Walter Evans Primary School September 2016-September 2017
Identified areas of relative strength /- Clear vision statement for PE
- Broad PE curriculum in a variety of safe environments.
- Pupils provided with at least 2 hours of PE per week
- Physical literacy being taught to groups of targeted children in FS and KS1
- Leadership and management of PE is at least good, with PE co-ordinator achieving Level 6 PE professional qualification.
- A high proportion of children represent the school in festivals and competitions, in all phases.
- Inter-house competitions (level 1) provided for all KS2 children.
- At least 26% of KS2 act as pupil ‘workforce’ that plans, organisers, manages and officiates physical activities.
- Assessment in PE has been introduced.
- ‘Change for Life Club’ and Intervention groups established to target the less active y3/4 children.
- Gold Kite mark achieved from ‘Sainsbury’s Your School Games’
Areas for Development /
- High staff turn-over and movement of staff between phases - improve on the confidence of staff in teaching PE and consistency of teaching in all areas of PE.
- Embed OAA planning, teaching and resources.
- Assessment, recording and reporting procedures to continue to be developed and monitored.
- Identification of pupils for intervention.
- SEND and ‘less active’ children to be fully included in lessons.
- Improve level of physical activity within and outside of the PE curriculum
- Provision for G and T pupils
Development foci /
- Training and mentoring of staff to develop confident and competent to use a range of teaching and learning styles in all areas of PE - focus of mentoring to be on three NQT members of staff.
- Monitor and manage the assessment of pupils’ progress in PE and identify intervention groups.
- Develop the level of differentiation and inclusions of SEND and low ability pupils in PE lessons.
- Maintain sports/mini-leaders, including ‘less active’ children.
- Physical activity challenges across school
- Maintain the involvement of pupils leading, managing and officiating in school games through ‘Sports Crew’.
- Maintain the level of participation in level 1 and level 2 competitions.
Total Sport Premium 2015-16 / £9375 / Cost of development programme outlined below / £9375
Quality of Physical Education Teaching
Priority -Objective / Action / When / Who / Success Criteria / Monitoring & Evaluation / Review
Improve confidence and quality of teaching and learning in all areas of PE – focus on 3 NQTs / Provide mentoring to three NQT teachers on teaching of gymnastics, dance, games and OAA.
Identify staff with low confidence in teaching areas of PE.
Mentoring support for staff – teachers to work with FGC to observe HQPE lessons; team teach; plan and deliver lessons. / Autumn 2016-
Summer 2017 / Jo Webb
SSP workshops / Staff requiring / wanting support identified .
Staff observe HQPE teaching and then are able to plan and teach HQPE lessons. / Feedback from staff questionnaires.
Feedback from coaching lessons with other staff members and FGC
Observations by JW and DW
+Improved planning of PE curriculum / Development of new/ improved SoW and lesson plans in conjunction with (FGC) – continued focus on OAA. / Autumn 2016 and Summer 2017 Terms
Staff meeting / First Grade Coach,
PE Co-ordinator;
SLT / Shared schemes and lesson planning across phase.
Lessons observed at least good. / Feedback to individual staff on quality of SOW (help with writing from FGC) – inform future development.
Lesson observations. / .
Creation of a bank of videos to run alongside lesson plans. / Autumn 2016-Summer 2017 / JW, DW, class teachers / Videos on the t-drive being used by teachers. / Monitor the quality of videos; take feedback from staff on how useful they are.
Priority -Objective / Action / When / Who / Success Criteria / Monitoring & Evaluation
Co-ordinated approach to assessment of pupils’ progress in PE. / Monitor the assessment of PE across all phases; identify areas of strength and weakness.
Identify children below and above age expected level and create target groups.
Target groups identified. To include:
- Intervention classes with specialist PE teacher.
- Physical literacy intervention
- Act as mini-leaders
- Directed to Change for Life club
- Participation at competitions and festivals
- MMA placed on MMA list
FGC / Formative and summative assessment being implemented across all key phases.
At least 85% of children at the end of KS1 and KS2 to be at expected or above. / Assessment sheets completed.
Support and extension given to identified children.
Increase the involvement of SEND and low ability children in PE lessons / Training on differentiation in lessons – JW; Inset/staff meetings / Spring/ Summer 2017 / Derby City SSP
JW / Increase involvement of SEND and low ability children and decrease in children below expected.
Increased levels of physical activity. / Children to engage in a ‘Daily Physical Activity’ Challenge.
‘Change for Life’ club, priority to ‘less active’ children; targeted at years 3/4
Sports Leaders to be trained in providing Energy Club to Y1/2 children at lunchtimes. / Spring (2) 2017
Spring (2) 2017
Autumn 2016 / DW; all staff
JW / All pupils increase the amount of intensive activity performed in curriculum time – recorded on chart.
Sports Leaders trained, and planning and organising activities for younger children. / Chart to show the increased amount of physical activity per class.
Keep a register of attendance.
Priority -Objective / Action / When / Who / Success Criteria / Monitoring & Evaluation / Impact
Ongoing self-review process for PE and School Sport / Repeat YST PE and School Sport self-assessment annually to monitor progress of development
Review progress of Sport Premium Development Plan on termly-basis and revise as appropriate / Termly throughout 2016 – 2017
Termly throughout 2016– 2017 / Head Teacher
PE Co-ordinator / Progress against previous assessment
Plan revised and new targets established / Comply with Government and OFSTED requirements
Support on-going development of PE Co-ordinators / Attend SSP ‘Primary Network Meetings’ and PE & Sport Conference / Sept 2016– September 2017 / PE Co-ordinator
/ Minimum of one staff member at all events
Achieve YST/ School Games Gold Kitemark for second year / Maintain links with outside clubs and organisations (at least 6)
Maintain the provision of extra-curricular clubs to ks2 to 50%per month. / September 2015 / PE Co-ordinator / Gold Kitemark achieved
Out of School Hours Leadership
Priority -Objective / Action / When / Who / Success Criteria / Monitoring & Evaluation / Impact
Maintain involvement of pupils leading, managing and officiating in school games. / House captains and other pupils (at least 20% of KS2) to take responsibility for leading, managing and officiating in inter-house competitions.
Use of TTAs to help organise mini-leaders.
Join ‘Sports Leaders’ scheme. / September 2016 – July 2017 / DW/SKP/MR/JW
House captains and vice captains
Mini-leaders and mini-activators / Pupils organise teams, equipment, rules and officiate in inter-house competitions; keep records of results.
Mini-leaders on main playground/court 4 days/week / Teachers observe pupils officiating at games; pupils keep records of games played, pupils involved and results
Observe mini-leaders working with KS1.
Maintain number and range of OSHL club opportunities / Use of TTAs, Teachers and outside organisations to provide extra-curricular clubs to at least 50% KS2 per month (average) / AutumnTerm 2016 – Summer 2017 / FGC/DA/DW/DH/Bushcraft/DCitC/ Derby Archery/Woodlands Tennis / Clubs established / Record of places available