
C u r r i c u l u m v i t a e
Personal Information
Name / Nationality / Date of birth
Dr. Ivanka Todorova Dimitrova / Bulgarian / 20 January 1944


languages / Hungarian / English / French / Russian / Swedish
Reading / Excellent / Excellent / Very good / Excellent / Elementary
Writing / Excellent / Excellent / Good / Good / Elementary
Speaking / Excellent / Excellent / Fair / Very good / Elementary

Please use the following indications: elementary – fair – good – very good – excellent

Education and training (relevant items only; starting with most recent)
Period / Diplomas/Qualifications obtained / University, Institutes, etc. / Country
1973-1978 / Ph.D. in Logistics / HungarianAcademy of Sciences / Hungary
1976-1978 / M.Sc. in Economics / University of Economics, Budapest
(now: CORVINUSUniversity of Budapest) / Hungary
1962-1967 / M.Sc. in Engineering / BudapestTechnicalUniversity
(now: BudapestUniversity of Technology and Economics) / Hungary
Translation experience
  • Time working as a translator: 20 years
  • Number of pages translated from English into Bulgarian in all: more than 7000, of which more than 4000 in European affairs or public administration matters.
  • Translation currently accounts for >50% of my total income.

2002 – present:Freelance interpreter and translator from and to English and Hungarian in the field of economics, finance, statistics, financial accounts, marketing, ecology, engineering, industry, agriculture, insurance, legislation.

1992 – 2002:Ministry of Economy of Bulgaria – translations from and to English, connected with international cooperation with international organizations, financial institutions and the European Union.
Specializedmaterialsintheareaoflaw, finance, bankingandinsurance, economics, statistics, politicalsciences, sociology, stateadministration, industry, scienceandtechnologicalcooperation – internationalprojects, financedbytheWorldBank, EUandJICA (thousands of pages).

English Projects:

  • SEPROTEC TRADUCCION E INTERPRETACION ( 2010): Investing in Europe’s future, Fifth report on economic and social cohesion, European Commission, (Proofreading) 304 p.
  • SEPROTEC TRADUCCION E INTERPRETACION ( 2007): Growing Regions, growing Europe, Fourth report on economic and social cohesion, European Commission, (Proofreading) 222 p.
  • Intrasoft International S.A. (2006), Building a Europe of Knowledge – Towards the Seventh Framework Programme 2007 – 2013, 287 slides
  • National Statistic Institute, PHARE/EU Project (2004)
    ESA95 manual on government deficit and debt, Eurostat, 2001, 261 pages.
  • Nature Borrowed Association (2001):
    Training materials of European legislation on biodiversity protection, edited by Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE) and European Environmental Bureau (EEB) in 1998, as follows:
  • Waste Management by Susane Hempen, Germany, 167 p.
  • Structural Funds of EU, Spiros Kuvelis, Greece, 215 p.
  • Energy and Environment in EU, Dr. John Green, Scotland,267 pages.
  • SARA Translating Agency (2002), more than 100 pages

Hungarian Projects:

  • Burgas city bus ticket system, Terms of Reference (2013), BG-HU, 75 pages
  • ING Insurance Plc, Hungary (2006):
    Documents necessary for establishing a company in Bulgaria (Annual reports and financial statement for 3 years, certificates, Ministry of Justice’s company data, Court Decisions, etc.), Documents, Brochures, Internal activity’s documents, etc. – 2.000 pages.
  • OTP Fund Management Ltd. (2005):
    Documents of the for establishing similar activities in Bulgaria (Annual Report for the financial result and audit report for 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004. Company registration extract, Decision of the Budapest City Court, Public company data of the Ministry of Justice, Tax Office Letter, etc. – 600 pages.
  • CBA – Bulgaria Plc. – Hungarian supermarket chain (2003-2004):
    Translation for CBA registration in Bulgaria (company establishment, Rules, Cooperation Contract, correspondence, etc.) – 450 pages.
  • The Hungarian Bank OTP (2003):
    After acquisition of the Bulgarian DSK Bank, translation of OTP documents for legal registration: Balance and Financial Result for 3 years, Shareholders of OTP Group, Statement of the Committee of Financial Supervision, Tax Office correspondence, etc. – 1.000 pages.

Technical skills and competencies
  • Experience with TRADOS (Licensed SDL Trados Studio 2014):Economics, finance, banking, accountancy, legal terminology, databases, etc.
  • June 2008, Business English Certificate Higher (BEC Higher), University of Cambridge, ESOL Examinations, Council of Europe Level C1
  • June 2006, Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), University of Cambridge, ESOL Examinations, Council of Europe Level C1
  • June 2005, First Certificate in English, University of Cambridge, ESOL Examinations, Council of Europe Level B2
  • June 1998, Certificate, Fundamental of EC Law and English Legal Terminology, College of Europe in the framework of the PHARE 96-0431.00 Programme on Approximation of Legislation in Bulgarian Institute of Postgraduate European Studies, Bruges, Belgium, three Semester Legal Language Training Seminar

Sofia, 19February 2014