Supplementary Table 1: Historical and 2014/15 average monthly and historicaltemperatures (°C), and 2014/15 rainfall (Precip., in mm) in the six locations during the experiment (i.e., September to March).

Month / CRB† / MAB / PAL
Tº / Norm T° / Precip. / Norm P / Tº / Norm T° / Precip. / Norm P / Tº / Norm T° / Precip. / Norm P
September / 21.1 / 17.3 / 140.3 / 149 / 21.3 / 18.3 / 201 / 128 / 21.1 / 19.7 / 124.4 / 135
October / 24.1 / 18.8 / 225.9 / 226 / 22.7 / 19.8 / 240.2 / 188 / 24.3 / 21.5 / 126.6 / 173
November / 23 / 20.2 / 99.5 / 109 / 21.9 / 21.2 / 366.6 / 104 / 22.9 / 23 / 374.6 / 100
December / 22.3 / 21.3 / 189.4 / 201 / 24.8 / 21.9 / 224 / 200 / 23.7 / 23.9 / 424.8 / 158
January / 25.7 / 22.1 / 180.6 / 212 / 24.9 / 22.7 / 116.4 / 210 / 26 / 24.5 / 174.8 / 157
February / 25.1 / 22.2 / 187.8 / 175 / 24.7 / 22.6 / 78.6 / 145 / 24.9 / 24.5 / 129.4 / 146
March / 21.3 / 20.9 / 150.5 / 144 / 23.9 / 21.5 / 31 / 144 / 22.1 / 23.4 / 61.2 / 122
Month / SMI / REA / SJI
Tº / Norm T°a / Precip. / Norm Pb / Tº / Norm T° / Precip. / Norm P / Tº / Norm T° / Precip. / Norm P
September / 21.6 / 18.4 / 93 / 131 / 21.8 / 17 / 97.4 / 162 / 23.3 / 19.4 / 217.4 / 91
October / 23.3 / 20.6 / 131 / 237 / 23.7 / 19.2 / 114.8 / 236 / 24.6 / 20.8 / 155.6 / 157
November / 22.9 / 22.3 / 271 / 151 / 22.7 / 20.8 / 262 / 93 / 23.7 / 21.8 / 309 / 112
December / 24.3 / 23.8 / 319.4 / 163 / 23.8 / 22.3 / 448.6 / 199 / 24.2 / 22.7 / 222.6 / 149
January / 26.1 / 24.6 / 86.8 / 184 / 24.6 / 23.2 / 232.6 / 212 / 25.3 / 23.4 / 280.8 / 164
February / 26 / 24.3 / 63.6 / 165 / 24.3 / 23 / 306.8 / 174 / 25 / 23.4 / 243 / 141
March / 22.8 / 23 / 32.2 / 146 / 22.8 / 21.6 / 137.4 / 167 / 23.4 / 22.2 / 91.8 / 107

aNorm T° = 30-year average temperatures; source: National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) – Brazil

bNorm P = 30-year average precipitation; source: National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) – Brazil

†Abbreviations in location names: CRB, Corbélia; MAB, Mamborê; PAL; Palotina; REA, Realeza; SJI, São Jorge do Ivaí; SMI, São Miguel do Iguaçu.

Supplementary Table 2. Characteristics of the six locations for minimum (min) and maximum (max) temperatures, in °C, from September to March, in the 2014/15season.

Month / CRB† / MAB / PAL
min / max / min / max / min / max
September / 16.5 / 27 / 18.4 / 27.8 / 18.2 / 28
October / 18.6 / 29.6 / 18.5 / 28.8 / 19.3 / 29.1
November / 19.9 / 27.7 / 19.5 / 27.6 / 19.7 / 27.1
December / 20.2 / 26.7 / 20.5 / 28.9 / 20.6 / 28
January / 22.3 / 31.6 / 21.8 / 30.1 / 21.6 / 31
February / 21.8 / 30.2 / 21.9 / 31.1 / 22.4 / 31.4
March / 18.9 / 28.9 / 20 / 29.3 / 19.9 / 28.4
Mean maximum/minimum / 19.7 / 28.8 / 20.1 / 29.1 / 20.3 / 29
Month / SMI / REA / SJI
min / max / min / max / min / max
September / 17 / 28.4 / 18.6 / 28.1 / 18.8 / 28.6
October / 18.9 / 29.3 / 19 / 29.2 / 19.2 / 29
November / 19.4 / 29.6 / 19.4 / 27.2 / 20 / 28.1
December / 20.8 / 28.9 / 20 / 28.1 / 20.8 / 28.4
January / 21.8 / 31.8 / 21.5 / 30.2 / 21.1 / 29.9
February / 22.7 / 31.5 / 21.9 / 30.5 / 21 / 29.7
March / 23 / 31.7 / 18.8 / 27.9 / 20 / 29.2
Mean maximum/minimum / 20.5 / 30.2 / 19.9 / 28.8 / 20.1 / 29

†Abbreviations in location names: CRB, Corbélia; MAB, Mamborê; PAL; Palotina; REA, Realeza; SJI, São Jorge do Ivaí; SMI, São Miguel do Iguaçu.

Supplementary Table3: Analysis of variance for 81 genotypes of Brazilian soybean evaluated in six locations in the 2014/2015 crop season for sucrose, glucose, raffinose, and stachyose.

Source of Variation / Degrees of freedom / Mean Square
Sucrose / Glucose / Raffinose / Stachyose
Blocks / 2 / 19.0307 / 5.104 / 0.3146 / 19.2644
Genotype / 80 / 4.0426 ** / 0.278 ** / 0.0161 ** / 1.0766 **
Environment / 5 / 219.4872 ** / 20.124 ** / 0.1411 ** / 39.0343 **
G × E / 400 / 0.9465 ** / 0.1142 ** / 0.004 ** / 0.1691 **
Residual / 970 / 0.0096 / 0.0015 / 0.0001 / 0.0051
Mean / - / 3.04 / 1.59 / 0.39 / 3.1
Coefficient of variation (%) / - / 3.21 / 2.47 / 2.4 / 2.31

** significant at 1% (p<0,01) of probability of error by F test.

Supplementary Table 4: Scott-Knott test for sucrose content of81soybean genotypesevaluated in six locations, in the 2014/2015 crop season.

Genotypes / Locations
CRB† / MAB / PAL / REA / SJI / SMI / Mean
NS 5000 IPRO / 4.88d / 3.64c / 4.12b / 5.05d / 3.57c / 2.57c / 3.97a
NA 5909RG / 4.55f / 3.07f / 2.55k / 4.36i / 2.93g / 2.10f / 3.26e
NS 5151 IPRO / 5.01c / 2.54i / 3.33g / 4.87e / 2.86h / 2.20f / 3.47d
NS 4823 / 3.89j / 2.58i / 4.1b / 3.66m / 0.96r / 2.68c / 2.98f
NS 5858 / 5.74a / 3.39d / 3.93c / 4.52h / 2.46j / 3.08a / 3.86b
NS 5258 / 3.34m / 0.95q / 2.39l / 3.04o / 1.23q / 1.38j / 2.06l
NS 5290 / 5.28b / 2.02l / 3.11h / 2.44r / 2.38k / 1.44j / 2.78h
NS 4901 / 4.39h / 2.44j / 3.5f / 3.97k / 2.15l / 1.64i / 3.02f
BMX EnergiaRR / 4.50g / 2.06l / 4.33a / 4.24i / 3.27e / 1.26k / 3.28e
NS 6262 / 3.38m / 3.21e / 3.45f / 4.45h / 1.63o / 1.87h / 3.00f
BMX ApolloRR / 4.27h / 2.24k / 2.73j / 3.86l / 1.67o / 1.06k / 2.64i
NK V TopRR / 4.34h / 3.00g / 3.29g / 4.28i / 2.81h / 2.44d / 3.36d
BMX TurboRR / 4.47g / 2.97g / 4.13b / 4.53h / 3.13f / 2.32e / 3.59c
NS 5445 IPRO / 4.94d / 3.18f / 3.98c / 4.56g / 1.61o / 2.33e / 3.44d
NS 6006 IPRO / 4.60f / 2.12l / 2.48k / 4.01j / 0.21t / 0.93l / 2.39j
NS 5727 IPRO / 3.81k / 2.40j / 3.05h / 4.53h / 1.91m / 1.01l / 2.78h
M 5917 IPRO / 3.95j / 1.61o / 2.41l / 5.24c / 0.93r / 1.77h / 2.65i
5958RSF IPRO / 3.51m / 2.21k / 2.68j / 4.22i / 1.9m / 1.16k / 2.61i
NS 5959 IPRO / 4.11i / 3.41d / 4.09b / 4.7g / 1.34q / 2.21f / 3.31e
TMG 2158 IPRO / 4.83d / 3.36d / 3.59e / 4.23i / 2.40k / 2.14f / 3.43d
M 3570 IPRO / 4.58f / 2.30k / 3.48f / 4.86e / 3.18e / 2.16f / 3.43d
NS 6906 IPRO / 3.18n / 2.97g / 2.18n / 4.58g / 2.39k / 2.10f / 2.90g
NS 6823RR / 4.46g / 3.42d / 3.30g / 5.67a / 4.22b / 2.46d / 3.92a
NS 6767 / 3.53l / 2.48j / 2.52k / 3.58m / 2.80h / 2.15f / 2.85g
Nk V MaxRR / 2.79p / 1.57o / 1.93o / 1.80s / 1.34q / 1.65i / 1.85m
BMX PotenciaRR / 3.98j / 3.15f / 2.38l / 3.11o / 2.76i / 1.85h / 2.87g
TMG 7262 RR / 4.23i / 3.16f / 3.25g / 5.11d / 2.49j / 1.35j / 3.27e
NS 6209 / 4.10i / 2.67i / 2.97i / 4.07j / 2.81h / 1.31j / 2.99f
NS 6909 IPRO / 3.91j / 2.71h / 3.73e / 4.74f / 3.02f / 2.10f / 3.37d
6458RSF IPRO / 3.74k / 2.56i / 2.86i / 4.67g / 1.22q / 1.52i / 2.76h
6563RSF IPRO / 3.56l / 2.57i / 2.15n / 3.12o / 1.83n / 1.12k / 2.39j
AS 3610 IPRO / 5.14c / 3.30e / 3.06h / 4.61g / 2.78i / 2.62c / 3.59c
NS 7000 IPRO / 4.75e / 3.41d / 2.78j / 3.64m / 2.46j / 1.49i / 3.08f
M 6410 IPRO / 4.17i / 3.65c / 3.00h / 3.32n / 3.58c / 1.15k / 3.14e
NS 7209 IPRO / 3.00o / 2.20k / 2.53k / 2.59q / 2.28l / 0.16n / 2.13l
NS 7300 IPRO / 4.17i / 1.25p / 3.26g / 3.28n / 2.38k / 1.08k / 2.57i
NS 6700 IPRO / 4.27h / 3.76c / 2.7j / 3.99k / 2.44j / 1.74h / 3.15e
NS 6121RR / 3.42m / 1.88m / 1.13q / 2.78p / 1.65o / 0.41m / 1.88m
NS 6060 IPRO / 4.70e / 1.97l / 3.48f / 4.34i / 1.63o / 1.78h / 2.99f
NS 7338 IPRO / 4.61f / 2.82h / 2.75j / 3.60m / 2.39k / 0.93l / 2.85g
NS 7237 IPRO / 4.28h / 1.51o / 2.76j / 4.28i / 1.44p / 1.14k / 2.57i
NS 5401RR / 5.33b / 2.21k / 3.06h / 4.44h / 1.67o / 1.57i / 3.05f
BMX AtivaRR / 4.47g / 2.61i / 3.61e / 4.70g / 1.30q / 1.18k / 2.98f
A 6411RG / 4.56f / 2.95g / 2.70j / 4.41h / 2.36k / 2.21f / 3.20e
M 6210 IPRO / 4.59f / 4.09b / 2.85i / 4.96e / 4.36a / 3.04a / 3.98a
NS 5106 IPRO / 5.06c / 2.59i / 4.15b / 5.18c / 3.09f / 2.87b / 3.83b
L 47 / 3.77k / 2.29k / 3.22g / 5.09d / 1.96m / 1.76h / 3.02f
L 48 / 3.86j / 2.72h / 3.65e / 3.58m / 2.29l / 1.61i / 2.95f
L 49 / 3.71k / 1.91m / 3.17g / 3.83l / 1.77n / 1.85h / 2.71h
L 50 / 3.78k / 1.87m / 2.93i / 3.95k / 2.67i / 1.34j / 2.76h
L 51 / 3.64l / 2.79h / 2.64j / 4.14j / 2.20l / 1.46j / 2.81g
L 52 / 4.39h / 2.49j / 3.42f / 4.35i / 2.68i / 1.99g / 3.22e
L 53 / 4.48g / 2.88g / 2.97i / 4.66g / 2.70i / 2.30e / 3.33d
L 54 / 4.03j / 2.99g / 2.64j / 5.35b / 2.73i / 2.02g / 3.29e
L 55 / 3.58l / 2.16k / 3.04h / 4.05j / 2.95g / 0.40m / 2.70h
L 56 / 3.46m / 1.03q / 2.93p / 3.22n / 1.69o / 1.50i / 2.05l
L 57 / 3.39m / 2.31k / 2.31m / 4.09j / 1.49p / 1.82h / 2.57i
L 58 / 2.86p / 2.39j / 1.98o / 3.68m / 1.30q / 1.08k / 2.21k
L 59 / 3.80k / 3.30e / 3.71e / 4.87e / 3.40d / 2.66c / 3.62c
L 60 / 3.00o / 2.01l / 2.49k / 3.58m / 2.19l / 1.91g / 2.53i
L 61 / 4.74e / 1.86m / 2.44l / 4.54h / 2.52j / 2.31e / 3.07f
L 62 / 3.58l / 2.18k / 3.79d / 3.80l / 2.17l / 1.57i / 2.85g
L 63 / 3.85j / 2.53i / 4.07b / 4.85e / 3.15f / 2.26e / 3.45d
L 64 / 3.48m / 2.34k / 2.26m / 4.86e / 2.34k / 1.84h / 2.85g
L 65 / 4.56f / 3.11f / 3.43f / 4.84e / 2.81h / 2.62c / 3.56c
L 66 / 4.71e / 3.27e / 3.71e / 4.21i / 3.66c / 2.50d / 3.67c
L 67 / 4.52g / 2.92g / 2.54k / 4.98d / 2.84h / 2.47d / 3.38d
L 68 / 4.65e / 3.21e / 2.90i / 4.74f / 3.28e / 1.92g / 3.45d
L 69 / 3.92j / 3.33d / 3.11h / 4.66g / 3.17e / 2.12f / 3.39d
L 70 / 3.90j / 2.24k / 2.23m / 4.22i / 2.33k / 2.05f / 2.83g
L 71 / 2.70p / 1.69n / 1.47h / 4.40h / 2.75i / 1.56i / 2.69h
L 72 / 3.77k / 3.77c / 2.33m / 5.74a / 2.65i / 2.33e / 3.43d
L 73 / 4.35h / 4.52a / 3.40f / 5.06d / 3.04f / 2.64c / 3.84b
L 74 / 4.19i / 3.47d / 2.80j / 4.34i / 2.84h / 2.97a / 3.44d
L 75 / 3.67l / 3.72c / 2.1n / 3.32n / 2.72i / 2.69c / 3.04f
L 76 / 2.48q / 3.47d / 2.66j / 4.10j / 2.73i / 2.77c / 3.04f
L 77 / 3.44m / 3.65c / 2.64j / 4.06j / 2.93g / 2.65c / 3.23e
L 78 / 4.27h / 2.74h / 4.17b / 3.84l / 0.67s / 1.79h / 2.91g
L 79 / 4.38h / 3.08f / 3.46f / 4.58g / 2.53j / 1.33j / 3.22e
L 80 / 4.24i / 2.96g / 2.85i / 4.61g / 2.96g / 2.00g / 3.27e
L 81 / 4.44g / 2.79h / 4.35a / 3.55m / 1.80n / 0.45m / 2.90g
Mean / 4.10a / 2.69c / 3.03b / 4.22a / 2.38d / 1.84e / -

*Means followed by the same lowercase letter in the column are not significantly different (P = 0.05) according to Scott-Knott test.

†Abbreviations in location names: CRB, Corbélia; MAB, Mamborê; PAL; Palotina; REA, Realeza; SJI, São Jorge do Ivaí; SMI, São Miguel do Iguaçu.

Supplementary Table 5:Scott-Knott test for glucose content of81soybean genotypesevaluated in six locations, in the 2014/2015 crop season.

Genotypes / Locations
CRB† / MAB / PAL / REA / SJI / SMI / Mean
NS 5000 IPRO / 1.31j / 1.85e / 1.51c / 1.43e / 1.83e / 2.11j / 1.67e
NA 5909RG / 1.36i / 1.69h / 1.46d / 1.33f / 1.74g / 1.96l / 1.59f
NS 5151 IPRO / 1.16l / 1.89e / 1.55b / 1.11h / 1.99c / 2.09j / 1.63f
NS 4823 / 1.22k / 1.41l / 1.29g / 1.12h / 1.89d / 2.59c / 1.59f
NS 5858 / 1.06n / 1.46k / 1.34f / 1.00j / 1.51k / 2.4e / 1.46h
NS 5258 / 1.2k / 1.91e / 1.27g / 1.04i / 1.5k / 2.41e / 1.55g
NS 5290 / 1.18k / 1.69h / 1.35f / 1.41e / 1.84e / 1.81n / 1.55g
NS 4901 / 1.05n / 1.95d / 1.34f / 1.17h / 1.94d / 2.34f / 1.63f
BMX EnergiaRR / 0.96o / 1.68h / 1.38e / 0.82k / 1.52j / 2.11j / 1.41i
NS 6262 / 1.12m / 2.22b / 1.55b / 1.12h / 1.87e / 2.17i / 1.68e
BMX ApolloRR / 0.87p / 1.85e / 1.25h / 0.93j / 1.56j / 2.24h / 1.45h
NK V TopRR / 1.11m / 1.75g / 1.31f / 1.18h / 1.43l / 1.84n / 1.44h
BMX TurboRR / 1.37i / 1.74g / 1.01k / 1.4e / 1.53j / 2.08j / 1.52g
NS 5445 IPRO / 1.23k / 1.68h / 1.44d / 0.96j / 1.72g / 2.3g / 1.56g
NS 6006 IPRO / 1.67d / 1.79g / 1.56b / 1.38e / 2.09b / 2.3g / 1.8c
NS 5727 IPRO / 1.58e / 1.9e / 1.43d / 1.23g / 1.77f / 2.51d / 1.74d
M 5917 IPRO / 1.27j / 1.71h / 1.59b / 1.5d / 1.93d / 1.99k / 1.66e
5958RSF IPRO / 1.33i / 1.77g / 1.42d / 1.42e / 1.88e / 2.21h / 1.67e
NS 5959 IPRO / 1.11m / 1.75g / 1.55b / 1.44e / 2.15b / 2.47d / 1.75d
TMG 2158 IPRO / 1.23k / 1.64h / 1.23h / 1.24g / 1.73g / 2.22h / 1.55g
M 3570 IPRO / 1.81b / 1.83f / 1.49c / 1.27g / 1.85e / 2.12j / 1.73d
NS 6906 IPRO / 1.51g / 1.77g / 1.31f / 1.59c / 1.53j / 2.37f / 1.68e
NS 6823RR / 1.45h / 2.01c / 1.21h / 1.32f / 1.64h / 2.01k / 1.61f
NS 6767 / 1.46h / 1.54j / 1.58b / 1.37e / 1.67h / 2.18i / 1.63f
Nk V MaxRR / 1.88a / 1.86e / 1.67a / 1.65c / 1.9d / 2.02k / 1.83b
BMX PotenciaRR / 1.41h / 1.67h / 1.13j / 1.42e / 1.29m / 1.94l / 1.48h
TMG 7262 RR / 1.09n / 1.72h / 1.28g / 1.32f / 1.68h / 2.43e / 1.59f
NS 6209 / 1.42h / 1.78g / 1.5c / 1.24g / 1.41l / 1.89m / 1.54g
NS 6909 IPRO / 1.41h / 1.58i / 1.4d / 1.15h / 1.33m / 2.37f / 1.54g
6458RSF IPRO / 1.62e / 1.42l / 1.29g / 1.27g / 1.77f / 1.94l / 1.55g
6563RSF IPRO / 1.54f / 1.68h / 1.31f / 1.39e / 1.8f / 2.09j / 1.64f
AS 3610 IPRO / 1.29j / 2.07c / 1.45d / 1.17h / 1.83e / 1.91l / 1.62f
NS 7000 IPRO / 1.43h / 1.95d / 1.21h / 1.62c / 1.98c / 2.51d / 1.79c
M 6410 IPRO / 1.34i / 1.78g / 1.1j / 1.83a / 1.24n / 2.69b / 1.66e
NS 7209 IPRO / 1.35i / 1.88e / 1.25h / 1.85a / 1.55j / 2.12j / 1.67e
NS 7300 IPRO / 1.35i / 2.01c / 1.5c / 1.83a / 1.58i / 2.12j / 1.73d
NS 6700 IPRO / 1.44h / 1.69h / 1.51c / 1.63c / 1.79f / 2.21h / 1.71d
NS 6121RR / 1.16l / 1.56j / 1.18i / 1.52d / 1.45l / 2.09j / 1.49h
NS 6060 IPRO / 1.44h / 1.68h / 1.51c / 1.49d / 2.1b / 2.22h / 1.74d
NS 7338 IPRO / 1.52f / 1.72h / 1.24h / 1.61c / 1.58i / 2.35f / 1.67e
NS 7237 IPRO / 1.46h / 2.29a / 1.32f / 1.33f / 1.65h / 2.16i / 1.7d
NS 5401RR / 0.65q / 1.65h / 1.23h / 1.12h / 1.56j / 1.99k / 1.37i
BMX AtivaRR / 1.42h / 1.7h / 1.34f / 1.05i / 2.03c / 2.16i / 1.62f
A 6411RG / 1.59e / 1.68h / 1.45d / 1.35f / 1.6i / 2.11j / 1.63f
M 6210 IPRO / 1.58e / 2.03c / 1.41d / 1.4e / 1.49k / 1.97l / 1.65e
NS 5106 IPRO / 1.5g / 2.03c / 1.57b / 1.59c / 1.92d / 2k / 1.77c
L 47 / 1.21k / 1.76g / 1.47c / 1.12h / 1.49k / 1.89m / 1.49h
L 48 / 1.35i / 1.79g / 1.16i / 1.3f / 1.48k / 1.97l / 1.51g
L 49 / 1.26j / 1.86e / 1.31f / 1.33f / 1.49k / 1.85n / 1.52g
L 50 / 1.51g / 1.89e / 1.51c / 1.47d / 1.72g / 1.96l / 1.68e
L 51 / 1.51g / 1.56j / 1.17i / 1.43e / 1.51k / 1.7p / 1.48h
L 52 / 1.07n / 1.39l / 1.27g / 1.15h / 1.33m / 1.76o / 1.33j
L 53 / 1.33i / 1.4l / 1.33f / 1.04i / 1.53j / 1.75o / 1.4i
L 54 / 1.53f / 1.92d / 1.58b / 1.29f / 1.55j / 1.99k / 1.64e
L 55 / 1.72c / 1.82f / 1.5c / 1.35f / 1.53j / 2.16i / 1.68e
L 56 / 1.18k / 1.39l / 1.43c / 1.25g / 1.47k / 1.76o / 1.42i
L 57 / 1.16l / 1.63i / 1.61b / 1.39e / 1.98c / 2.01k / 1.63f
L 58 / 1.61e / 1.6i / 1.22h / 1.7b / 1.81f / 1.87m / 1.63f
L 59 / 1.34i / 1.71h / 1.47c / 1.24g / 1.88e / 2.01k / 1.61f
L 60 / 1.51g / 1.65h / 1.45d / 1.64c / 1.98c / 2.08j / 1.72d
L 61 / 1.35i / 1.73g / 1.46d / 1.23g / 1.89d / 1.92l / 1.6f
L 62 / 1.36i / 1.58j / 1.29g / 1.25g / 1.49k / 2.06j / 1.5g
L 63 / 1.49g / 1.48k / 1.33f / 1.36f / 1.58i / 1.83n / 1.51g
L 64 / 1.75c / 1.62i / 1.48c / 1.42e / 1.65h / 2.08j / 1.66e
L 65 / 1.37i / 1.29m / 0.95l / 1.14h / 1.23n / 1.75o / 1.29j
L 66 / 1.44h / 1.57j / 1.38e / 1.4e / 1.75g / 2.11j / 1.61f
L 67 / 1.33i / 1.28m / 1.32f / 1.33f / 1.67h / 1.88m / 1.47h
L 68 / 1.42h / 1.46k / 1.46d / 1.27g / 1.41l / 1.63q / 1.44h
L 69 / 1.51g / 1.48k / 1.57b / 1.19g / 1.5k / 1.69p / 1.49h
L 70 / 1.55f / 1.59i / 1.49c / 1.15h / 1.83e / 1.96l / 1.6f
L 71 / 1.61e / 2.19b / 0.39c / 1.17h / 1.54j / 1.97l / 1.66e
L 72 / 1.03n / 1.28m / 1.37e / 0.98j / 1.68h / 1.55r / 1.32j
L 73 / 1.45h / 1.44k / 1.32f / 1.24g / 1.41l / 1.64q / 1.42i
L 74 / 1.48g / 1.44k / 1.64a / 1.45e / 1.77f / 1.72p / 1.58f
L 75 / 1.58e / 1.63i / 1.67a / 1.28g / 1.77f / 1.86n / 1.63f
L 76 / 1.34i / 1.49k / 1.42d / 1.42e / 1.46l / 1.69p / 1.47h
L 77 / 1.3j / 1.41l / 1.48c / 1.26g / 1.55j / 1.9m / 1.48h
L 78 / 1.09n / 1.89e / 1.51c / 1.29g / 2.26a / 2.72b / 1.79c
L 79 / 1.27j / 1.41l / 1.25h / 1.16h / 1.45l / 2.3g / 1.48h
L 80 / 1.54f / 1.55j / 1.38e / 1.62c / 1.42l / 2.01k / 1.58f
L 81 / 1.54f / 1.61i / 1.69a / 1.71b / 2.02c / 3.08a / 1.94a
Mean / 1.37c / 1.7b / 1.39c / 1.33c / 1.68b / 2.08a / -

*Means followed by the same lowercase letter in the column are not significantly different (P = 0.05) according to Scott-Knott test.

†Abbreviations in location names: CRB, Corbélia; MAB, Mamborê; PAL; Palotina; REA, Realeza; SJI, São Jorge do Ivaí; SMI, São Miguel do Iguaçu.

Supplementary Table 6: Scott-Knott test for stachyose content of81soybean genotypesevaluated in six locations, in the 2014/2015 crop season.

CRB† / MAB / PAL / REA / SJI / SMI / Mean
NS 5000 IPRO / 3.55e / 3.21f / 2.99d / 3.86c / 3.20d / 2.57g / 3.23d
NA 5909RG / 3.73d / 3.27e / 2.85e / 3.91c / 3.32c / 2.93d / 3.33c
NS 5151 IPRO / 3.79c / 2.85j / 2.92d / 3.89c / 3.03f / 2.44h / 3.15e
NS 4823 / 3.56e / 3.23e / 3.12c / 3.63e / 2.71i / 2.99c / 3.2d
NS 5858 / 3.9c / 3.29e / 3.15c / 3.95b / 3.21d / 2.88d / 3.4b
NS 5258 / 3.26g / 2.28m / 2.63g / 3.22h / 2.74i / 2.34i / 2.74h
NS 5290 / 3.74c / 2.45l / 2.58h / 3.08i / 2.99g / 2.19j / 2.84h
NS 4901 / 3.73d / 2.49l / 3.04c / 3.48f / 2.82h / 2.45h / 3.00f
BMX EnergiaRR / 3.79c / 2.73k / 3.44a / 3.91c / 3.27c / 2.54g / 3.28c
NS 6262 / 3.41f / 3.17f / 2.94d / 3.76d / 2.8h / 2.55g / 3.1e
BMX ApolloRR / 3.75c / 2.68k / 2.78f / 3.61e / 2.93g / 2.23j / 2.99f
NK V TopRR / 3.52f / 3.22e / 3.19b / 3.73d / 3.31c / 3.05c / 3.34c
BMX TurboRR / 3.58e / 3h / 3.48a / 3.77d / 3.56a / 2.89d / 3.38b
NS 5445 IPRO / 3.56e / 3.21f / 2.96d / 3.57f / 2.61j / 2.44h / 3.06e
NS 6006 IPRO / 3.41f / 2.59l / 2.33j / 3.5f / 1.89o / 1.85l / 2.6i
NS 5727 IPRO / 3.21h / 2.5l / 2.63g / 3.6e / 2.33l / 1.84l / 2.69i
M 5917 IPRO / 3.45f / 2.58l / 2.64g / 3.96b / 2.58j / 2.45h / 2.94g
5958RSF IPRO / 3.47f / 3.11g / 2.85e / 3.74d / 3f / 2.44h / 3.1e
NS 5959 IPRO / 3.66d / 3.35d / 3.2b / 3.96b / 2.24m / 2.64f / 3.17d
TMG 2158 IPRO / 3.43f / 3.27e / 2.97d / 3.8d / 2.9g / 2.54g / 3.15e
M 3570 IPRO / 3.43f / 2.83j / 2.66g / 3.33h / 2.58j / 2.43h / 2.88g
NS 6906 IPRO / 3.65d / 2.99h / 2.44j / 3.74d / 2.92g / 2.93d / 3.11e
NS 6823RR / 3.76c / 3.59b / 3.24b / 4.38a / 3.46b / 3.01c / 3.58a
NS 6767 / 3.35g / 2.93i / 2.48i / 3.52f / 2.87g / 3.02c / 3.03f
Nk V MaxRR / 3.08i / 2.76k / 2.57h / 2.79j / 2.75h / 2.6f / 2.76h
BMX PotenciaRR / 3.47f / 3.06h / 2.92d / 3.31h / 3.2d / 3.05c / 3.17d
TMG 7262 RR / 3.78c / 3.18f / 2.87e / 3.95b / 2.78h / 2.31i / 3.14e
NS 6209 / 3.5f / 2.73k / 2.54h / 3.41g / 2.9g / 2.28i / 2.89g
NS 6909 IPRO / 3.46f / 2.92i / 3.19b / 3.82d / 3.09e / 2.79e / 3.21d
6458RSF IPRO / 3.33g / 2.82j / 2.74f / 3.7e / 2.17m / 2.15j / 2.82h
6563RSF IPRO / 3.4f / 2.83j / 2.43j / 2.99i / 2.69i / 2.33i / 2.78h
AS 3610 IPRO / 4b / 3.11g / 2.57h / 3.76d / 3.09e / 2.82e / 3.22d
NS 7000 IPRO / 3.79c / 3.44c / 2.96d / 3.46f / 3.23d / 2.9d / 3.3c
M 6410 IPRO / 3.65d / 3.32d / 2.88e / 3.26h / 3.48b / 2.69f / 3.21d
NS 7209 IPRO / 3.39f / 2.79k / 2.91d / 3.25h / 3.12e / 2.18j / 2.94g
NS 7300 IPRO / 3.26g / 2.53l / 2.84e / 3.41g / 2.98g / 1.95k / 2.83h
NS 6700 IPRO / 3.84c / 3.76a / 2.97d / 3.87c / 2.95g / 2.81e / 3.37b
NS 6121RR / 2.94j / 2.3m / 2.04l / 2.69j / 2.07n / 1.75m / 2.3j
NS 6060 IPRO / 3.81c / 2.9i / 3.26b / 3.55f / 2.71i / 2.93d / 3.19d
NS 7338 IPRO / 3.58e / 2.86j / 2.95d / 3.36g / 2.68i / 2.02k / 2.91g
NS 7237 IPRO / 3.45f / 2.58l / 2.51i / 3.64e / 2.46k / 2.26i / 2.82h
NS 5401RR / 4.24a / 2.9i / 3.3b / 3.96b / 2.95g / 2.71f / 3.34c
BMX AtivaRR / 3.64d / 3.13g / 3.1c / 3.89c / 2.7i / 2.4h / 3.14e
A 6411RG / 3.51f / 3.01h / 2.34j / 3.83d / 2.94g / 2.61f / 3.04e
M 6210 IPRO / 3.33g / 3.19f / 2.61h / 3.83d / 3.43b / 2.92d / 3.22d
NS 5106 IPRO / 3.62d / 2.73k / 3.03c / 3.8d / 3.01f / 2.69f / 3.15e
L 47 / 3.63d / 2.91i / 3.1c / 3.85c / 2.95g / 2.75e / 3.2d
L 48 / 3.61e / 3.15f / 3.37a / 3.7e / 3.47b / 3.11c / 3.4b
L 49 / 3.81c / 3.19f / 3.48a / 4.02b / 3.29c / 3.13b / 3.49a
L 50 / 3.56e / 2.92i / 2.97d / 3.72d / 3.35c / 2.89d / 3.24d
L 51 / 3.51f / 3.39d / 2.96d / 3.82d / 3.24d / 2.75e / 3.28c
L 52 / 3.58e / 2.79k / 3.02c / 3.73d / 3.12e / 2.91d / 3.19d
L 53 / 3.55e / 2.96i / 2.81e / 3.5f / 2.94g / 2.9d / 3.11e
L 54 / 3.53e / 3.03h / 2.77f / 3.97b / 3.16d / 2.61f / 3.18d
L 55 / 3.17h / 2.67k / 2.69g / 3.5f / 2.94g / 1.64m / 2.77h
L 56 / 3.45f / 2.26m / 2.8l / 3.41g / 2.48k / 2.4h / 2.67i
L 57 / 3.43f / 2.75k / 2.48i / 3.58f / 2.44k / 2.58g / 2.88g
L 58 / 3.27g / 3.09g / 2.78f / 3.63e / 2.65i / 2.41h / 2.97f
L 59 / 3.38f / 2.98h / 2.98d / 4.04b / 3.44b / 3.04c / 3.31c
L 60 / 3j / 2.53l / 2.37j / 3.38g / 2.78h / 2.7f / 2.79h
L 61 / 3.43f / 2.71k / 2.57h / 3.64e / 2.86g / 2.82e / 3.01f
L 62 / 3.67d / 2.69k / 3.31b / 3.55f / 2.89g / 2.93d / 3.17d
L 63 / 3.67d / 3.12g / 3.5a / 3.84c / 3.32c / 3.06c / 3.42b
L 64 / 3.42f / 3.03h / 2.99d / 3.94b / 3.2d / 2.96d / 3.26d
L 65 / 3.36g / 2.96i / 2.73f / 3.77d / 3.13e / 2.61f / 3.09e
L 66 / 3.63d / 3.14f / 2.93d / 3.54f / 3.03f / 2.93d / 3.2d
L 67 / 3.96b / 3.06h / 2.37j / 3.99b / 3.15d / 2.84e / 3.23d
L 68 / 3.25g / 2.7k / 2.25k / 3.57f / 2.86g / 2.15j / 2.8h
L 69 / 3.08i / 2.74k / 2.22k / 3.63e / 2.59j / 2.31i / 2.76h
L 70 / 3.28g / 2.51l / 2.1l / 3.81d / 2.96g / 2.75e / 2.9g
L 71 / 2.99j / 2.27m / 3.04i / 3.42g / 2.31l / 2.37h / 2.64i
L 72 / 3.54e / 3.34d / 2.48i / 4b / 2.91g / 2.88d / 3.19d
L 73 / 4.05b / 3.7a / 3.43a / 3.86c / 3.2d / 3.44a / 3.61a
L 74 / 3.6e / 3.27e / 2.73f / 3.66e / 3.31c / 3.36a / 3.32c
L 75 / 3.48f / 3.4d / 2.89e / 3.32h / 3.4b / 3.23b / 3.29c
L 76 / 3.01j / 3.29e / 2.95d / 3.58f / 3.22d / 3.2b / 3.21d
L 77 / 3.37g / 3.5c / 3.09c / 3.69e / 3.39b / 2.94d / 3.33c
L 78 / 3.8c / 2.84j / 3.28b / 3.8d / 2.87g / 2.71f / 3.22d
L 79 / 3.86c / 3.47c / 3.02c / 3.72d / 3.29c / 2.68f / 3.34c
L 80 / 3.67d / 3.26e / 3.25b / 3.94b / 3.57a / 2.95d / 3.44b
L 81 / 3.84c / 3.15f / 3.42a / 3.39g / 2.99g / 2.32i / 3.18d
Mean / 3.53b / 2.97c / 2.85d / 3.65a / 2.95c / 2.64e / -

*Means followed by the same lowercase letter in the column are not significantly different (P = 0.05) according to Scott-Knott test.

†Abbreviations in location names: CRB, Corbélia; MAB, Mamborê; PAL; Palotina; REA, Realeza; SJI, São Jorge do Ivaí; SMI, São Miguel do Iguaçu.

Supplementary Table 7: Scott-Knott test for raffinose content of81soybean genotypesevaluated in six locations, in the 2014/2015 crop season.

Genotypes / Locations
CRB† / MAB / PAL / REA / SJI / SMI / Mean
NS 5000 IPRO / 0.46d / 0.51b / 0.46a / 0.45a / 0.40d / 0.43c / 0.45a
NA 5909RG / 0.39i / 0.43g / 0.37f / 0.38c / 0.40d / 0.43c / 0.40d
NS 5151 IPRO / 0.42f / 0.48d / 0.41d / 0.37d / 0.40d / 0.43c / 0.42c
NS 4823 / 0.42f / 0.44g / 0.40d / 0.36e / 0.34h / 0.43c / 0.40d
NS 5858 / 0.41g / 0.47e / 0.39e / 0.34e / 0.37f / 0.43d / 0.40d
NS 5258 / 0.36j / 0.40h / 0.34h / 0.27i / 0.31i / 0.39f / 0.35h
NS 5290 / 0.36j / 0.44g / 0.37f / 0.34e / 0.37f / 0.39f / 0.38f
NS 4901 / 0.42f / 0.40i / 0.36g / 0.35e / 0.39e / 0.41e / 0.39e
BMX EnergiaRR / 0.39i / 0.42g / 0.42c / 0.35e / 0.43c / 0.41e / 0.40d
NS 6262 / 0.39i / 0.53a / 0.36g / 0.35e / 0.37f / 0.43d / 0.40d
BMX ApolloRR / 0.44e / 0.46e / 0.37f / 0.35e / 0.36f / 0.38g / 0.39e
NK V TopRR / 0.38i / 0.44g / 0.42c / 0.33f / 0.37f / 0.41d / 0.39e
BMX TurboRR / 0.48b / 0.50c / 0.39e / 0.38c / 0.42c / 0.43c / 0.44b
NS 5445 IPRO / 0.47c / 0.46e / 0.40e / 0.39c / 0.39e / 0.45b / 0.43c
NS 6006 IPRO / 0.45d / 0.42g / 0.37f / 0.36e / 0.26k / 0.38g / 0.37g
NS 5727 IPRO / 0.45d / 0.40i / 0.38f / 0.38c / 0.34h / 0.29k / 0.37g
M 5917 IPRO / 0.43e / 0.39i / 0.36g / 0.36e / 0.34h / 0.42d / 0.39f
5958RSF IPRO / 0.37j / 0.43g / 0.33i / 0.38d / 0.39d / 0.33i / 0.37g
NS 5959 IPRO / 0.42f / 0.45f / 0.37f / 0.37d / 0.31i / 0.35h / 0.38f
TMG 2158 IPRO / 0.39h / 0.44f / 0.34h / 0.32f / 0.34h / 0.34i / 0.36g
M 3570 IPRO / 0.39h / 0.4h / 0.37f / 0.32f / 0.36g / 0.34i / 0.36g
NS 6906 IPRO / 0.41g / 0.42g / 0.36g / 0.39c / 0.35g / 0.33i / 0.38f
NS 6823RR / 0.40h / 0.49c / 0.46a / 0.45a / 0.42c / 0.34i / 0.43c
NS 6767 / 0.42f / 0.42g / 0.41d / 0.38c / 0.39d / 0.35h / 0.40e
Nk V MaxRR / 0.42f / 0.39i / 0.39e / 0.28h / 0.31i / 0.37g / 0.36g
BMX PotenciaRR / 0.44e / 0.48d / 0.46a / 0.37d / 0.34h / 0.36h / 0.41d
TMG 7262 RR / 0.40h / 0.45f / 0.33i / 0.35e / 0.33h / 0.33i / 0.36g
NS 6209 / 0.43e / 0.49c / 0.40d / 0.30g / 0.34h / 0.33i / 0.38f
NS 6909 IPRO / 0.47c / 0.40i / 0.42c / 0.38c / 0.43c / 0.44b / 0.42c
6458RSF IPRO / 0.48b / 0.43g / 0.41d / 0.38d / 0.34h / 0.40e / 0.41d
6563RSF IPRO / 0.40g / 0.37j / 0.37f / 0.36e / 0.35g / 0.33i / 0.36g
AS 3610 IPRO / 0.47b / 0.48d / 0.37f / 0.38d / 0.43c / 0.40e / 0.42c
NS 7000 IPRO / 0.40h / 0.45f / 0.42c / 0.40b / 0.41c / 0.42d / 0.42c
M 6410 IPRO / 0.38i / 0.42g / 0.40d / 0.35e / 0.39d / 0.27l / 0.37g
NS 7209 IPRO / 0.40h / 0.42g / 0.39e / 0.39c / 0.36f / 0.23m / 0.37g
NS 7300 IPRO / 0.41g / 0.41h / 0.39e / 0.40c / 0.34h / 0.28l / 0.37g
NS 6700 IPRO / 0.45d / 0.51b / 0.40e / 0.38c / 0.38f / 0.29k / 0.40d
NS 6121RR / 0.33k / 0.35k / 0.27j / 0.24j / 0.20m / 0.13n / 0.25j
NS 6060 IPRO / 0.37j / 0.41h / 0.35h / 0.31g / 0.36f / 0.38g / 0.36g
NS 7338 IPRO / 0.44e / 0.45f / 0.37f / 0.37d / 0.32i / 0.26l / 0.37g
NS 7237 IPRO / 0.42f / 0.40h / 0.38f / 0.40c / 0.24l / 0.34i / 0.36g
NS 5401RR / 0.40g / 0.47e / 0.40e / 0.38c / 0.39e / 0.43c / 0.41d
BMX AtivaRR / 0.44e / 0.43g / 0.43c / 0.36e / 0.37f / 0.34i / 0.39e
A 6411RG / 0.48b / 0.41h / 0.40e / 0.41b / 0.38e / 0.35h / 0.40d
M 6210 IPRO / 0.43e / 0.47d / 0.43c / 0.41b / 0.37f / 0.45b / 0.43c
NS 5106 IPRO / 0.51a / 0.41h / 0.43c / 0.37d / 0.38f / 0.42d / 0.42c
L 47 / 0.41g / 0.42g / 0.41d / 0.4b / 0.35g / 0.43d / 0.4d
L 48 / 0.39i / 0.43g / 0.37f / 0.36e / 0.38f / 0.45b / 0.40e
L 49 / 0.43e / 0.42g / 0.42d / 0.37d / 0.39e / 0.43d / 0.41d
L 50 / 0.44e / 0.41h / 0.40d / 0.37d / 0.45b / 0.43c / 0.42c
L 51 / 0.42f / 0.37j / 0.39e / 0.37d / 0.38f / 0.35h / 0.38f
L 52 / 0.39i / 0.38j / 0.32i / 0.36e / 0.36g / 0.42d / 0.37g
L 53 / 0.40g / 0.42g / 0.46a / 0.39c / 0.45b / 0.45b / 0.43c
L 54 / 0.41g / 0.43g / 0.41d / 0.39c / 0.4d / 0.38g / 0.40d
L 55 / 0.45e / 0.38j / 0.44b / 0.36e / 0.39e / 0.11o / 0.36h
L 56 / 0.35k / 0.29l / 0.41g / 0.34e / 0.30j / 0.35h / 0.33i
L 57 / 0.43e / 0.41h / 0.43c / 0.39c / 0.36f / 0.4e / 0.40d
L 58 / 0.39h / 0.43g / 0.45b / 0.38d / 0.32i / 0.39f / 0.39e
L 59 / 0.45d / 0.46e / 0.43c / 0.45a / 0.39e / 0.47a / 0.44b
L 60 / 0.41g / 0.40i / 0.42c / 0.35e / 0.40d / 0.41e / 0.40d
L 61 / 0.41f / 0.4h / 0.34h / 0.36d / 0.40d / 0.41d / 0.39e
L 62 / 0.41g / 0.39i / 0.4e / 0.37d / 0.34h / 0.38g / 0.38f
L 63 / 0.40g / 0.43g / 0.43c / 0.36d / 0.41c / 0.39f / 0.41d
L 64 / 0.38i / 0.42g / 0.39e / 0.41b / 0.39e / 0.42d / 0.40d
L 65 / 0.47c / 0.45f / 0.44c / 0.42b / 0.42c / 0.44b / 0.44b
L 66 / 0.45d / 0.49c / 0.45b / 0.40b / 0.45b / 0.44c / 0.45a
L 67 / 0.40g / 0.40i / 0.33h / 0.35e / 0.39e / 0.43d / 0.38f
L 68 / 0.34k / 0.39j / 0.39e / 0.34e / 0.34h / 0.31j / 0.35h
L 69 / 0.37j / 0.34k / 0.39e / 0.38c / 0.32i / 0.31j / 0.35h
L 70 / 0.43e / 0.38j / 0.40d / 0.39c / 0.42c / 0.42d / 0.41d
L 71 / 0.35k / 0.34k / 2.49e / 0.36e / 0.30j / 0.34i / 0.35h
L 72 / 0.4h / 0.43g / 0.41d / 0.38c / 0.37f / 0.38g / 0.39e
L 73 / 0.35j / 0.42g / 0.46a / 0.41b / 0.4d / 0.31j / 0.39e
L 74 / 0.46d / 0.43g / 0.43c / 0.38c / 0.47a / 0.46a / 0.44b
L 75 / 0.41g / 0.43g / 0.43c / 0.33f / 0.39e / 0.42d / 0.40d
L 76 / 0.38i / 0.45f / 0.42d / 0.37d / 0.37f / 0.39f / 0.40e
L 77 / 0.34k / 0.43g / 0.40d / 0.35e / 0.40d / 0.41e / 0.39e
L 78 / 0.39i / 0.42g / 0.38f / 0.35e / 0.33h / 0.35h / 0.37g
L 79 / 0.43e / 0.44f / 0.4e / 0.37d / 0.36f / 0.38g / 0.40e
L 80 / 0.47c / 0.39i / 0.44c / 0.39c / 0.42c / 0.39f / 0.42c
L 81 / 0.40h / 0.42g / 0.38e / 0.35e / 0.38e / 0.36h / 0.38f
Mean / 0.41a / 0.43a / 0.4b / 0.37c / 0.37c / 0.38c

*Means followed by the same lowercase letter in the column are not significantly different (P = 0.05) according to Scott-Knott test.

†Abbreviations in location names: CRB, Corbélia; MAB, Mamborê; PAL; Palotina; REA, Realeza; SJI, São Jorge do Ivaí; SMI, São Miguel do Iguaçu.

Supplementary Table 8: Correlations between glucose, sucrose, raffinose and stachyose and morphological and quality traits in 81 soybean genotypes (cultivars and elite lines) evaluated in six locations in 2014/2015.

Traits / CRB† / MAB / PAL / REA / SJI / SMI / Mean
Glucose x NDF¥ / 0.27 * / 0.07 / -0.03 / 0.28 ** / -0.02 / -0.20 / -0.05
Glucose x NFM / 0.28 * / 0.09 / -0.04 / 0.20 / 0.01 / -0.04 / 0.2 **
Glucose x NEM / 0.36 ** / 0.14 / -0.05 / 0.35 ** / 0.02 / -0.15 / 0.16 **
Glucose x Plant Height / 0.37 ** / 0.00 / -0.2 / 0.31 ** / 0.15 / -0.38 ** / 0.04
Glucose x IFP / 0.28 * / 0.07 / -0.12 / -0.01 / -0.06 / -0.33 ** / -0.18 **
Glucose x Grain yield / 0.3 ** / -0.23 * / -0.03 / -0.15 / -0.07 / -0.29 ** / -0.01
Glucose x Oil / -0.01 / -0.26 * / 0.12 / -0.24 * / -0.12 / -0.13 / -0.09 *
Glucose x Palmitic acid / 0.57 ** / 0.67 ** / 0.25 * / 0.59 ** / 0.06 / 0.55 ** / 0.56 **
Glucose x Protein / 0.18 / 0.31 ** / -0.05 / 0.36 ** / -0.05 / -0.13 / 0.49 **
Glucose x Ash / 0.05 / 0.4 ** / -0.02 / 0.27 * / -0.05 / 0.12 / 0.58 **
Glucose x Fiber / 0.07 / 0.07 / 0.16 / 0.39 ** / 0.17 / 0.36 ** / -0.09 *
Glucose x Linoleic acid / -0.4 ** / -0.23 * / -0.11 / -0.4 ** / -0.08 / -0.32 ** / -0.28 **
Glucose x Linolenic acid / 0.09 / 0.18 / -0.06 / 0.36 ** / 0.00 / 0.03 / -0.31 **
Glucose x Oleic acid / -0.15 / -0.21 / -0.08 / -0.01 / 0.07 / -0.05 / 0.18 **
Raffinose x NDF / -0.04 / -0.10 / 0.06 / 0.21 / 0.02 / -0.17 / 0.07
Raffinose x NFM / -0.06 / -0.12 / 0.17 / -0.11 / 0.06 / -0.56 ** / -0.05
Raffinose x NEM / -0.07 / -0.26 * / 0.17 / 0.05 / 0.00 / -0.65 ** / -0.03
Raffinose x Plant Height / 0.03 / 0.06 / 0.24 * / 0.20 / 0.20 / -0.20 / 0.01
Raffinose x IFP / 0.16 / -0.01 / 0.07 / 0.03 / 0.00 / -0.14 / -0.02
Raffinose x Grain yield / -0.04 / 0.13 / 0.2 / -0.04 / 0.23 * / 0.15 / 0.02
Raffinose x Oil / -0.15 / 0.01 / -0.1 / -0.34 ** / 0.08 / 0.44 ** / 0.04
Raffinose x Palmitic acid / -0.13 / 0.09 / 0.18 / 0.14 / 0.01 / -0.71 ** / -0.1 *
Raffinose x Protein / 0.26 * / 0.15 / 0.11 / 0.24 * / 0.01 / 0.21 / 0.06
Raffinose x Ash / 0.01 / -0.05 / 0.13 / -0.17 / -0.18 / -0.37 ** / -0.04
Raffinose x Fiber / -0.32 ** / -0.27 * / 0.02 / -0.07 / 0.00 / -0.56 ** / -0.16 **
Raffinose x Linoleic acid / 0.24 * / 0.5 ** / -0.11 / 0.31 ** / 0.08 / 0.57 ** / 0.08
Raffinose x Linolenic acid / -0.11 / -0.11 / -0.19 / -0.13 / -0.12 / -0.55 ** / -0.16 **
Raffinose x Oleic acid / -0.28 * / -0.48 ** / 0.09 / -0.39 ** / 0.10 / 0.4 ** / 0.01
Stachyose x NDF / -0.28 * / -0.09 / -0.07 / -0.11 / -0.20 / -0.06 / 0.14 **
Stachyose x NFM / -0.17 / 0.03 / -0.36 ** / -0.20 / 0.14 / -0.28 * / -0.04
Stachyose x NEM / -0.26 * / -0.03 / -0.36 ** / -0.24 * / -0.02 / -0.32 ** / 0.05
Stachyose x Plant Height / -0.17 / 0.15 / -0.27 * / -0.05 / 0.06 / 0.04 / 0.17 **
Stachyose x IFP / -0.13 / -0.10 / 0.08 / 0.00 / -0.07 / 0.22 * / 0.24 **
Stachyose x Grain yield / -0.3 ** / 0.11 / -0.27 * / 0.21 / 0.24 * / 0.34 ** / 0.32 **
Stachyose x Oil / -0.11 / 0.19 / 0.15 / 0.00 / 0.13 / 0.24 * / -0.1 *
Stachyose x Palmitic acid / -0.25 * / -0.29 ** / -0.18 / -0.20 / -0.09 / -0.45 ** / -0.35 **
Stachyose x Protein / -0.18 / -0.24 * / -0.33 ** / -0.25 * / 0.01 / 0.02 / -0.42 **
Stachyose x Ash / -0.31 ** / -0.29 ** / -0.38 ** / -0.47 ** / -0.16 / -0.46 ** / -0.54 **
Stachyose x Fiber / 0.06 / 0.02 / 0.16 / -0.06 / -0.11 / -0.23 * / 0.37 **
Stachyose x Linoleic acid / 0.69 ** / 0.88 ** / 0.81 ** / 0.82 ** / 0.32 ** / 0.76 ** / 0.68 **
Stachyose x Linolenic acid / 0.16 / 0.06 / 0.2 / -0.13 / -0.08 / -0.10 / 0.47 **
Stachyose x Oleic acid / -0.37 ** / -0.63 ** / -0.62 ** / -0.69 ** / -0.07 / -0.15 / -0.61 **
Sucrose x NDF / -0.32 ** / -0.04 / -0.21 / -0.06 / -0.02 / -0.05 / 0.18 **
Sucrose x NFM / -0.15 / 0.01 / -0.43 ** / -0.13 / 0.21 / -0.26 * / -0.1 *
Sucrose x NEM / -0.27 * / -0.01 / -0.47 ** / -0.15 / 0.15 / -0.3 ** / 0.01
Sucrose x Plant Height / -0.27 * / 0.19 / -0.39 ** / -0.06 / 0.10 / 0.08 / 0.07
Sucrose x IFP / -0.14 / -0.10 / -0.08 / -0.02 / 0.11 / 0.00 / 0.2 **
Sucrose x Grain yield / -0.35 ** / 0.25 * / -0.51 ** / 0.12 / 0.24 * / 0.21 / 0.17 **
Sucrose x Oil / -0.14 / 0.16 / 0.03 / -0.06 / 0.07 / 0.10 / -0.06
Sucrose x Palmitic acid / -0.01 / -0.09 / 0.05 / -0.05 / 0.15 / -0.4 ** / -0.3 **
Sucrose x Protein / -0.53 ** / -0.54 ** / -0.54 ** / -0.53 ** / -0.17 / -0.23 * / -0.62 **
Sucrose x Ash / -0.14 / -0.33 ** / -0.46 ** / -0.51 ** / -0.15 / -0.47 ** / -0.61 **
Sucrose x Fiber / 0.29 ** / 0.18 / 0.46 ** / 0.15 / 0.01 / -0.11 / 0.39 **
Sucrose x Linoleic acid / 0.57 ** / 0.68 ** / 0.56 ** / 0.72 ** / 0.17 / 0.59 ** / 0.58 **
Sucrose x Linolenic acid / 0.15 / -0.01 / 0.22 * / -0.06 / -0.12 / -0.25 * / 0.44 **
Sucrose x Oleic acid / -0.66 ** / -0.61 ** / -0.65 ** / -0.75 ** / -0.18 / -0.11 / -0.62 **

†Abbreviations in location names: CRB, Corbélia; MAB, Mamborê; PAL; Palotina; REA, Realeza; SJI, São Jorge do Ivaí; SMI, São Miguel do Iguaçu.

¥ NDF: Number of days to flowering; NFM: Number of days flowering to maturation; NEM: Number days emergency to maturation; IFP: Insertion of first pod;

*Significant at the 0.05 probability level.

**Significant at the 0.01 probability level.

ns, not significant.