Mental Health Community Support Services (MHCSS) Catchment Based Planning

MHCSS CBP Governance Group – Terms of Reference

Status: Final, March 2014


1.0 Purpose

The Mental Health Community Support Services Catchment Based Planning governance group will work within the context of the Department of Health service specification Catchment Based MHCSS Planning Function to support a collaborative approach to the delivery of MHCSS across the North Western Metropolitan Region (NWMR). It will provide strategic direction, leadership, guidance and support for the effective development and implementation of a catchment based plan which:

-  Identifies current and projected service gaps and pressures.

-  Specifies cohesive strategies to improve responsiveness to community needs and population diversity.

-  Improves outcomes for people with a mental illness.

-  Is endorsed by MHCSS providers, clinical services, consumers and carers.

2.0 Key functions

·  Guide and contribute to the development and collation of appropriate data sets to monitor and track change over time and identify service gaps and access issues for people with a psychiatric disability living in the service catchment, particularly those facing significant disadvantage.

·  Support the development of cohesive strategies to improve responsiveness to community needs and population diversity in response to identified service gaps and demand pressures, taking into account available resources in the MHCSS program and the community more broadly.

·  Provide a coordinating point for the range of mental health service related planning and service coordination activity -such as Services Connect, Primary Care Partnerships, Primary Health Care Networks/ Medicare Locals and Mental Health Alliances – across the Region.

·  Collaborate with, and provide guidance for, the engagement of other relevant stakeholders in the CBP process, including to support the development and implementation of a communication strategy to inform and engage all stakeholders about CBP and CBP processes.

·  Ensure that consumers and carers actively participate in the CBP process and inform the development and review of the catchment plan and are represented in other relevant planning forums.

·  Contribute technical, sector specific and generalist expertise to ensure the priorities and strategies for change remain grounded and appropriate within the context of the delivery of MHCSS and the broader service system.

·  Where necessary support and facilitate the formation of relevant working groups to support the objectives of the CBP.

·  Contribute to the regular review and monitoring of the CBP and prioritise activities across the NWMR.

·  Identify and advise on issues, risks and barriers to effective development and implementation of the CBP.

3.0 Membership

3.1 Roles and responsibilities

·  Represent their organisation or group to whom they belong.

·  Have delegated authority to provide direction to the plan, commit to the setting of priorities and endorse (or organise endorsement) on behalf of their organisation or group for whom they represent.

·  Be aware of relevant planning and service coordination and integration work occurring at catchment/sub-catchment levels and actively foster collaboration, leverage opportunities and represent the interests and priorities identified through CBP within their own organisations and in these forums.

3.2 Members

The membership of the Governance group comprises all MHCSS providers and clinical mental health services across the North West Metropolitan region, consumer working group representatives, specialist MHCSS providers (ADEC/VAHS), carer support services and carer working group representatives and an AoD catchment based planning representative.

Relevant organisations are expected to identify an appropriate representative who has the capacity and knowledge to represent the organisation in the planning process.

MHCSS members are expected to bring knowledge of the suite of MHCSS services it delivers, including individual client support packages, residential rehabilitation, mutual support and self help, intake and assessment, carer respite and carer support.

Department of Health representatives will attend and participate in the meetings in an unofficial status.

A list of members is at Attachment A

3.3 Meeting frequency

It is anticipated that the governance group will meet four times per annum.

Further working groups may be developed from membership of the governance group, or co-opted representatives of experts.

It is possible that some of these meetings may occur as a joint meeting with the alcohol and drug CBP governance group to identify and support joint commitments and activities.

3.4 Chair

The Governance group will be chaired by the Director, Advocacy and Partnerships, cohealth.

3.5 Secretariat support

Secretariat support, including coordinating the agenda and meeting papers and taking minutes will be undertaken by cohealth.

3.6 Governance group support

cohealth will provide support to the Governance group and will undertake the following roles:

-  preparing and presenting data and information for consideration by the group.

-  keeping up to date a document which maps relevant activity, including planning and service coordination and integration activities.

-  actively monitor implementation of the CBP and provide appropriate reports

-  actively support partnerships, and identify opportunities for collaboration, with identified stakeholders

-  implement a communication strategy

-  coordinate working groups

cohealth staff, including the Senior Planner, Catchment Based Planning and the Senior Manager, Prevention and Population Health Planning will attend the meetings as part of this support role.

4.0 Deliverables

-  Establishment and implementation of a robust governance structure and processes which provides for systemic inclusion of MHCSS providers, Area Mental Health Services (AMHS), consumers and carers and relevant local health and community planning structures/stakeholders in the development, implementation and review of the plan.

-  Consultation and engagement strategy, including a communication plan, to engage key stakeholders in catchment based planning activity.

-  Agreed mental health data and information collation and management strategy.

-  Catchment wide service mapping

-  Development of an NWMR mental health catchment plan incorporating:

o  the development of strategies to improve service access and integration for individuals and their families; and

o  high level performance indicators to track service change and impact.

Attachment A: List of member at March 2014

Attachment B: Diagram 1: MHCSS and AoD Approach to Catchment Based Planning

Attachment A:

MHCSS Catchment Based Planning Governance Group – Membership, March 2014

MHCSS Providers

Glen Tobias, General Manager Victoria, Neami National

Ian Hardisty, General Manager, Mind North West Office

Chaturi Jayasuriya, Program Manager, Breakthru

MHCSS Consumer Representative Working Group

Neil Turton Lane, Consumer Consultant, Cohealth

Guler Altubas/ Deborak Kacprzak, Consumer representative, cohealth

Fiona Kranenbroek, Consumer representative, Neami

Specialist Community Mental Health Providers

Keith Hitchens, CEO, Action on Disability in Ethnic Communities

Helen Kennedy, Family Counselling Services Manager, Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) – open invitation to attend.

Clinical mental health services

Bridget Organ, Manager, St Vincent’s Area Mental Health Service

Sharon Sherwood, Manager, North East Area Mental Health Service

Gail Bradley, Manager, Inner West Area Mental Health Service

Joy Barrowman, Manager, North West Area Mental Health Service

Garry Monkley, Mid West Area Mental Health Service


Diagram 1: Mental Health Community Support Services (MHCSS) and Alcohol and other Drug Treatment Services (AoD) Approach to Catchment Based Planning (CBP)