USE ONLY Let Reference Number
Please return completed form at least 10 working days prior to the let to:Facilities Management, 3rd Floor, Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr, KA7 1UT
Tel: 01292 612200 Email:
If your membership is open to those who are 18 years or younger or if your let involves working with protected adults you will need to comply with the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 (“the PVG Scheme”). See Guidance Notes attached and South Ayrshire Council Code of Practice for Adults Working with Young People Under 18 years of Age and protected adults.
Preferred Establishment:Name of Group, Club or Organisation:
Name of Applicant:
Address Of Applicant:
Post Code:
Contact Telephone Number: / Home: / Work: / Mobile:
Contact e-mail address:
(please tick ü as appropriate)
/ One Off / Weekly / Fortnightly / MonthlySpecify Day of Week
Start Date of Let: / Finish Date of Let:
(Please include any start & clear up times required)
Purpose of Let:Accommodation Required: / Time From / Time To / Accommodation Required: / Time From / Time To
Committee Room / Kitchen
Main Hall / Reception Room
Bar Area / Lesser Hall
Bookings on a Public Holiday will be at enhanced rates.
Overtime worked by the Caretaker and additional cleaning as a result of a let will be chargeable.
Will there be alcohol at your function? / Yes: No: See Section 11 – Conditions of Let
If ‘Yes’ please provide times / Time From: / Time To:
No access will be given to equipment unless requested
Sound system/Microphones/PianoPlease specify layout of main hall i.e. number of chairs/tables etc.
Please ensure that you complete this section
0 – 7years: / 8 – 18 years / 18 – 60 years / 60+
Do you have any special requirements relating to the needs of any members of your group with a disability? / Yes: No:If yes, please detail:
Sports Instructors must have relevant and valid Governing Body qualifications/affiliations, and adhere to any guidelines for the specific activity. See conditions of Let item 8.GROUP DETAILS
Please ensure that you complete this section
Does your group charge a fee? / Yes: No: If yes, please state fee £ :Will your group be selling tickets for the event? / Yes: No: If yes, please state price £ :
Does your group have a constitution? / Yes: No:
Have you submitted it previously? / Yes: No:
If No, please enclose a copy of your Constitution with this Application for Let.
Have you received, understood and agree to comply with the conditions of the premise’s Fire Safety Information for lessees 2011/12.? / Yes: No:
I am applying on behalf of the above Club, Group or Organisation for the use of the specified accommodation and if granted, agree that the Club, Group or Organisation will accept and abide by the terms of the Code of Practice & Conditions of Hall Let attached and signed by me and which I agree will be part of the whole Let Agreement.I understand that I am responsible for any debt incurred as lessee.
Signed Lessee: ………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………….
The information provided is subject to the Data Protection Act (1998). Information may be shared with other Council Departments and External Agencies for stated purposes only.
Are the proposed numbers for the Let within the capacity of the Hall? / Yes: / No:Are arrangements in place as per section 9 of the South Ayrshire Council Corporate Safety Standard on Fire Safety revised June 2011 to ensure the safe evacuation of occupants in an emergency event? / Yes: / No:
The above let has been granted. / Yes: / No:
Cost per hour: / £ / Number of hours: / Other Charges: / £
Total Cost: / £ / Comments:
Signed: ………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………….
Application for Hall let for under 18’s
Do you provide organised and supervised services/activities for children and/or young people under 18 years of age or protected adults?
If so,
a) Do you know about the PVG Scheme introduced by the above Act on 28 February 2011?
b) Do you know that you have a legal duty to ensure that anyone you recruit to do regulated work with adults or children whether paid or unpaid is not unsuitable to work with children and is not barred from working with protected adults?
c) Have your leaders had child protection training?
d) Are you registered with CRBS, Disclosure Scotland or with a recognised Umbrella Body?
PVG Scheme
In February 2011, the Scottish Government introduced a new membership scheme to replace and improve upon the current disclosure arrangements for people who work with vulnerable groups. The Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG Scheme) will:
a) help to ensure that those who have regular contact with children and protected adults through paid and unpaid work do not have a known history of harmful behavior.
b) be quick and easy to use, reducing the need for PVG Scheme members to complete a detailed application form every time a disclosure check is required.
c) strike a balance between proportionate protection and robust regulation and make it easier for employers to determine who they should check to protect their client group.
The PVG SchemeAny individual who is not barred may apply to become a member of the PVG Scheme. The PVG Scheme is administered by Disclosure Scotland and allows organisational employers and personal employers to satisfy themselves that an individual to whom they are offering regulated work is not barred from doing that type of regulated work. The PVG Scheme provides three different disclosure records for this purpose, which replaces the use of standard and enhanced disclosures for work with vulnerable groups. PVG Scheme members are continuously monitored for new vetting information and any information which comes to light which may indicate that they are unsuitable to do regulated work will lead to a consideration for listing. is managed and delivered by Disclosure Scotland.
Where can you get more information?
The Central Registered Body Scotland (CRBS) – Helpline: 01786 849777 or e-mail:
A training pack for the voluntary sector is available from CRBS, which includes guidance on the PVG Scheme and health and safety matters. .
Volunteer Action South Ayrshire (VASA) 60 Kyle Street, Ayr KA7 1RZ. Tel: 01292 263626,
Fax: 01292 267677 or e-mail:
Disclosure Scotland, PO Box 250, Glasgow G5 1YU – Helpline 0870 609 6006 or e-mail:
The Scottish Executive’s Guidance on the PVG Scheme is available
Information on sports governing bodies is available from Sportscotland, Caledonia House, South Gyle, Edinburgh EH12 9DQ. Tel: 0131 317 7200, Fax: 0131 317 7202 or e-mail