Chiawana Bulletin Announcements

March 12, 2016

  • Congratulations to our newly elected 2016-17 ASB Officers!

President – Christian Domingos Gardner

Vice President – Chelsey Farias

Secretary – Tatiana Cantu

Treasurer – Mikhaila Hopkins

Co-Treasurer – Kenedy Cartwright

Activities Coordinator – Luz Palominos

Public Relations Officer – Elissa Nunez

  • Students, we are still in need of 14 homes for our Exchange Students. If you don't have room for two students but a bed for one, we have a few single guys. Please talk to Mrs. Sessions if you have any questions, it will be a great experience.
  • Pre-med meeting in Mr. Johnson’s room (M2027) during Hawktime on Friday, March 11th.
  • Don’t forget MEChA meets Monday’s in room M1030 at 2:45pm. A lot of community events coming up we need people to sign up for. Also check your e-mail, CASHE has begun notifying students if accepted to attend conference.
  • Introducing a new club, “Unashamed”! We meet every Tuesday during B lunch in room F1221, directly behind the Gesa Credit Union. We have a student speak on scripture, worship, pray for each other and for our school every week. All are welcome!
  • Buy your tickets for Chiawana Stage Company’s production, “You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown”, the Broadway musical. Tickets are $10 in advanced, $12 at the door. You can purchase your tickets at the ASB office. Show nights…March 10, 11, 17, 18, and 19 at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 12 at 1 p.m.
  • Our next regularly scheduled ASB meeting will be on March 15th during 2nd hour in the Theatre. There are several agenda items, including an important review of our ASB Constitution. Please be sure to send all ASB and class officers, club and room representatives to this meeting.
  • FFA practices Tuesday's & Thursdays after school: parli, creed, public speaking. FFA Jamboree this Thursday-open to any FFA members to experience competition. FFA Sub Districts- Monday after school (creed, parli public speaking) thanks to all AG students that helped on Monday at our can food drive, we appreciate it!
  • Game N' Tech club meets every Thursday after school at 3:00-4:00pm in room D2087. We will be playing games like MOBAS and RPG board games and may have PC and console gaming soon! This club is also about trust and unity as a club. We also may be getting into things related to gaming tournaments once every month with exclusive bragging rights. So, grab a member form and join the Game N' Tech club. We will have a Gentleman’s Dispute tournament with Dungeons and Dragons and anyone is welcome to get a member form and join! If you ever thought of playing league of legends, CS:Go , or hearthstone at a competitive level, come join the GAME N’TECH club as they move into their esport phase.
  • Game N' Tech will also be hosting a school friendly yu-gi-oh and magic of the gathering card tournament soon in the next month. Game N' tech is located in upper D wing room 2087. If you are interested in earning scholarships and finding new opportunities for gaming or esports, come join Game N’ tech in Mrs. Vann’s room upper D wing 2087 and another thing, if you are currently in a team that’s roster for the upcoming high school esports league spring semester please show up to meetings every Thursday of the week.
  • CHS Saturday School Schedule: Saturday, March 19th, 26th, April 16th, 23rd, 30th, May 7th, 14th 21st, June 4th and June 18th at 9:00am - 12:00 noon.
  • Seniors – If you did not fill out a Diploma Name Verification form in your Civics or History class last week, please come to student services andfill one out as soon as possible. This will let us know how you want your name to read on your diploma. Please use your legal name, no nicknames please. We only have a few week before diplomas need to be ordered so don’t wait.
  • Do you want to make history? The yearbook is looking for some amazing staff members for next year. If you are good at meeting deadlines, love attending school events, aren’t afraid to talk to strangers, and want your homework to become someone else’s treasure, consider registering for yearbook!
  • Are you interested in becoming a teacher? Do you like working with kids? Then Teaching Academy is the class for you! You get to go to the elementary school and work with kids on a daily basis and you also earn free college credit! You must have good attendance and be a junior or senior next year. Teaching Academy! Sign up today with Mrs. Riehle.
  • Seniors, please check the list by student services to see if the yearbook has received your photo. This is your chance to make sure you are in this record of YOUR senior year. Seniors!!! Turn in SENIOR PHOTOS now!!! The best way for students to get them to Mrs. Hyde by emailing them to . We respond to every photo we receive. Here’s my “Senior Picture FAQ” from previous years. Get those pictures in. Don’t be left out—this is simply about your senior life! We submit pages on Monday morning!
  • Seniors - please bring your baby pictures for the senior slide show to Ms. Leduc in the Activities Center.
  • Students: You need a Hawk Time stamp or signature from either Mr. Hudson or Mrs. Sessions; if you do not have one you will not be allowed in the seminar room.
  • Behind in credits? Not on track to graduate? We can help! The Washington Youth Academy is a free program for High School students and dropouts, ages 16-18. This is a good opportunity to earn up to 8 credits in one semester! Get back on track and graduate on time! Make today’s challenge tomorrows success! Contact Miss. Gabriela Navarro in Student Services if you need more information.
  • Do you love Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Business? Are you interested in a PAID internship (summer or academic year) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL) or Energy Northwest? Requirements: Are you 16 or older? Have a cumulative 2.5 GPA? Three or more related classes? Have reliable transportation? If you meet the requirements see Ms. Leighty in room F1221 for more information.
  • The River Hawk Blossoms Flower Shop is now open daily with a great staff of designer’s preparing a great selection of items with fresh flowers, roses, balloons, and more for sale. We are open anytime from 3rd-5th period. Located in the F wing behind the cafeteria. We have balloons and many other offers. Love the blooming Hawks crew!
  • College Exploration Workshops Daily: Lunch workshops in D-2102, after school workshops in D-2102.
  • Chess Club meets every Friday at 2:40 pm in room M1030.
  • Key Club meeting Friday both lunches in room C1038. Please be in attendance, aswe have many activities to plan for, including officer electionsin the coming weeks. New members always welcomed! Be a part of something greater than yourself, Key Club!
  • The Talon Room is now open for tutoring. Please come see us, we are open from 7:15am-5pm Monday-Thursday, and 4pm on Fridays. Get a stamp from us for Hawktime. We also offer front of the lunch line passes for lunch tutoring.
  • Congratulations to a great start Riverhawk Nation! If you are looking for college after high school and want to build up your scholarship bank, please come see GEAR UP for Hawktime. We run daily "College Works" seminars in the upstairs D wing lab. Get a stamp and come get started.
  • Buddy Club is now accepting applications. Applications can be picked up in Ms. Fowler's room D1026 or Mrs. Kelso's room D1109. Completed applications can be returned to Ms. Fowler or Mrs. Kelso. Buddy Club Lunches have started! Come join us and meet new friends. It’s not too late to turn in an application. If you have any questions or need an application see Ms. Fowler or Mrs. Kelso!
  • It's time to show your Chiawana PRIDE! Hawks Nest will deliver if needed. We take cash or checks. Make checks payable to CHS Hawks Nest. CHS car flags are $12; CHS license plate cover $10; CHS yard sign (stake included) $10; Believe Beyond tee shirt with Chiawana Riverhawks on the back $15 and much more at the Hawks Nest - open to you anytime! Let’s benefit DECA students by showing some Riverhawk pride!
  • We want to give a HUGE congratulations to many of our music students for being winning our Region Solo & Ensemble Festival and being selected to compete at the State Solo & Ensemble in April. State qualifiers for the 2016 festival are:

Marcos Rangel – Alto Saxophone

Aaron Santos – Tenor Saxophone

Jacob Sanders – Trumpet

Eden Davis – Mallet Percussion

Sergio Campos – Guitar

Kyle Bishop – Baritone Voice

Michelle Adams – Soprano Voice

Meg Nelson, Kyle Bishop, Evan Naef, Crystal Goodrich – Small Vocal Ensemble

Destiny Towery, Eddie Gutowski, Javier Contreras, Marcos Tome, Sergio Campos – Guitar Quintet

In addition, we had several students receive alternate honors, including:

Joel Rangel


Brandon Villasenor

Jason White

Ryan Sullivan

Samantha Hargan

Hailey Adamson

Elsa Chavez

Yacxary Arroyos

Easton Mathews

Chantz Miner

Sarah Boatright

Nanci Zepeda

Marco Toledo

Seamus Kelly

America Sevilla

Way to go and good luck at State!

  • 2016 College Planning Day! Hosted by WSU Tri-Cities, Tuesday March 15, 2016, 9:00am -12:00pm. The Washington Council for High School-College Relations is hosting their annual, statewide event on the campus of WSU-Tri Cities. This event is an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about the Washington colleges and universities. Short presentations not college fair tables: Each student can choose four 30min presentations, which allows for meaning interaction with college reps. Colleges come to you: the CPD is supported and attended by many Washington colleges and universities, including all public universities, local and Community colleges and many private universities. It’s on a college campus: CPD takes place during Spring Break at a College near you, allowing students to experience a slice of college life. Please have interested students stop by Mr. Brown’s office in Student Services to sign-up, spaces are limited! The College Planning Day is open to our Jr's Class 2017’s; please have them sign up today!
  • GIRLS ENGAGED IN AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR - April 5-7, 2016, 6:00-8:30pm at Columbia Basin College Center for Career and Technical Education: Females attending the G. E. A. R. event will learn the fundamentals of vehicle maintenance, inspection, and minor service in a fun, female-friendly environment. The event empowers all females to gain confidence with owning and maintaining a vehicle to keep it running great! The first ten females to register will receive a FREE oil change at the event! Registration is open to the first twenty females based on a first-come, first-serve basis. COST OF ATTENDING IS FREE! Females must have attained their learner's permit or driver's license by the first day of the event to attend. To register contact: Keeley Gant, Director of Tech Prep & Workforce Enrollment at Columbia Basin College by email or call (509) 542-4559.
  • Attention seniors: if you are interested in being the Honored Speaker or Honored Bilingual Speaker at Graduation this year, sign up outside the activities office. You will be expected to attend the Graduation planning meeting on Tuesday, April 12th at 2:45pm to share what you would speak about if chosen. If you have any questions, see Ms. LeDuc in the activities office or Mr. Meredith in the C Wing Office.
  • Mrs. Sessions is looking for students and their families to host Japanese Exchange Students for two weeks: April 15th-April 29th. Please contact Mrs. Sessions if you have any questions. Host families/students would be responsible for taking two Japanese studentsinto their homes; feeding them, providing them a bed, provide transportation to and from school, allow them to shadow you for two weeks in your classes, introduce them to Washingtonand welcome them into your family. If you host exchange students, youwould also have theopportunity to travel to Japan and be an exchange student fortwo weeks in their homes this summer. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Sessions in Upper C-wing Office (room 2046) at lunch at the napkin tables; Mr. Hudson is in room D2009. You oryour parents can email here at . Please stop by and pick up an application for your parents to fill out. Anyone that is interested in hosting OR traveling to Japan, we will be having our first informational night for parents and students who may have already signed up or are interested in either hosting Japanese students in April or traveling to Japan in July.
  • Prom is coming soon guys! The theme for this year is "Diamonds are forever" based on the James Bond Movie. Get ready for a night full of glam, diamonds, roses and fun. Prom is May 14th and guest approval forms are due May 2nd.
  • Seniors: Please go by the ASB office to find out how much you owe in fines and then pay them off! If you owe more that you can pay off at this time come see Mr. Meredith to make a plan on how to pay them off. If you do NOT pay them off by June 11th you will not receive your diploma until they are paid off.
  • CHS staff would like to thank you for helping make our parking lot situation better. With the change to a two-lane entrance and a two-lane exit this year, we are all appreciative of the time saved and ease of both entering and exiting the parking lot. With that, two different safety issues need to be addressed: first, when entering the parking lot, please do not stop in the left lane and allow people to enter or exit your vehicle; student drop off and pick-up should take place in the right lane. The second issue has arisen with the exit. There are clearly marked lanes, one to turn left and one to turn right. Turning left from the right lane is both dangerous and unlawful. Be aware that Pasco PD will be monitoring to help you continue to be safe. Thanks so much.


Friday, March 11th

  • SOFT JV/Vvs Lewis and Clark @ CHS12 noon
  • BASE JV/FR vsLewis and Clark @CHS12 noon
  • BASE VvsLewis and Clark @CHS2:30pm
  • BSOC JV/VvsLewis and Clark @CHS11:00/1pm

Get ready for 2016-17 Cheer try-outs! -- April 11th, 13th and 14th (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday) -- 5:00PM - 8:00PM, Auxiliary Gym. Beginning MONDAY, MARCH 21ST, you may register for the 2016-17 Cheer try-outs on Family ID. Please come to the Athletic Office to get a Cheer Expectations packet and make sure you have a current sports physical. Make sure you sign up BEFORE Spring Break!

Attention wrestlers! Freestyle wrestling season started on Tuesday March 1st. We will have practices every Tuesday and Wednesday night from 5:30-7:00. See you there. If you have questions, contact Coach Anderson in room 1032.

Students attending sporting events MUST have their ASB card with them to get into the game for free. Anyone not bringing their ASB card will be charged the student price of $3.00.

Attention all Baseball Players, open gym has started, 6am-7am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In order for you to participate, you must be spring cleared from the Athletic office. No players can be in the gym unless you are spring cleared. Please get this taken care of before the first day.