Cornelius/RUBRIC Student Name:______

Literary Analysis Research Paper

IDEAS/VOICE ______(200)

Exemplary Good Average Below

Writer shows evidence of effective, thorough research and in-depth

knowledge of subject. Research effectively supports literary analysis of text

with insightful observations and conclusions. Voice is objective and scholarly. ______

The Thesis Statement is focused, presents an arguable stance,

and is adequately supported. The arument must NOT be obvious. ______

Student provides meaningful insights about a reputable author of high

literary merit, literary techniques, themes, and selected text; independent

reading is clearly evident. ______


Introduction provides background on author and literary context,

engages the reader, states thesis clearly and summarizes controls.

Pagination begins on page one of introduction; numbering follows MLA format.______

Paper is well organized. Each paragraph grouping develops

the thesis, addresses a specific control, and follows the outline. ______

Paragraphing is clearly developed, relates to thesis, uses well-developed supports,

and employs appropriate transitions. Paragraph divisions are logically placed. ______

Conclusion effectively clarifies thesis, summarizes points,

examines lessons learned from research, and ends with a solid clincher. ______


Paper parenthetically cites several direct quotes, paraphrases,

and summary information in appropriate MLA format. ______

Parenthetical Documentation includes last name of author,

or first important word of title as listed on Works Cited Page,

and page numbers if available. ______

Works Cited Page lists approved, academic

sources in alphabetical order by author, or by first important word

of title, and demonstrate appropriate MLA format. ______


Final draft is neatly typed in Times New Roman font size 12,

carefully edited, and doublespaced with MLA heading.

An electronic copy will be submitted to prior

to the in-class due date.

Sentences utilize proper structure and variety in phrasing and length. ______

Paper indicates strong control of spelling, grammar, usage,

consistent verb tense, and punctuation. ______

Word Choice/Diction is formal, objective, and varied; tone is academic. ______

No contractions or use of personal pronouns e.g. you, I, me, etc.

DUE DATE: 4 June 2012 TOTAL POINTS/GRADE: ______/ 450 POINTS