Tentative Recruitment Schedule 2016
Time / EventFriday (Feb 5th)
9:00 – 9:30am / Informal breakfast(pastries and coffee in Suedfeld)
9:30-10:00am / Department Orientation
Dr. Sheila Woody will speak. [Suedfeld Lounge]
10:00am-12:00pm / 1st Faculty/Recruit timeslot
This time is reserved for recruits to meet with their prospective supervisor and other relevant faculty members. This time can also be used to hold an area meeting.
12:00-1:30pm / Area lunch
The recruitment committee will be providing food.
Room Assignments:
Social/Personality: POND 4038A/B/C
Cognitive/BNS: the Core (Kenny 3308)
Health/Quant: Kenny 2101
Clinical: Kenny 2510 (Suedfeld Lounge)
Developmental: Kenny 2512
1:30-2:45pm / Data Blitz
Faculty members from all over the department will give very brief (5 minutes) talks about their research. [Suedfeld Lounge]
2:45-4:30pm / 2nd Faculty/Recruit timeslot
This time is also reserved for recruits with their prospective supervisor and other faculty members if this wasn't completed in the first timeslot. This time can also be used for students in the labs to give lab tours and/or a campus tour.
4:30-8:30pm / Recruit Reception/BoH
Drinks and snacks will be served in the Suedfeld Lounge. All members of the department are encouraged to attend.
7:00pm-?? / Lab Group Dinners
These are held at the discretion of the individual labs.
Saturday (Feb 6th)
10:00am-1:00pm / Optional 3rd Faculty/Recruit timeslot
This time can be used for recruits to meet again with their prospective supervisor and other relevant faculty members (ie brunch meeting). Alternatively the recruitment committee will provide prospective students with suggestions of places to explore on their own, if they desire (ie, Granville Island, Kits Beach, etc).
1:00-3:30pm / Trolley tour of Vancouver
The tour will explore Granville Island, wind around Downtown and Stanley Park.
Please eat before joining us on the trolley.
Meeting Spot: Safeway (2733 W Broadway St)
(Intersection of Broadway and MacDonald St)
3:30-5:45pm / Free Time / Grad student mingle-hang-out
5:45-8:00pm / Dinner at Banana Leaf (3005 W Broadway St)
Dinner for the recruits and graduate student hosts (who the recruits are staying with).
8:00pm-?? / Graduate Student Social at the Cove Pub (3681 W 4th Ave)
A party to end Recruitment Weekend. Current graduate students are invited.