January 14, 2015

Attendance: Andrew Stephens, Jessica Manning, David Maimaron, Kate Bonneau, Dave Scott, Julia Adams, Vicky Anderson, Mary Lynn Carson, Joe Lamothe, Kristin Rappe, Sue Clark, Selden Tearse, Anne Ward, Julie Hargrave

1. Approval of December minutes- All approved

2. Examine National School Climate Center proposal for student, parent and

faculty surveys.

There will be a coffee with the principal Wednesday January 21st @ 5:00 in the library to go over our survey process. We are due for our normal round of climate surveys. Want to mirror with the youth risk behavior. Student and parent version. Can all be done on line now. Previous surveys school council developed, they are archived in our folder on the school web page.

Jim Donovan, Marc Talbot and Lisa Dembowski attended a climate conference at Harvard. The National School Climate Center outlines 5 areas and further breaks that down to 12 dimensions. (Andrew emailed us samples). The cost is $3000 for this service for DHS. If beneficial we can do this at all Duxbury Schools. Survey will take 20 minutes to complete and will be administered in March (worked around MCAS) during advisory. Andrew emailed a research article around why this research is so important. This article will be linked under “hot topic” on the DHS website.

Andrew will follow up and see if we can add additional questions to the survey that pertain to culture specifically at DHS, if we can add and open ended response to the end of the survey.

Council agreed to move forward with the purchase of the survey.

3. Discuss approach to review Chemical Health procedure

Andrew is part of a South Shore Association of Principals. This group consists of 30 principals. Andrew emailed this group and asked other principals what their towns/schools are doing in regard to chemical health procedures. What language is included: “In the knowing Presence of”? What do they do with the information that comes in from police reports? What is their process for investigating?

Andrew wants to get a clearer definition of “Constructive Possession”. We will invite Officer Friend Weiler to one of our meetings to discuss.

Vicky Anderson mentioned that at the school she works at they have a third party review their handbook…she will look into the name of the company that does this. Our handbook review will take place this spring…no specific date yet.

4. FTGOTO-There was much open discussion on a personal level around chemical health procedure, how it relates to our kids, how we are setting these students up to handle choices once they are in college. March will be our big discussion around these procedures.

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting February 11th at 5:00 in the library.


The Duxbury High School community provides students with individual and collaborative experiences that inspire them to approach learning with innovation, motivation, purpose and integrity.


Everyone can learn. Learning takes many forms. Learning requires a commitment to hard work and self-discipline. Learning requires a safe, supportive and engaging environment. Learning occurs when meaningful connections are made. Learning is best achieved through an active partnership between the school and the community.