NAME: ______

BLOCK: ______

Argumentation Lesson 1

**I can analyze text by citing evidence and making inferences.(RI8.1/Slide 24)
**I can take evidence from literary or informational texts and support my own reflections (W8.9/Slide 51)

**I can explain a speaker’s argument and determine if the reasoning is sound, valid, sufficient, and/or relevant. (SL8.3/Slide 39/Debate)

Words to Know:

·  Pesticide______

·  Agriculture: ______


1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 1 Science:

§  After researching technical and academic articles on the use of pesticides in agriculture, write a two paragraph speech that argues your position on the use of pesticides in managing crop production.

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources)

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Lesson 2

**I can analyze text by citing evidence and making inferences.(RI8.1/Slide 24)
**I can take evidence from literary or informational texts and support my own reflections (W8.9/Slide 51)

**I can explain a speaker’s argument and determine if the reasoning is sound, valid, sufficient, and/or relevant. (SL8.3/Slide 39/Debate)

Words to Know:

·  Censorship______

·  Editorial______

·  Internet filter ______


1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 2 Social Studies:

§  After researching an academic article on censorship; write a two paragraph editorial in which you argue your position on the use of filters by schools.

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources)

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Task Lesson 3

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Analysis)

Words to Know:

·  Genetic testing______


1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 3 Science:

§  Does genetic testing have the potential to significantly impact how we treat disease?

§  After reading scientific sources, write a report that addresses the question and

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources)

§  Be sure to acknowledge competing views.

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Task Lesson 4

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Comparison)

Words to Know:

·  Newspaper article______

·  Seedling ______


1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 4 Science:

§  After researching technical and scientific sources on soil types, write an article for a local paper that compares different soil types and argues which different types are best for tomatoes and seedlings.

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources)

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Task Lesson 5

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Comparison)

Words to Know:

·  urban ______


1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 5 Science:

§  Which is the better energy source?

§  After reading scientific sources, write an essay that compares nuclear energy and fossil fuels and argues which is the better energy source for urban communities.

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources).

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Task Lesson 6

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Comparison)

Words to Know:

·  contemporary ______


1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 6 ELA:

§  What makes something funny?

§  After reading selections from Mark Twain and Dave Barry, write a review that compares their humor and argues which type of humor works for a contemporary audience and why.

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources)

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Task Lesson 7

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Evaluation)

Words to Know:

Evaluate (verb) ______


1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 7 Social Studies:

§  After researching articles and data on crime in your city, write an article that discusses the data and evaluates a program that claims to deter crime.

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources).

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Task Lesson 8

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Evaluation)

Words to Know:

·  Wind Power______

·  Solution ______


1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 8 Science:

§  Is wind power a solution to energy shortages and costs?

§  After reading the informational text(s) on Alternative Energy Resources, write an article that discusses wind power benefits and costs and evaluates whether wind power is an answer to America’s energy future.

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources).

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Task Lesson 9

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Evaluation)

Words to Know:

·  colonialism______



1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 9 Social Studies:

§  Is “colonialism” a viable social philosophy for the 21st century?

§  After reading John Stuart Mill’s “Essays on Utilitarianism,” write an essay that discusses his “Greatest Happiness Principle” and evaluates its relevancy to today’s society.

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources)

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Task Lesson 10

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Problem-Solution)

Words to Know:

·  shortage ______

·  crisis ______


1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 10 Science:

§  After researching scientific and technical sources on methods for preventing water shortages, write an article that identifies the importance of water.

§  Include some solutions to this crisis

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources)

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Task Lesson 11

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Problem-Solution)

Words to Know:

Term limit______


1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 11 Social Studies:

§  After researching government documents on term limits, write an essay that identifies a problem created by term limits and argues for a solution.

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources).

§  Be sure to examine competing views. (Argumentation/Problem-Solution)

Paraphrase: ______

Argumentation Task Lesson 12

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Problem-Solution)

Words to Know:



1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 12 Social Studies:

§  What problems did the South encounter in the post-Civil War era? After reading primary and secondary sources on the post-Civil War era, write an essay that identifies a problem related to economic issues faced by the South and argues for a solution that could have been (or was) used to aid its economic recovery.

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources)

§  Be sure to examine competing views.

§  Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position.

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Task Lesson 13

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Cause-Effect)

Words to Know:

·  Deforestation ______

·  Vegetation: ______

·  Region ______

·  Implication ______


1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)

7.  Length required:______

8.  Due Date: ______

Task 13 Science:

§  After researching maps, data, and technical documents on land use in South America, write an essay that argues the causes of deforestation and explains the effects on populations and vegetation in the region.

§  What implications can you draw?

§  Support your position with evidence from your research. (cite three sources).

Paraphrase: ______


Argumentation Task Lesson 14

ELA Common Core: (Argumentation/Cause-Effect)

Words to Know:



1.  Paraphrase the definition for each Word to Know above .

2.  Read the task below and paraphrase the directions in your own words.

3.  You may use your own source; however, you must also use at least one of the sources below.

4.  Read the source(s).

5.  On the back of this sheet, list 10 pieces of factual information from the sources.

6.  Complete the Task on a separate sheet of paper (or typed)