November 1, 2015

St. Stephen Parish

27519 Monroe Rd. 533

Monroe City, MO 63456

Holy Rosary Rectory



Very Rev. Michael W. Penn, V.F.

Deacon Mike Long

Current and past bulletins

may be viewed at

St. Stephen's website:

Scripture Readings for November 8, 2015

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

1 Kings 17:10 – 16: Elijah the prophet arrived at the city gate and met a poor widow gathering sticks. He asked for water and a bite to eat. She made a little cake from her flour and gave it to him.

Psalm 146: 7, 8-9, 9-10: "Praise the Lord, my soul!"

Hebrews 9: 24-28: Christ, the high priest standing before God, was “offered once to take away the sins of many.” He will appear again “to bring salvation to those who eagerly await him.”

Mark 12:38-44: Jesus saw a poor widow go up to put all she had into the collection box: a few cents. She put in more than all the others, for she gave from her need while they from their surplus.

The English translation of the Psalm Response from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 2) Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the diocese of the United States of America, copyright 1998, 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc. Washington, and DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No part of the Lectionary for Mass may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

Prayer for Priests program: We are asked to include these priests in our daily prayer intentions:

Date Priest Assignment

11/01 Rev. Colin Franklin St. Peter, Jeff City

11/02 Rev. Matthew Flatley Edina, Baring, Memphis

11/03 Rev. Jason Doke Newman Center, Rolla

11/04 Rev. Anthony Rinaldo California

11/05 Rev. Richard Litzau, O.P. Newman Center, Columbia

11/06 Rev. Mark Miller, C.PP.S. Sedalia, Bahner

11/07 Rev. Michael Murphy Salisbury, Wein

Sunday's Announcement

Monday, November 2nd, is the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. On this day Mass will be celebrated at St. Stephen Church at 5:30 p.m. At 5:00 p.m. that evening, a special ceremony will be held in the St. Stephen Cemetery praying for all those buried in the cemetery and for all the faithful departed.

October 25th Offertory ~ $1,248.27


·  Please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin table to volunteer for liturgy assignments for Monday's All Soul's Mass. Thank you!

·  Pastoral Council: The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 19th at 7:00 PM. at the rectory.

·  The next KC meeting will be Thursday, November 5th at 7:00 PM.


·  The Student Liturgyat8:20onFriday, November 6th, will be led by the first grade students. Eucharistic ministers are Mary Ann Hagan, Marie Purol, Gina Carroll and Phyllis Campbell.

·  5th and 6th grade musical, GO WEST,will be presentedon Wednesdayevening,November 4th, beginning at7:00in Msgr. Connolly Gym. Everyone is invited to see the show.

·  The Book Fairis held at school this week. Books will be available for purchase.

·  Speech Meetwill be held at Holy Rosary School onSaturday, November 7th, from12:30 until 4:00.

·  First Basketball Gamesof the season will be held onFriday, November 6th,ATParis beginning at5:30.


Sr. Eileen Friel has been a member of The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word forsixtyyears! This calls for a celebration! OnSunday, November 15TH, there will be a reception after Holy Rosary's 9:30 Mass to offer congratulations to Sr. Eileen. Everyone is invited to attend this celebration. No gifts, please!!!



Day Time Intention

Mon. Scripture Service 7:30 AM Leader-Marie Little

Mass @ St. Stephen 5:30 PM Louis, Rose E. & Minnie Ryan

Tues. 7:30 AM Purgatorial Society

Wed. 7:30 AM Liv.+Dec'd D of I

Thurs. 7:30 AM Matt & Lorene Hays

Fri. Student Liturgy 8:20 AM Tom & Lucille Hays

Sat. 5:30 PM Joe & Bertha Williams

Sun. St. Stephen 8:00 AM Captain Ben Smith

Holy Rosary 9:30 AM Families of St. Stephen and

Holy Rosary


Ordinary Reconciliation Schedule:

Saturday 4:30 – 5:00 PM at Holy Rosary

Sunday 7:30–7:55 AM at St. Stephen

(Or by appointment. Call Holy Rosary Rectory at 735-4718)


Solemnity of All Saints

As we celebrate the great Solemnity of All Saints, I wish to share with you a startling statistic found in John L. Allen. Jr.’s book, “The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Anti-Christian Persecution.” Mr. Allen, who is a renowned reporter of the Vatican, states in his book that the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary discovered that every year for the past decade one hundred thousand Christians have been killed. “This Situation of Witness,” as it is called by this study, occurs somewhere in the world as eleven Christians are killed every hour of the day, seven days a week; every day of the year. The heroism of the saints—in particular martyrs—is not limited to the days of the infant Church.

Likely we will not be martyrs for the Faith, but we are called to the same standard of all the saints who have gone before us; to live lives of sanctity. We must be mindful that the saints were people no different than you and me. They were called to holiness, as we are, and they responded by giving of themselves totally and completely to God. This is as important today as it was in the early Church. We live in challenging times, but so too did the saints, who turned from the ways of the world and focused on the Way of God. We, with God’s grace, are enabled to be as courageous and holy as the saints. Through their intercessions and examples, may we be so holy!

Tomorrow, November 2nd, is the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. A prayer service will be held in the St. Stephen Church cemetery at 5:00 p.m. Mass will be celebrated in the church at 5:30 p.m.

Enrollment in this year’s Purgatorial Society (Masses celebrated once a week for the souls of those enrolled in Holy Rosary and St. Stephen’s parishes) may take place by using a regular envelope and writing the names of those you wish enrolled. The envelopes deposited in the Offertory will be forwarded to Holy Rosary's rectory.

As this year’s Catholic Stewardship Appeal commences, be reminded that it is through your generosity that the many building projects going on in our parishes, not only the construction of our new school, is reviewed and evaluated by Mr. Brad Copeland, the Director of Buildings and Properties of our diocese. The CSA (donations from our parishioners and Catholics throughout the diocese) support this much needed service for our parish and parishes throughout the diocese. Your participation - grateful participation - in this year’s Catholic Stewardship Appeal is needed and appreciated.


The following question continues the series of questions and answers regarding the coming Jubilee Year of Mercy:

What is a plenary indulgence?

A plenary indulgence wholly frees a person from the temporal punishment due for sins, the guilt of which has already been forgiven (canons 992 and 993). One must also have fulfilled the usual conditions for gaining a plenary indulgence by the celebration of the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist, manifesting communion with the Church by prayer for the intention of the Pope, and the performance of acts of charity and penance meant to express true conversion of heart.


Jim Hunt, Troy Ritter, Deanna Buckman,

Jeremy Smith, Alfred Timbrook, J.D. Underhill,

Rosemary Evans, Joe Kendrick, Phyllis Taylor,

Sue Gilbert, Jim Gamble, Deborah Thomas Baumann,

Don & Liz Gander, Trevor Lagle, Pat Hays,

Irene Wolf, Kyndal Underwood, Dani Williams

For all who are ill, especially those who are awaiting surgery or seriously ill, and for their care-takers, we pray to the Lord.

If a family member is ill, injured or disabled please call and let us know so that we may put them on our sick list for prayers. We don’t know unless you call, and we cannot put a name on the sick list without your permission. Names will remain in the bulletin for two weeks, unless otherwise notified. The power of prayer is very strong and healing.

Sick, homebound or nursing home? If you hear of or know of someone who falls into these categories please have an immediate family member contact us at Holy Rosary's rectory office, 735-4718, so we can minister to their spiritual needs


·  Grade school PSR: Class November 11th @ 3:15.

·  7th-10th grade: Class November 8th after 9:30 Mass.

·  Confirmation Class: Class November 8th will be on Matrimony. All are welcome to come.

·  Advent/Lenten Prayer Groups: If any of the prayer groups are interested in a DVD series for the Advent/Lenten season please contact Deacon Mike. The diocese is not promoting a specific program this year so we can choose something that you would feel beneficial to your group.


·  A CRHP Reunion Breakfast will be heldSunday, November8thin the KC Hall immediately following9:30Mass. Breakfast casseroles will be served. Allparishioners (including kids)are invited.

·  CHRP dates: Women's February 20-21. Men's – January 23-24.


The Daughters of Isabella will meet on Thursday November 12TH at 7:00 PM. The social committee will be Donna Mudd -chair, Karen Seward, Veronica Thomas, Susan Seward, and Pat Kendrick


The Red Cross will be in Monroe again on Monday, November 16thfrom1:00 to 6:00 PM.The Red Cross is doing something new where the donor can go online and pre-register. It’s called Rapid Pass and it will save the donor time at the drive. They can go pre-register. Thank you!


The Food Bank will be holding their monthly distribution on Friday, November 20th from 9:00 AM-6:00 PM. Please remember those in need by making donations of food and leaving them in St. Stephen's or Holy Rosary's vestibule.


The Catholic Stewardship Appeal offers the people of God in the Diocese of Jefferson City an opportunity to respond to God’s call to share our gifts with those most in need. Sometimes it’s difficult to envision how one pledge can make a difference. However, each gift does make a difference because we are doing this together. Our combined gifts signify our gratitude to God for all we have been given. We share them lovingly in justice. It is a concrete means of furthering God’s mission in our fragile world.


Adoration Chapel Hours available:

Sunday 3-4 PM

Saturdaynoon – 1 PM;3-4 PM

We don't have many hours open right now. But with winter coming we will have some of our elderly giving up their hours for the winter. If you think you could take an hour for the winter let us know. Keep watching the bulletin for available open hours and we still need subs.Thank you. Phyllis Campbell - 573-795-2290.


A great big "THANK YOU" to all the youth and adults who took time to participate in the "Make a Difference Day" activities this pastSaturday. A special thanks to J. R. Derksen for planning and organizing the days activities. Blessings to All. Thanks, Deacon Mike


You are invited to this year’s diocesan multicultural celebration on the feast of Christ the King will also serve as the official beginning of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. As a part of the liturgy, there will be a ritual opening of the Cathedral door through which Jubilee pilgrims will pass. Fr. Ben Nwosu, pastor of St. Mary in Shelbina and St. Patrick in Clarence will preach the homily on mercy. After Mass, there will be a reception in the Cathedral undercroft featuring live ethnic entertainment and a potluck dinner with dishes from around the world. The Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral begins at 2:00 PM on November 22 with the reception following immediately. Fix your favorite recipe and join us as celebrate our unity in diversity and dedicate ourselves to a year of mercy.

*Liturgy Appointments

November 1 – All Saints Day – Daylight Savings Time Ends

Rosary Glen Bichsel

Greeter Maureen Lemongelli

Music Peggy Spalding & Debby Quinn

Song Leader Julienne Burns

Servers Tyler Hays & Ben Lemongelli

Lector Laura Mulvaney

Offertory Joe & Nancy Shively

Communion Ministers Kathy Anderson, Marie Purol, Nancy Shively,

Mary Sims, Beth Whelan

Counters Glen Bichsel, Mary Lou Dawson

November 2 – Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed

Please see the paragraph in "From The Pastor's Desk" regarding Mass at St. Stephen on Monday evening. There is a liturgy sign-up sheet on the bulletin table.

November 8 – Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Rosary Katie Foster

Greeter Ralph & Sherri Lemongelli

Music Beth Whelan & Julienne Burns

Song Leader Lee Anderson