Silas Felton Historic District Commission

Special Meeting Minutes


I. Call to order

Don Weaver called to order the regular meeting of the Silas Felton Historic Commission at 6:04pm on 11.20.13 in Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

II. Members present

Don Weaver- Chair

Jim Quinn- Vice-Chair

James Blauch

Arthur Reading

David Daigneault

Telma Reis- secretary, non-voting

III. Approval of minutes from last meeting

10.16.13 meeting minutes, motion by Arthur to approved it, seconded by Quinn 5- 0 APPROVED

10.28.13 meeting minutes, motion by Arthur to approved it, seconded by David 5- 0 APPROVED

IV. Open issues

New Rules and Regulations effective January 2014, motion by Arthur to approve it as presented , seconded it by David 5-0 APPROVED

New HHDC application effective January 2014, motion by Arthur to approve it as presented, seconded by Quinn. 5-0 APPROVED

V. New business

  1. “Amaia Martini Bar” Nilton Freitas, 174 Main st

Present were: Mr. Tucker

The Agent is applying for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the business at 174 Main st. for 2 projecting signs “Amaia Martini Bar” & “Primo Irrigation”.

Motion by Arthur to accept “Amaia” sign with white background black letters and grey border to either be placed on spot #1, 2 or 3 (the center where old rod is at). Also that the applicant has removed from application the “Primo Irrigation” sign with the suggestion of not putting it in the front of the building but on the side of it. Seconded by Quinn

5-0 Approved

2. Charles Randall, 17 Main st

Present were: Charles Randall

Note: Mr. Quinn as excused himself from the room

The Agent is applying for a Certificate of Appropriateness at 17 Main St to replace the glass in the retail store front. The windows are leaking and in need of replacement. Insulated glass to match those insulated on the side of the building approved 2 years ago. Bronze frame to be identical.

The applicant would also like to amend the application to include the paint to the store front exterior on 19 Main st.

Base color the same (E164 gray) adding some accent color to the trim (D044 redwood) around the doors and windows. Color samples from the historic color gallery.

Motion by James to accept application as amended, seconded by David 4-0-1


3. David LaLiberte, 1 Lincoln st.

Present were: David LaLiberte

The Agent is applying for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the property located at 1 Lincoln st to replace the antique slate roof on connector roof with antique slate shingles with Victorian red shingle stripe

Motion by Arthur to approve application as presented, seconded by David 5-0


VI. Adjournment

Motion by James to adjourn the meeting at 7p.m., seconded by Quinn all in favor


Minutes submitted by: Telma Reis