
Venue / LCS Main Office
Date / 10 October 2017
Time / 09h00 – 10h00

Chair: Simon Mofokeng (SM)


Simon Mofokeng (SM);Eric Skosana (ES); Senzo Nkosi (SN); Khulisujobe Sithole (KS); Lehlohonolo Ngema (LN); Sherperd Dube (SD); Lewatle Phaladi (LP)

Apologies: Charl Roberts (CR) and Sipho Dache (SID)

Minutes: Lewatle Phaladi (LP)

Approval: Sherperd Dube (SD);Eric Skosana (ES);


# / Item / Update / Responsible
Person / Targeted Date
Welcome and introductions /
  • Welcomed LCS Staff members to the meeting
/ CR
Meetings Report back
SMT Report back /
  • No operational matter was discussed only business matter raised
/ CR / Bi Monthly
CAB Report back
Change Advisory Board /
  • No issues
/ ES/SM / Every Tuesday
Client Services – meeting dates: /
  • Next meeting 11 October 2017
  • Load balancing scheduler with Minolta : SM to report issue at meeting
  • Underutilized machines to be removed
KCs /
  • Keys for the cages: Cage modification and master key project – Admin working on it.
  • Working on it, email communication is rotating from Molefi : SM
  • New computers hard disk failure.
  • 7 machines involved
  • Network points in KC’s still not replaced, report still pending for them to be replaced : SM, SN
/ SN/SD/LN / 2017
  • ECR projector returned
  • ECR2 projector cage modification waiting on admin
  • Cage modification has been authorized – waiting for feedback from Cathy - cage is done

WCL Green room /
  • 5 digitization devices have been ordered – awaiting delivery - Done
  • CR Meeting with PIMD and project monitor in 26 September- awaiting for project manager arrange a meeting.
  • Working on quotes for other ICT devices- awaiting for budget
  • Quotes received
  • Capital minor to be approved
  • CR & SM meeting with WitsICT for the space 03 Oct
  • Meeting took place
  • They will give us switch or loan it to us

PC Rollout /
  • Old Mercer and Dell screens to be changed in all libraries
  • All screens changed except for Parktown libraries
  • Old computers to be disposed
  • Commerce library have machines that need to be disposed : SD
  • SM to send Sivu this week to check and have machines disposed

Digital Signage Upgrade
When uploading a presentation edit the playlist do not change the schedule /
  • Info from Devind to put on digital signage : SID to update
/ SM/SID / 2017
  • For more LibGuides issues see web team meeting minutes on Zendesk
  • Denise wants to put Podcast file on libguide – CR to look at it.
  • Appointment made for 06 October
  • SID currently looking at trial on equipment booking module
  • To start when Janet returns

Managed Print Services – Minolta /
  • Signage required regarding print queues for students and pricing, signage to be placed near computers, to be escalated to Minolta
  • Waiting for Wits and Minolta for Pricing, still using 2016 pricing – Pricing has gone up
  • Student printing was down on the 02 Oct
  • Student printer at Law releasing jobs for free – SD to log ticket to our help desk
  • SD to follow-up and update SM
/ SM / Ongoing
  • LP working on the stats module – sorted, upgrade date to be scheduled
  • Additional updates on LCS Web Team Meeting
/ CR, LP, SID / Ongoing
Wits Digitization Centre /
  • Request for expansion of storage –quote sent waiting for delivery
  • Delivered and installed
  • CR requested Isaac to do report on storage space
  • SLA for artefactual was discussed – is signed for 2018
  • SD to check the prices for HDMI extension cables
  • Will roll out when we receive new machines
/ CR,LP,SD / Next Meeting
Content Management System Project /
  • To see Web Team notes
/ SID / 2017
Workgroups / Committees LCS participates in
Wits Digital Library & Archives Committee /
  • Next meeting in October

Network Upgrade Tender (NUT) /
  • No issues

Institutional ICT Committee /
  • Next meeting in 2018
/ CR
IMS Project Team /
  • IMS Meeting:
  • Graeme awaiting go ahead from Mamello
  • The was a meeting on the 02 Oct Data infinity was excused in the meeting for wits staff to discuss
  • Project is discontinuing due to legal requirements not meet : SM
/ CR, LP
Library Platform / LMS/Sierra /
  • Oracle Integration
  • Library team met with current developer regarding the way forward, document with end goals will be created
  • Issue about Sierra not handling funds bigger than 21 million
  • Call was logged with Sierra, Sierra do not have a solution for the problem yet
  • Escalated to the technical team – to follow up. (pending)
  • GOBI : Online Ordering
  • Quotation received
  • Invoice have been signed for 2018
  • EDS to be upgraded around November : KS
/ ES, KS, CR / Ongoing
  • UPS on the 1st floor was not installed due to safety and health issues
  • Waiting on Wits ICT scheduling- still pending date
  • Fund raising dinner to be held, awaiting date – 06 Oct
  • Old gun scanner has been changed
  • Two machines have hard drive problems : LN is replacing them
/ SN, SD, LN / Next Meeting
  • SD: to visit every Tuesday and log a ticket for visit
/ LN / Next Meeting
  • NOTED: SM requested Molefi to modify the students computer cages – ongoing
  • Waiting for new self- check delivery – expected end of October
/ SM / Next Meeting
  • One OPAC says no logon server (Network issue)
  • SD resolved the issue
/ SN/LN/SD / Next Meeting
  • Staff computer (HP 2400 machine) to be changed in the workroom– pending
  • Mandla network printing : SD
/ LN/SD / Next Meeting
  • Screen for student computer need to be changed : LN
/ LN / Next Meeting
  • Remove the 2 “2400” PCs from staff – workroom PC’s, pending new machines
  • Proxy issue on computers in small cyber classroom – SD to go and check again
  • SD Spoke to Devind will attend to it on 11 October
  • Dr Dickson came to LCS with her laptop , she unable to access e-resources
  • Suppose to come on Friday to check laptop
/ SD / Next Meeting
  • Meeting about the library expanding to Audio/Visual – waiting for first meeting - floor plans received from PIMD – Pending
/ SN/LN/SD / Next Meeting
  • Network points not working in the video room
  • Waiting for service provider : SM
/ LN / Next Meeting
  • Projector still need to be install
/ SD/SN/LN / Next Meeting
  • Debra machines (HP 2400) at information desk is given problems, waiting new machines
  • Chiratidzo’s laptop end of life, to decide on the Laptop or Desktop
  • Tool to check hardware failure to be used
  • Network points at the KCs keep falling in – Vendor to look at them
  • IIL still log ticket with WitsICT instead of LCS
  • Email send to Suzette she will speak to her staff
/ LN/SD/SD/SM / Next Meeting
General Issues /
  • LCS leave & workshops / training
  • CR: 9th to 27th Oct 2017
  • SID: 10 & 11 Oct
  • SD: 17 & 20 Nov
•Alert tone for the LCS door – working on it
  • Busy with Inventory update and disposals
  • Storeroom and Workshop
  • SN:SEP2017-Dec2017
  • Any colleague responsible for workroom should ask cleaner to come and vacuum the carpet after staff birthday party or when the carpet is untidy
  • Please do not leave wet waste (bones, food, etc.) in the bin in the Workshop, all wet waste must be placed in the kitchen bins
  • Help Desk Zendesk:
  • Everyone should be checking tickets on the Helpdesk-LCS is short staffed
  • Upgrade in text formatting
  • Also check the suspended tickets
  • CR requested LCS to communicate in a professional and friendly way on Zendesk tickets
  • Correspondence needs to be done via helpdesk
  • Helpdesk will be audited
  • SID to updated Zendesk to show the dates the university was closed
  • Customer Relations Management - Awaiting new dates
  • If you are going on leave you can transfer your tickets to available agents
  • Technicians should close long standing tickets
  • SID has updated the Zendesk user portal
  • Zendesk invoice was received
  • 4 LCS reference books have been received and 2 are still outstanding
  • If someone is injured at work they need to report it before the end of their shift and not use their own medical aid. – from OHS – Caddie to send email regarding policy
  • SD birthday lunch 24 Nov
  • LCS van needs to be serviced, it has been taken for service

Staff Report backs
CR / Leave
LP / 03: Tickets
KS / 10:Tickets
SM / 02: Tickets
SN / 10: Tickets
SID / Leave
LN / 07: Tickets
SD / 08: Tickets
ES / 08: Tickets
Next Meeting: / 17 Oct 2017
LCS minutes scribes: / SID _ Oct
LP _ Nov
SD _ Dec
SN _ Jan 2018
KS _ Feb
ES_ Mar