Mesa Dunes Mobile Home Park

7807 E Main Street

Mesa, Arizona 85207

Phone: (480) 986-5451 Fax: (480) 986-6878

May 3, 2014

To the Residents of Mesa Dunes MHP:

As the dust clears, the gas project is wrapping up and we are just around the corner to be fully gassed up on the new Southwest Gas system. So what to do next? What can you expect?

All residents who previously paid Mesa Dunes MHP for gas will now need to start your gas service with Southwest Gas Corp. You may do so by calling 877-860-6020 option 0 for a representative or on-line at You must be home or have a friend at your home to allow SW Gas entry to the home during your gas turn on appointment. SW Gas offers a call in route for all turn on appointments so you know when to expect them.

For residents without a social security number, please be prepared to fax a copy of your passport or driver’s license to 1-866-997-9427 and allow 48 hours (2 business days) for processing. Please keep in mind, around October, scheduling can be as far out as 5 days, so please be sure to be proactive and take care of this prior to your return.

During your turn on appointment SW Gas will test the line inside the home, light pilots, inspect all gas appliances for leaks and make sure everything is on and working properly before they leave. SW Gas wants to ensure your safety; if you happen to have an issue during your turn on appointment, here’s how they are handled:

Non-Life Threatening

For a non-life threatening issue with an appliance, SW Gas will leave the appliance off with a form letting you know what repair or replacement is needed. As long as it is a non-life threatening issue, your gas will be turned on, but the appliance left off until the repair or replacement is made.

Life Threatening

If you have a life threatening issue, SW Gas will not turn gas on until the issue is repaired or replaced. If you are requested to make a repair or replacement, please call SW Gas Energy Service Department and ask for their rebates or programs for assistance with your repair or replacement. Or you can go on-line at for rebates and for programs.

SW Gas Arizona Assistance Programs are all based on meeting certain income guidelines.

In order to turn on SW Gas services without a utility deposit please use the attached letter of credit from us or sign up with SW Gas for Automatic Payment Plan. SW Gas bills every new customer a turn on fee of $35.

SW Gas offers Arizona assistance programs to help lower your gas bill. Most programs like Arizona LIRA you must qualify for, please ask about them when you call or check them out on-line at

I personally want to thank each and every resident for their continued patience, cooperation and sweet understanding during this entire project. The Mesa Dunes residents made a world of difference while staff was dealing with the many different agencies involved in this process. I am grateful to have had your kindness and considerate during all of this.

A Very Sincere Thank you,

Annie Martinez

Director of Operations/Comptroller