Old Reel Collectors Association, Inc

“Legendary Fishing Mecca”

Chateau on the Lake

Branson, Missouri

September 6 – 10, 2017

Schedule of Events

Wednesday, September 6

Morning:Early arrival and room trading.

Afternoon:Early arrival and room trading.

ORCA Registration Desk Open – Roger Schulz

Display set-up – Roger to coordinate (See Judging Catagories)

Silent Auction Set-up– Roger to coordinate

Evening:Wine and Reels – 6 P.M. Snacks provided. Bring along the favorite reel in your collection.

Thursday, September 7

Morning:Arrival and room trading. ORCA Registration Desk Open throughout the Day

Silent Auction throughout the Day

Displays available for viewing and setup all day

Fishing Contest with Antique Tackle (7: 00 a.m.) – on TableRockLake

Afternoon:VisitKarlWhiteFishingMuseum of Fishing History. We will car pool to the site.

Evening:Wine and Reels at the KarlWhiteMuseum – 6 P.M. Snacks provided. View and discuss fishing reel and other tackle on display.

Friday, September 8

Morning:Breakfast with the Board - 8 A.M. Seminars - 9 A.M

Forty Years of Tournament Casting Reels – A discussion of tournament casting reels from 1932 through 1972. The companies, changes and people involved. – Colby Sorrells

1939 – The Year that Changed Everything – A discussion of the 1939 National Casting Tournament held in San Francisco, spiderweb tackle and their long range impact on tournament casting. – Colby Sorrells

Fundamentals and Equipment for Tournament Casting – Dan Basore

ORCARegistration Desk Open throughout the Day

Displays available for viewing and setup

Afternoon:Dan Basore to present a Tournament Casting Clinic – 1 P.M.

Colby Sorrells to present Basic Fly Casting – A beginner’s guide. – 1 P.M.

Casting Contest and Ugly Reel Throwing Contest - 2 P.M.

Judging of Displays

Silent Auction Throughout the Day– Ends at 5 P.M.

Show Setup – 4 P.M.

Evening:Annual Banquet- 6 P.M.– Sign up in advance during registration

Notification of Award Winners for Casting Contest, Fishing Contest, Ugly Reel Toss, and Displays

Guest Speaker - To Be Determined

Saturday, September 9

All Day Saturday – Show will be from 8 am until 3 pm. (Please do not take down prior to the end of the show)

Registration Desk Open

Member setup begins at 8 am.

Show will be open to the public from 10 a.m. until 3.pm.

Auctions throughout the day

Must be a member of ORCA to be part of the auction

Evening: Relax and Visit

Sunday, September 10


Our Display Judging will be based on categories. Categories will include:

Best of Show Overall

First, Second and Third Place Award

Special Category Award: Spinning Reels

Special Category Award: Reels Made After WWII

Bring Along a Reel or Tackle Item to Donate to the Silent Auction

Banquet meal will have to be paid in advance at registration desk.