC/Buckeye advocacy Hill day set for Feb 13th.
  • Pushing for bus to take students directly to campus.
  • Great networking opportunity. Participate in engaging talks regarding higher education!
  • Tax Cuts and Budgets Act: Best means is to contact representatives directly by phone or in their office.
  • Honorary degree application requests:
  • Nominations must include a letter of recommendation or a CV.
  • Send to Ryan Makinson at .

Change to IRB Request Process.

  • Switching from IPA system at Children’s Hospital to the university to get greater manpower and for a more efficient process.
  • Looking for student support.

GSA Presentations

  • Audiology
  • Clinical doctorate specializing in hearing imbalance disorders.
  • Affiliated with College of Allied Health Sciences.
  • Multiple outreach events such as Health Fairs.
  • Budget goes towards 5k and picnic events.
  • Students travel to multiple conferences and different hearing aid manufacturers.
  • Civil Engineering
  • Located ERC 7th floor and Baldwin 5th floor.
  • 30 graduate students.
  • Hiring more faculty members.
  • Two main events for students: Student Orientation and Software Workshops for students such as Matlab.
  • Concerned about Tax Cuts and Budgets Act.
  • Concerned about Health Insurance cuts.
  • Speech and Language Pathology.
  • Use group budget award to cover welcome event at Faculty member’s house.
  • Each student is paired with a senior student to learn about the program.
  • Hoping to do ice-cream bar next semester for finals week.
  • Use travel awards for two large conferences in a given year.
  • Physics, History, Sociology, Anthropology, and Mechanical and Materials Engineering GSAs will be presenting at the January General Assembly Meeting!
  • Please email GSGA with any feedback and ideas moving forward!