Dated 27.01.14


The Staff of Police Station Hari Nagar, West District has arrested two accused namely Surender KumarLal Bhadur and worked out a Case FIR No. 78/14 U/S 381/34 IPC PS Hari Nagar.


  1. Surender S/o Late Surajpal @ Sukhpal R/o village Pure Pandit Ka Purva Teh. & PS Mushaphir Khana District Amethi (UP) age 22 years.
  2. Lal Bhadur @ Lala S/o Late Surajpal @ Sukhpal R/o village Pure Pandit Ka Purva Teh. & PS Mushaphir Khana District Amethi (UP) age 24 years.


  1. Rs.1,85,000/- (70,000/- +1,15,000/-).
  2. Two Cheque Books of YES Banks.


On 25/01/14, Complainant Surender Pal Singh S/o Sh. Har Bhajan Singh R/o WZ-243, Top Floor, Gali No. 14 Shiv Nagar Delhi age 55 years stated that he is running a business of threads in Koral Bagh. One Surender age 22 years is working at his shop for last 2 years as a sales man. Before some days his elder brother Lal Bahadur @ Lala is also working on his shop. On 24.01.14 at about 9.30 PM when he was coming in his car, alongwith Surender & Lal Bahadur (residing in Virender Nagar)found traffic jam in the street near his house. Surender Pal Singh (complainant) was also carrying a hand bag containing Rupees 3 Lac on the seat of the car. Due to traffic jam he got out of the car to clear the traffic and when he came back he found both Surender & Lal Bahadur along with the hand bag missing. In this regard a case vide FIR No. 78/14 U/S 381/34 IPC was registered in Police Station Hari Nagar.


To work out the case a team comprising ofInspr. Bhaskar Sharma, SHO Hari Nagar, HC Shashi and HC Rati Ram No.534/W were constituted under the close supervision of ACP/Tilak Nagar, Sh. Vinit Kumar. Several raids were conducted to nab the accused.

As the complainant has only the names of the culprits and available mobile No. was also found switch off and local address of the culprits was also not known to the complainant. On local enquiry it revealed that they were residing temporarily in Fateh Nagar as they have recently shifted some where in Fateh Nagar. Number of Rickshaw Pullars, Rehari Wallas, Hockers, and chowkidars were interrogated and their local address of Fateh Nagar was traced which was found locked. Secret informers were also deployed. During the process one of their native resident informed that both the accused persons are planning to leave Delhi. Immediately, raid was conducted and both were arrested from Delhi Cannt. Raillway Station while they were planning to flee away.


On sustained interrogation they disclosed that due to financial crisis they started committing crime. They divided the money in a park near Virender Nagar. Rs. 70,000/- were recovered from the possession of accused Surender Kumar and Rs. 1,15,000/- were recovered from the possession of accused Lal Bahadur and Two Cheque Books of YES Bank were also recovered on their pointing out from the park in Virender Nagar.

The staff involved in good work is being rewarded suitably.






Traffic arrangements for Beating Retreat and Illumination

on 28th & 29th January, 2014

Delhi Traffic Police has made elaborate arrangements for Beating Retreat Ceremony at Vijay Chowk and illumination of Rashtrapati Bhawan, North Block, South Block, Parliament House and India Gate, as a part of the Republic Day Celebrations, 2014. The following traffic diversions have been planned for 28th & 29th January – 2014. These diversions will remain in force from 1600 hours to 2130 hours.

  1. Vijay Chowk will remain closed for general traffic.
  2. Traffic will not be allowed on the following stretches:-

(a) Rafi Marg between R/A Sunehri Masjid and R/A Krishi Bhawan.

(b)Raisina Road from R/A Krishi Bhawan towards Vijay Chowk.

(c) Beyond R/A Dalhousie Road, R/A Krishna Menon Marg and R/A Sunehri Masjid towards Vijay Chowk.

(d) On Rajpath between Vijay Chowk and “C” – Hexagon which will be totally pedestrianised.

  1. Parking will be available for those coming to see illumination behind the water channels between Rafi Marg and ‘C’ Hexagon.

D.T.C and other city buses shall be diverted from their normal routes from 1600 hours to 2130 hours to facilitate the vehicles of invitees and spectators and to avoid traffic congestion on roads around the venue of the function.

  1. Buses bound for Central Sectt. and Connaught Place coming from Shantipath –Vinay Marg-Sardar Patel Marg will take Panchsheel Marg-Simon Boliver Marg-Upper Ridge Road- R/A Shankar Road - Park Street
  2. Buses bound for Central Sectt. will terminate and return via Kali Bari Marg-Mandir Marg-Shankar Road.
  3. Connaught Place bound buses will take Mandir Marg, Kali Bari Marg, - G.P.O.-B.K.S Marg and reach Connaught Place. Return route will be via Bhagat Singh Marg – Peshwa Road-Mandir Marg-Shankar Road and Upper Ridge Road
  4. Buses coming from South Delhi on Tughlaq Road and bound for Connaught Place/Central Sectt. will be diverted from Aurobindo Chowk to Safdarjung Road-Kamal Attaturk Marg-Panchsheel Marg – Simon Boliver Marg and follow the route as mentioned at Sl. No.1.
  5. Buses coming to Mandi House and Feroz Shah Road will proceed to Connaught Place via Barakhamba Road will terminate at Shivaji Stadium and return via Kasturba Gandhi Marg.
  6. Connaught Place bound buses coming on Shahjahan Road will proceed to Shivaji Stadium via ‘C’ Hexagon-K.G. Marg.

Motorists and general public are advised to avoid the roads and routes as mentioned above and follow the directions of traffic policemen on duty to avoid inconvenience.

Anil Shukla

Addl. Commissioner of Police

Traffic, Delhi

Traffic arrangement plan


1-Whereas, there is mushrooming of BPOs ( Business Process Outsourcing Centres) prominently known as Call Centers, Corporate and Media houses, companies, organization and firms in Delhi and other parts of the NCR offering employment opportunity for the youths.

2- And whereas, the employees including young woman from across the country have been staying in various parts of Delhi while their work place may be in the NCR region and their employers are providing cab services for the purpose of picking up and dropping them from thier place of stay to office and back .As these organizations are functioning round- the- clock, the cabs are ferrying employees even at late night hours. Such employers are reported to have hired cabs on contract basis and have not been able to properly monitor these cab operators and their drivers for ensuring safe and secure transportation of the employees resulting in grave danger to human life, safety and security of the employees, especially of women employees.

3- And whereas, it has come to notice that certain criminal and antisocial elements look for soft targets , particularly during the odd hours and the women employees who travel during late night hours are vulnerable to crime and criminal acts by such elements, if they are not dropped securely and safely at their places of stay.

4- And whereas it is rendered imperative to put some regulatory check on organizations having such service picking and dropping their employees and the transporters, security agencies, drivers and security guards involved in the same so that antisocial and criminal elements may not cause danger to human life and safety and their property and it is felt that immediate action is necessary in this regard.

5- Now , therefore, in exercise of the power conferred up on me by virtue of Sec. 144 Cr.P.C., 1973 ( No-2 of 1974) read with Govt. of India , Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi’s Notification No U-11036 /(i) UTL Dt 9-9-2010,I, Ms Shweta Chauhan, ACP Sub-division Kamla Market do hereby make this written order that all such organizations like BPO’s , Corporate & Media Houses having the system of picking up and dropping their employees and the concerned transporters, security agencies, drivers and security guards in the jurisdiction of Sub Division Kamla Market, Delhi shall :

a)Maintain a data base of all employees, security personnel, cab drivers and contractual workers working with them, for access by the police as and when required.

b)Hire the security personal and other contractual personal as far as possible from licensed agencies only.

c)Ensure verification of antecedents of all their employees including contractual employees.

d)Ensure that women employees are not made to travel alone with the cab driverand a duly verified security guard or a male Colleague ( regular employee of the company is invariably deployed in each cab carrying women staff during the night hours i.e 08 PM to 07 AM

e)Choose the route in such manner that as far as possible a women employee is not the first one to be picked up orthe last to be dropped.

f)Ensure that during the night hours the cab involved in transportation of women employees pick ups and drops such employees right at their houses, remains halted at the point where a women employee has been dropped till she confirms about her arrival / reaching at their residence / place of stay through a telephone calls.

g)Ensure that, whenever the house of a women employee is so located that the approach road is not motorable, the duly verified security guard or a male colleague during the night hours accompanies the employee on foot up to her house and takes a confirmation about her safe arrival.

h)Exercise effective check and control on the vehicle movement in order to check any unwarranted activities of the cab drivers, such as picking up strangers, straying away from the designated route etc.

i) Get GPS system installed in the cabs used in the transportation of such employees, especially women employees.

6- These order shall come into force with effect from 26.01.2014, and shall remain in force for a period of 60 days up to 26.03.2014 (both days inclusive) unless with drawn earlier.

7- Any person/ employer/Transporter contravening this order shall be liable to be punished in accordance with the provision of Sec 188 of IPC, and

8- As the notice cannot be served individually on all concerned, the order is hereby passed ex-parte. It shall be published for the information of the public through the press and by affixing copies on the notice board of the offices of all DCsP, Add. DCsP, ACsP, Tehsil Offices, all Police Stations concerned and the offices of NDMC and MCD.






1. Whereas conditions exist in which unrestricted carrying of fire – arms (including licensed fire - arms), cudgels, swords, spears, bludgeons, knives sticks or lathis including flag staff (excluding those less than 75 cm in length and 2 cm thick) or any other article which is capable of being used for causing physical violence and carrying of any corrosive substance or explosive and carrying collection or preparation of stones or other missiles or instruments or means of casting or impelling missiles, is likely to cause danger to public peace and public safety in the Union Territory of Delhi.

2. And whereas, it is necessary to take speedy measures in this regard for the preservation of public peace and public safety.

3. Now, therefore I, Ms Shweta Chauhan, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Sub-Division Kamla Market, Central Distt. New Delhi, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by virtue of Section 144 Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 read with Govt. Of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi’s Notification No. F. No. 11036/1/2010-UTL dated 09.09.2010do hereby prohibit any person, not being a person in service or employee of the Govt. required by his superiors or by the nature of his duties to carry weapons or unless exempted by me or any other authorized by me in this behalf:-

(i) From carrying of fire –arms (including licensed fire arms). Cudgels, swords, spears, bludgeons, knives sticks or lathis including flag staff (excluding those less than 75 cm in length and 2 cm thick) or any other article which is capable of being used for causing physical violence ;

(ii) From carrying of any corrosive substance or explosive;

(iii) From carrying, collecting or indulging in the preparation of stones or other missiles or instruments or other means of casting or impelling missiles ;

In any public place within the limits of sub-div Kamla Market,Delhi.

Any person professing, believing or following the Sikh faith may carry or posses with him a Kirpan.

4. This order shall come into force with immediate effect from 26.01.2014 and shall remain in force for a period of 60 days up to 26.03.2014 (both days inclusive) unless withdrawn earlier.

5. Any person contravening this order shall attract punishment under clause (a) of sub section (2) of section 113 of the Delhi Police Act -1978 (34 of 1978) which provides punishment or imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than four months but which may extend to one year and shall also be liable to fine.

6. As this order cannot be served individually on all concerned, the order is hereby passed Ex-Parte. It is further directed that this order shall be published for the information of the public through press and other media and by affixing copies on the notice boards of all Deputy Commissioner of Police, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Tehsil officers of the District, , all police stations concerned and the officers of the N.D.M.C and M.C.D in the jurisdiction of Central District, Delhi.






  1. Whereas a large number of commercial places/shops have come up in Delhi which are popularly known as Cyber Cafes and a large number of people visit them to use the facilities available in such places including e-mail facility.
  2. And whereas it has come to notice that certain criminal anti social elements/terrorists are using these facilities to mislead the security/ investigating agencies, create panic in the public, endanger the security of VVIPs and Govt Institution, help in the terrorists’ activities directly affecting the security of the state.
  3. And whereas it is necessary to take speedy measures in this behalf to prevent danger to human life or safety, to thwart/prevent terrorist activities, which may affect the security of the state and disturbance of public order and tranquility.
  4. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by virtue of section 144 Criminal Procedure Code 1973 read with Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi’s Notification No U 11036/1/2010, (i) UTL, dated 09.09.2010 I, Ms Shweta Chauhan, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Sub-Division Kamla Market, Central Distt. New Delhido hereby make this written order for strict compliance by the owners of such Cyber Café in the jurisdiction of Sub-Division Kamla Market, Central Distt. Delhi :-

(a)Prohibiting the use of Cyber Café by unknown person and whose identity has not been established by the owner of the café ;

(b)Maintaining a register for establishing identity of the visitor/user ;

(c)Make an entry in the handwriting of the visitor/user mentioning name, address, telephone number and identity proof. The visitor/user shall also sign the register kept for this purpose.

(d)The identity of the visitor/user shall be established through identity card, Voter I-Card, Ration Card, driving license, passport or photo credit card( any one of them)

(e)Activity server log should be preserved in the main server and its record should be preserved for at least six month.

(f)If any activity of the visitor is of a suspicious nature, the owner of the cyber café will immediately inform the police station.

(g)Record be maintained about the specific computer used by the person.

(h)Cyber café owners to ensure that the users of cyber café are photographed on continuous basis and a record of a same is maintained properly.

  1. This order shall come into force with effect from 26.01.2014 and shall remain in force for a period of 60 days up to 26.03.2014 (both days inclusive) unless withdrawn earlier.
  2. Any person contravening this order shall be liable to be punished in accordance with the provisions of section 188 of the Indian Penal Code: and
  3. As the notice cannot be served individually on all concerned, the order is hereby passed ex-parte. It shall be published for the information of the public through the Press and by affixing copies on the Notice Boards of the offices of all District DCsP, Addl. DCsP. ACsP, Tehsil offices, all police stations concerned and the offices of NDMC and MCD.






1. Whereas the area known as new secretariat complex of Govt. of NCT of Delhi at playerBuilding in the area of police station I.P. Estate, New Delhi together with its surrounding localities are busy place frequented by heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic.