Location: 555 South Main Street

Date: Friday, June 12, 2015

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


  2. Name, group/organization
  3. Overview of past meeting
  5. Mi Tierra
  6. Make a digital folder – make it easier to share
  7. Getting parents to do the coordination of the project – sustainability and it would be the community itself leading the project
  8. Have the Roundtable Discussions been helpful?
  9. Spring is a busy time – might want to consider specific themes
  10. Might want to consider no meetings for a few months in the summer
  11. It has been helpful – like networking and observing the Festival Informativo was very helpful – looking into process for an intern in Keizer
  12. Like specific focus
  13. Critique = wasn’t able to continue discussion – idea to continue discussions or have a separate meeting – might also want to plan focuses at the start of each year.
  14. Possible topics = Central Health and Wellness Center, GED or different programs in September? Perhaps a Roundtable Discussion on the different programs and provide a forum for them to work with each other in regards to best practices
  15. Set targets as a group – need to be able to measure our goals
  16. What are we? We should have a concrete vision with a vision statement and create some official sustainability to continue the discussions after interns leave
  17. What would the group like to see out of my position?
  18. Post minutes for the public – like a little flyer that can be sent out – quick one paragraph summary of each meeting to give to people (provide info. And send out) – post on city website?
  19. Would be nice if PD could do something to show connection with the community – idea behind community forum
  20. Reaching out to the actual community (survey? To see what people want to see) – surveys do not generally work – perhaps look into canvassing
  21. Work on disconnect with the Roundtable group – How are others overcoming outreach barriers?
  22. Holding a city meeting at Colonia Amistad on how to best integrate the community (since community meetings are already held there)
  23. Discussion on having some sort of community committee where actual community members can meet and can then present ideas to the city/roundtable (that way the Roundtable Discussion can keep its structure)
  25. Central Health and Wellness Center – Dedication & Ribbon Cutting Celebration on June 25th from 4-6 PM. There will be parking at Central High School. They are still looking for interpreters to help during the event.
  26. SEDCOR – Will be having a Job Fair on July 15th from 10 AM – 7 PM. They will be looking for employers and employees. People will be able to create their own digital profile (which is like a digital resume) with the help of WorkSource Oregon – looking for bilingual support – plan to promote the event through social media and hoping to make this an annual or biannual event.