Page 151


To: and if I sent you to the devil, attached to a good lead pellet?

B: you can do him/it very well, but this would not serve to save your skin, among few minutes...


To: firm, voialtri! The first one that stirs without one oroine of mine a hole pecks at him in the pumpkin!

B: thud


To: what it happens there inside? ... before a spratoria of hell, and now...

B: from when in here the people of good sense it chases the nose in the business of the vigilanteses?


Put all of you to face against, the wall... and always with the hands aloft! ... everybody! ... vigilantes or not vigilantes!... soon! ... and those to which I have punctured the hand don't make so many histories... otherwise I will see me forced to bucar their qualcos'altro!


Always holding of eye the men lined up near the opposite wall, tex he bends and it looks through in the pockets of the senseless vigilante...


To: ... and it doesn't delay to find you something that he waited for to find.

B: here here another of that damned so of sea!

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And I am sure that if I also looked through the other vigilanteses I would find in their pockets other medallions of the same type.


Bueno! ... verò to resolve to his/her time the enigma of these mysterious cosinis. For now will be more prudent to leave looking for healthier air for my pellaccia!


A mysterious bargain calep text by g.l bonelli


A last suggestion to you, hooded heads! ... you stay where you are at least for a couple of minutes: it is only the way for you to get by cheap. Understood?...


And for now... eccovi the pious last regard!


Bang crash


Damned snake! For an instant have believed that had shot on me!

Page 153


To: shortly after...

B: badly! I started to worry me...

C: no fear! They have not succeeded in even not giving me a scratch!


As for ours hooded, two of them must resort to the cares of a good physician if they will want to still use the right, and he who drove them...


To: ... that if it will get by with a beautiful bump in head, in remuneration, however I have been able to raise him of pocket one of that mysterious medallions.

B: horns and lightnings! Do you intend to say that you have found on him a medallion with with the ippocampo?


Really this way! It was until too much evident that that vigilanteses wanted to put on us the hands for well anything else other than the theft of a horse...


To: ... and therefore had come me the idea that the true reason had to connect with the matter of the ippocampo!

B: dad! There dev'essere someone to which presses a lot evidently that you don't take contact with kit carson. The attack to the soldier is a test of it... and this second aggression confirms him/it.

Page 154


To: beh! Let's not distill us the brain, for now, when we will be to holy fè we will have the opportunity to examine better this damned matter.

B: ugh!


To: the day later, to holy fè, tex and kit go to the general quartier of the rangerses, and they immediately put on in contattt with kit carson.

B: tex willer? ... for all the devils! Fault immediately to pass!

C: signorsì!


To: tex! Child of a lightning! ... and... plague and horns! Look who sees again, also! Kit!

B: how is it going, old my?

C: hi, uncle kit!


To: what I am hung a million times if I am not saidly badly happy to see again you!

B: how to the beautiful old times, eh? ... anches are happy' me to see your ugly face again!


To: can go, lieutenant rucker! You will take back the job in the afternoon... or even tomorrow.

B: but... it is urgent that this relationship...


To: I have said that you can go, and if among five seconds you will be here still that I am damned if I don't make you eat that accursed relationship...

B: yes, great signor! Certain, great signor...

Page 155


To: one... two... three...

B: I go, great signor!


To: slam

B: ?


To: three hurray for his/her/their uncle kit!

B: ?

C: ?


To: yaaahoouuu!

B: bang bang

C: lightnings and arrows!

D: poor us!


To: bang bang

B: ?

C: ?


To: signor great thing is.?!

B: out!


Page 156


To: and you go down of there to the quick one! ... here are not among your navajoses unfortunately, but in an accursed and damned full full casermone of people for well!

B: I hope that you won't have boredom uncle kit.


To: boredom?! ... no of certain, warrior's pup, but you know well com' it is... order and discipline!

B: to the devil! ... I would not want not to even live in this place if they did me general, uncle kit!

C: done courage, we won't stay there certain for a lot.


To: what is it happening here?! ... who has shot?

B: I don't know him/it, signor captain. You/they have shot in the office of the greatest carson...



you excuse, great carson, but...

b: oh! Here here our good captain grafford. Come, heads! I want to introduce you one old friend of mine... tex willer.


To: tex willer?!... that same willer that was once ranger with...

B: thanks, heads! It is if you allow...

C: good heavens! Pleased to know you!


To: this is my child kit!

B: be small of stature, but the same is able to make a din of the devil!


Don't tell me that it is him that that whole noise has done of a little while ago...

Page 157


To: nossignore! ... has been my colt!... I have launched only a small cry of war.

B: my goodness! You have made to come a half hit to one of our big pieces.


I intend to speak of hovendal, great. I was I sharpen conversing with him, when have intended some shots and a cry from! I assure you that for few hovendal it didn't make a jump on the table.


To: however I think, that you will do well to follow me in the office of hovendal, the to know that tex willer has arrived the compensaerà of the emotion of a little while ago.

B: then is go suffered by hovendal, so tex will directly know from him as the things they are.


To: later, in the office of hovendal, after the presentations...

B: arrange you gentlemen! ... also you, head grafford!


Signor willer! I know that my predecessor, mister marshall, held you in dead consideration, and I have documented on your trail activity as ranger, attentively reading all the relationships that concerned you.


To: needless to say you that after having read such relationships, and after having felt the opinion of the greatest carson, that feeds a particular respect in your respects, I have become convinced some necessity of your help in the matter that currently is worrying us.

B: I wish me to be able to be you useful, signor hovendal.

Page 158


It is what I passionately hope for anch' me, signor willer... and now I will try to explain you as the things they are.


The new mexico has never been very satisfactory from the point of view of the public order. Many outlaw expelled by the other states you/they have had the bad idea to come to look for shelter within our confinements...


To: ... but, in general, the situation had remained actually always under our control and bottom that of the local authorities to around two months ago, or rather actually a day when we found the first ippocampo.

B: excuse! Have you said "ippocampo?" expected a moment...


To: these so they have some relationship with the matter that worries you?

B: devil! Others two of that left medallions!


To: where have you found them?

B: one was in the pockets of the man that you/he/she had tried to prevent your ranger of handed me the message of the greatest carson...


To: ... and the other in the pockets of the vigilante that, with others his/her worthy best men, have looked for, last night to san isidoro, to raise me from the circulation.

B: unbelievable! That damned bandits must have an excellent service of information to have succeeded in knowing that the greatest carson had written you to get your intervention.

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To: the ranger sent by you must have speak with someone.

B: not at all! Have questioned to fund that man! And he has sworn not to have opened mouth with some.

C: uhm!


In every case, as I was telling you a little while ago, our worries coincided note with the discovery of one of that mysterious medallions. We found the first one in the fist of tom stawell, one of our best men, that you/he/she was found, dead, on the fund of one of the canyons that you/they coast along the footstep of the dark one...


Tom stawell was on the traces of the robbers of the bank mortimer of wingate... and we didn't succeed anymore since then in finding an alone trace of the gang. We didn't attribute a lot of importance to the medallion, but we changed a second...


... and this we found him/it in the desk of a certain hank mason, owner of a saloon to salazar.


To: this hank mason had written offering us us of the important revelations around the disappearance of another of our men... but, naturally, someone came to knowledge of the intentions of mason... and the dams the socca forever.

B: mmm...


Needless to say you that from that moment we opened wide the eyes on the whole region, and we put to the job the most skilled of our men, but the result was not certain comforting.


To: in three months fifteen assaults have happened to the banks... three assaults to trains that transported gold... numerous homicides and five of our rangerses have not made return anymore.

B: devil! ... an ugly budget, signor hovendal.


So much uglier, in how much we have never reached to take possession only of an element that could constitute a revealing sign. Nothing of nothing!

Page 160


To: we undoubtedly see us a gang very well organized... but in as for to know its components... we are completely to the dark.

B: uhm... I there am very thankful for the trust of which honor me, but I don't feel indeed me of...


To: for love of the sky! Don't tell me that you refuse to lend us your collaboration. The greatest carson has assured that you would have accepted to help us.

B: certainly that I accept! But cannot guarantee to succeed you in unraveling alone the skein, I will have need of I help!


To: the sky is praised! You will have all the helps that desire. You don't have that to speak.

B: well! I first of all desire to have the collaboration of the greatest carson.


To: the greatest carson?! ... but... the greatest is already entrusted of to organize the connection of the...

B: sorry, but without the greatest carson I don't feel me to assume me so much responsibility.

C: beautiful hit, good heavens!


To: a moment, signor willer! If really you care...

B: certainly that I care!


To: and then... do you agree, great?

B: certain! It will be for me a pleasure to collaborate with tex willer.


Very well! In this case, great carson, can consider you since this moment in special service.

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to: the greatest carson will put then you to the current one of the particular ones of this ugly matter. Do you have other questions to do?

B: an alone! I would want to have a document that authorized me to require and to get I help them aventuale of the local authorities.


to: will I do you him to reach at the most within a hour, where are you lodged?

B: all 'hotel las vegas.


to: you take note, captain grafford, to make to reach to the signor willer, hotel las vegas, a' authorization to have the help of all the sheriffs of the state.

B: you/he/she will be done, signor hovendal.


to: I don't know whether to thank you, signor willer. And... good luck!

B: thanks, signor hovendal, will certainly need it.


to: a hour later, in the room of tex, to the hotel las vegas...

b: quick, kit! ... you open the package... I cannot wait to raise me of back the uniform!

C: doesn't it regret you?


to: puah! ... you don't know what means to get out of from the shoulders badges and degrees and the whole rest, will seem me to rejuvenate of twenty years! Blessed your father, kit!

B: me however I am not "great!"

Page 162


to: to the hell that damned degree! You/he/she has stolen me the liberty and you/he/she has made me grow the bench than at least two fingers.

B: don't worry yourself for the belly! You will see that before the end of this bargain, you will have become as a horse nail thin.


to: in the same moment, in an underlying salette the room occupied by tex...

b: dispatched!... we will seize sooner the breadth, and it will be better.

C: calm!... in one minute I will have ended.


here is fact!... I don't now have that to turn on the fuse, and then...


to: vamos!

B: and with a lot of pleasure!


to: hey! Do you not wait for your friends?

B: we return among mezz'ora around. You hold however the living room to our disposition...


to: certain!... you have rented him/it for two hours... and for two hours will be always your!

B: (continuous)


will the attack succeed in putting out fight tex, kit willer and carson?

you read the next episode. The jackals of the kansas