Mrs. Fisher’s

Rules and Procedures for

English 10

Fall Semester 2012

Classroom Rules for Success

1.  Be the best that you can be.

2.  Be responsible.

3.  Be punctual.

4.  Be prepared.

5.  Be respectful.

6.  Be polite.

7.  Be discreet.

8.  Be aware.

9.  Be a good listener.

10.  Obey all WCS and SHHS rules and guidelines.


1.  Black or blue ink pens

2.  Highlighter

3.  No. 2 pencils

4.  Loose-leaf paper

5.  Agenda

6.  3 ring binder*


In lieu of a textbook, students are expected to bring a binder to class each day. Students are expected to organize their notes, handouts, and assignments in a 1 ½” 3 ring binder and will receive a grade for keeping their binders organized. For full credit, the notes, handouts, and assignments must be hole punched, neatly inserted, and in the given order. The binder must be divided into 6 sections with tabbed dividers and labeled in the following manner:

1.  General Handouts and Information

2.  Antigone

3.  ACT Prep

4.  Writing

5.  Vocabulary

6.  Grammar


Good attendance is critical to being successful in this class. There are many benefits to coming to class which include having the opportunity to ask questions, interact with classmates, participate in discussion, etc. Moreover, many students find it difficult to make up work after an absence while simultaneously attempting to keep up with current assignments.

Tardy Policy

Students must be in their seats when the bell rings, or they will be considered tardy. Students who arrive late to class must come with a pass, or they will be considered tardy. Students are issued one free tardy coupon per card marking. After the tardy coupon has been used, students must come to class on time or they will be subject to the provisions of school tardy policy as well as a mandatory writing assignment. Students who come to class late for any reason are expected to enter the classroom as unobtrusively as possible.

Daily Procedures

As students walk through the door, they should check the white board at the front of the classroom for instructions and follow them. Assignments are not always collected directly by the teacher. Students are expected to turn in their assignments to the drawer designated for their hour that is labeled “IN.” Reminders will be posted on the whiteboard. However, it is the student’s responsibility to turn in his or her work to the “IN” drawer without constant verbal reminders. When the assignments have been graded and recorded, they will be placed in the designated “OUT” drawer. Once again, it is the student’s responsibility to pick-up and save graded assignments from the “OUT” drawer and organize them accordingly in their 3 ring binder.

Finally, students are expected to check the class website,, on a daily basis. The website is updated each day with reminders about upcoming assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, essays, etc. In addition, this website allows students to download many assignments directly at home.

Make-Up Assignments

Students who are absent or late for class for any reason should check the class website to find out what work they missed. If students do not have access to the Internet at home, it is my expectation that they ask me for a library pass to access the website on the school’s computers before or after school, between classes, or during lunch. Students have two days for every day they were absent to make-up work. For example, if a student is absent on a Monday, make-up work is due Wednesday. After this point, it will be considered late and will not be accepted.

Missing/Late Assignments

All students will receive 2 “coupons” per card marking for two late homework assignments. (NOTE: Coupons cannot be used for major projects and assignments. Coupons are non-transferable. Coupons should be saved for EMERGENCY situations.) Two weeks prior to the end of the card marking, missing or late assignments will not be accepted under any circumstances. Occasionally, classes may earn the privilege of attending Amnesty Day. This is a voluntary event held after school which allows students to make up missing work for partial credit.

NOTE: This is a privilege, not a right. Not all classes earn this privilege. Furthermore, this event is not designed to allow students to make up every single missing assignment.

If a student arrives tardy to class after work has been collected, it will be considered late and will not be accepted. If a student arrives late to class with a pass, it is the student’s responsibility to find out if anything was collected. All work must be handed in by the end of the hour or it will also be considered late.

Quizzes and Tests

Students who earn a 69% or lower on quizzes or major tests may earn the privilege of re-testing for a maximum of a 70% based on one condition: they must re-test on the teacher-designated day after school—not during class time. Students should bear in mind that re-takes are given at the teacher’s discretion and may not be offered for every quiz or test.

If students are absent the day prior to quiz or test, they are still expected to take the quiz or test on the same day as the rest of the class. Students who are absent on quiz or test days will automatically take an essay version of the quiz or test. Students who are absent on quiz or test days have one week from the day of their absence to schedule a make-up, or it will become a zero in the grade book. Make-up quizzes and tests will only be given after school on Mondays from 2:30-3:30 p.m. However, students are allotted one make-up quiz coupon which can be used to make-up a quiz or test during the school day.


Students are allotted one hall coupon per card marking ONLY, which can be used for trips to the locker, restroom, etc. This must be used in conjunction with an agenda. Students are also expected to sign out on the clip board next to the door. Students are expected to use good judgment and good manners when they ask to leave the room.

Cheating and Plagiarism

There is simply no excuse for cheating. Students who are caught cheating will receive a zero for the assignment, period. If it is a major assignment worth of large number of points, students risk failing the card marking. Other possible consequences include, but are not limited to, administrative action, a phone call home, after-school detention, or additional classwork. Plagiarism is a form of cheating, and likewise, will not be tolerated. All work should be each student’s original thoughts, words, and ideas—whether the student is working individually, with a partner, or in a group.


Grades for each quarter are divided into categories and aligned with the WCS district grading policy.

1.  Take-Home Quizzes 20% 4. Essays 30%

2.  In-Class Quizzes and Tests 25% 5. Projects 15%

3.  Participation 10%

Additional Help

I am available after school for students that need any additional help. I can be contacted at (586) 574-3250 ext. 13325 or via email at . Students and parents need to make requests for after school appointments a minimum of 48 hours in advance to allow me to make child-care arrangements.