PRESENT: / Margaret Giles, J. Cook, B. Procter, K. Fletcher, A. Gloyn, Murray Giles, L.Berry, B. Thatcher, K. Keenan, D. Moda & P. Gatchell


/ H. Wheeler, T. Dixon, J. Walker
IN ATTENDANCE: / Councillor H. Voss
MINUTES: / The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. J. Cook/ K. Fletcher


MRC (mobile recycling centre) Thank you for the key and signs J

Water contract: Sent out.

Kopane Corner: A passing bay is needed here. Request to be investigated.

Traffic Calmers: (transaction 21127)

Assessment to provide thresholds to the entrances of Rongotea at the 50/100 signs is underway. Design to be carried out to account for physical arrangement of the affected roads and any constraints mitigated.

Pile of dirt on Thames St: on the footpath & road frontage opposite the Rongotea Tavern.

RCC chairperson has spoken to the property owner who was rude & abusive.

Could MDC please write to the owner asking for the road frontage to be cleared.

Mt Stewart: (Transaction 18575) Have priced some replacement options, however may not be able to meet costs with existing budgets. Project most likely to be included in draft LTP for consideration.

Seat for the BMX track: Fulton Hogan will contact Margaret Giles and bring the seat out. Programmed in the schedule of works for the near future.

*Blocked Drains Thames Street Transaction superseded – 20698.

*Blocked Drains Humber/ Severn Streets - Contractor has completed a dimensional survey of these drains as land is very flat and cannot be determined ‘by eye’. Information gained will determine next course of action. Any work will be collated and issued as a package of works.

*Grass needs resowing: In an area between Trent & Ouse St on Humber Street (along side new footpath) --Collating a variety of works in the Rongotea area and will be releasing a package of works to address those defects.

*Could the RCC please be given an aggregated list of the transactions that are going to be done.

Taikorea Memorial: Past minutes show the re siting of this was raised in April 2007, & after consultation was relocated to Douglas Square a year later. Rongotea RSA objected to this. After much discussion with members of both communities, it was decided Taikorea want the Taikorea names to stay on their Memorial & for Douglas Square to be its final resting place. A rededication service was held Feb 2010.

In December 2013, there was talk of the memorial being shifted once again. Representatives from the Taikorea community stated this view was held by a few from outside the community. They reiterated that the Taikorea community wanted the memorial to stay in Douglas Square, Rongotea.

Once again, it seems a minority group has raised this question, & have requested a meeting with the Mayor.



Community Planning: The last of these meetings will be held 9th February 2015. All welcome

Xmas Lights: The existing lights are getting to the end of their life. Stronger frames are needed.

Community fund could be used for this (15 @ approx $250 - $300 each)

White crosses: will be provided to communities to be placed around the war memorials on Anzac Day.

Waitohi Rd: Patchy seal. Rung in

List drawn up for Community funding:

Flag (for new flagpole) $200

Seat at the cemetery $2500

Xmas lighting $4500

Tree $100

Clock Repairs $500

Chlorine for community pool $1200

Meeting closed: 8:40pm- (followed by Xmas supperJ)

Next meeting: February 2nd 2015 J All welcome J 7:30pm at Rongotea Community Centre