Child Development

Study Guide


1.Which parent believes that both parent and child should share the authority in a family?

A. The authoritarian parent

B. The democratic parent

C. The permissive parent

D. The aristocratic parent

2.Which parenting style allows the child to discipline himself/herself?

A. Democratic

B. Permissive

C. Authoritarian

D. Objective

3.Mr. McCarthy believes that physical punishment, such as spanking, makes his son Leon follow the rules he has set for the family. Mr. McCarthy is probably:

A. A democratic parent.

B. A permissive parent.

C. An authoritarian parent.

D. An assertive parent.

4.What is the MOST common result when parents punish the child rather than discipline?

A. The child rebels

B. The child’s misbehavior improves

C. The child learns what the correct behavior is

D. The child does not repeat the wrong behavior

5.When a child misbehaves to get attention, parents should:

A.Withdraw, win cooperation, and take things away the child may destroy.

B.Avoid pitying the child and encourage the child to try something else.

C.Ignore the child and give attention when the child is being good.

D.Withdraw from the conflict and resolve the problem later.

6.Which form of positive reinforcement is MOST appropriate with children?

A.Providing encouragement.

B.Giving presents.

C.Using food as a reward.

D.Making threats.

8.Discipline may be best defined as:

A. Punishment for a child’s misbehavior.

B. Guidance which helps the child learn self-control.

C. Time out.

D. Setting rules and limits.

9.When you speak to children or give them directions, you should:

A. Let them know you are in charge.

B. Speak in a soft voice.

C. Get down and talk to them on their eye level.

D. Say it only once so they will learn to listen.

10.When children have developed the ability to direct their own behavior in a responsible way, they have:

A. Acquired self-discipline.

B. No further need of adult guidance.

C. Learned to communicate effectively.

D. Completed the learning process.

11.What is an advantage of consistency in guiding children’s behavior?

A. Adults can release their anger regularly.

B. The rules can easily be adjusted.

C. The child can expect a mild spanking.

D. Children feel more secure.

12.When adults do not reinforce appropriate behavior, children may:

A. Need new experiences.

B. Resort to problem behavior.

C. Develop autonomy.

D. Exhibit self-control.

13.Parents who use reverse attention will:

A. Pay attention to the child only when he/she misbehaves.

B. Pay attention to their child’s questionable behaviors.

C. Ignore the child’s appropriate behaviors and pay attention to the child’s inappropriate behaviors.

D. Pay attention to the child’s appropriate behaviors and ignore the child’s inappropriate behaviors.

14.One of the best reinforcers to guide children is:

A. Attention

B. Bribes

C. Threats

D. Punishment

15.When parents guide and discipline children, they must make sure they are:

A. Very strict

B. Consistent

C. Critical of the children’s behavior

D. Treating their children the same way their own parents treated them

16.An appropriate place for a child during time out is in:

A. The corner with his/her face pressed up against the wall

B. A room where the child has things to play with so he/she does not get bored

C. A room where there are no distractions or positive reinforcers

D. A room where other family members can interact with the child

17.Sally, a two-year-old, is crying because another child has a toy she wants. The best way to handle the child is to:

A. Try to divert the child’s attention to something appropriate

B. Ignore her and hope she stops crying

C. Have a long talk with both children about sharing

D. Put the toy away

18.The MOST appropriate way to keep a one-year-old child from doing something is to:

A. Scold and lecture

B. Spank him/her

C. Give him/her something else to do

D. Laugh and make a joke about it

19.Two-year-old Jerry loves to climb. He has broken several figurines. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate advice to give his parents?

A. Put the figurines out of reach sand show the child where he may climb

B. Tell Jerry not to climb

C. Keep Jerry in a play yard or play pen

D. Spank Jerry each time he touches a figurine

20.Which statement about setting limits is true?

A. Children do not want limits set for them

B. Limits should benefit the child

C. Limits always refer to physical restrictions

D. Limits should be the same for all children

21.When children are allowed to make choices:

A. They get practice in making decisions.

B. They get very confused.

C. They want their parents to tell them what to do.

D. They get frustrated because it takes too long.

22.Which guideline is recommended when giving children choices?

A. Give children a choice only when a choice is possible.

B. Change a child’s choice if the cost is too expensive for the family’s budget.

C. Honor the child’s decision only when he/she has made the best choice.

D. Give the child at least five options.

23.A three-year-old child leaves toys on the floor. Which is the MOST appropriate way to handle this situation?

A. “I’m not going to buy you any more toys until you learn to pick them up.”

B. “Brian has a clean room.”

C. “You sure are messy. You can’t play with your toys the rest of the week.”

D. “You must pick up your toys. Come, I’ll help you get started.”

24.Mary’s child is running in the house, which is not acceptable to Mary. What is the MOST appropriate way to handle the situation?

A. “I’ll spank you if you do that again!”

B. “You will be in trouble when your dad comes home!”

C. “Good girls don’t run in the house.”

D. “Outside is the place for running.”

25.A logical consequence should be:

A. A spontaneous reaction to misbehavior.

B. Directed mostly at the hostile child.

C. Only for very difficult situations.

D. Relevant to the misbehavior.

26.Seven-year-old Pedro likes to play in the backyard. His shoes are muddy and he was worn them into the house. Which action by his mother would be considered an appropriate logical consequence?

A. Forbidding him to wear his shoes for two weeks

B. Making the backyard off limits for one year

C. Saying nothing about his shoes or the mud

D. Having him clean his shoes

27.When using a logical consequence to misbehavior it should be:

A. Imposed in anger

B. Long in duration

C. Related to the misbehavior

D. Delayed

28.Preschoolers learn from a wide variety of experiences. Which of the following will MOST enhance learning?

A. A teen or an adult shares and talks with them about the experiences

B. The child is on their own to complete a task or job

C. If the experiences are shared with children of their own age

D. A teen or adult showing the child how things work

29.Keep all of the following in mind when choosing children’s books EXCEPT:

A. The book should suit the age level of the child

B. The book should have vocabulary that is appropriate for the child’s age level

C. The pictures should be colorful and interesting

D. The best books are expensive

30.Which of the following should parents do during playtime?

A. Control the time and activities of play

B. Instruct the children on how to play

C. Expect the children to never make a mess when they play

D. Understand that children learn through play

31.Positive feedback for accomplishments helps children:

A. Compete with others

B. Feel unsure of themselves

C. Want to continue achieving

D. Learn to lie

32.Dyslexia is a learning disability in which the child:

A. Does not learn to read using traditional methods

B. Does not learn to write using traditional methods

C. Is unable to express or understand language

D. Is unable to learn math concepts by traditional methods

33.One of the best ways parents can encourage a child’s language development is to:

A. Let the child climb at the playground

B. Watch television with the child

C. Read books to the child

D. Practice phonics with the child

34.Which environment would be developmentally beneficial for a twelve-month-old child who is crawling?

A. A playpen full of colorful toys

B. A bedroom full of books and educational toys

C. Free access to a child-proof house

D. A bathtub with boats

35.When choosing developmentally-appropriate safe toys for children, the MOST important rule to remember is to:

A. Buy toys that are made of plastic

B. Pick a toy that attracts his/her attention

C. Avoid expensive toys

D. Pick a toy that is suitable to the child’s age and level of development

36.Which of the following is the MOST important safety feature to look for in toys for 1-2 year olds?

A. Built of strong materials

B. Built of plastic

C. Having no parts small enough to swallow

D. Having no steel parts

37.The safest place to put a car seat in an automobile is in the:

A. Front seat next to the driver

B. Back seat next to the window

C. Front seat next to the window

D. Center of the backseat

38.Motor development during early childhood involves gaining:

A. Better control over muscles and using gross and fine motor skills

B. Control over only the trunk

C. Only the use of gross/large motor skills

D. Control of the leg muscles

39.The usual order of the development of gross motor skills is:

A. Walking, crawling, rolling over

B. Rolling over, crawling, walking

C. Rolling over, walking, crawling

D. Walking, rolling over, crawling

40.The development of small muscles is also referred to as:

A. Fine motor skills

B. Gross motor skills

C. Cognitive motor skills

D. Motor skills

41.Gross motor skills are:

A. Movements of the large muscle groups

B. Disgusting movements preschool children make

C. Movements of the small muscle groups

D. Exact, acute movements

42.Motor skills refer to:

A. The coordinated movements of body parts

B. The ability to understand how small motors work

C. Children developing coordination in the fingers and hands before their arms and legs

D. Creative ideas children think of

43.The process of learning to get along with others is:

A. Socialization

B. Egocentrism

C. Conservation

D. Concrete operational stage

44.When people say that children are egocentric, it means that children:

A. See the world in terms of how it affects them

B. Are basically conservative and can’t share

C. Think poorly of themselves

D. Are attached to their parents

45.Play can increase children’s social skills best through:

A. Practice in using their bodies until they master certain skills

B. Exploring the world and expressing themselves

C. Exercising their memories and generating new thoughts

D. Learning to share, cooperate, and experience doing things with others

46.Fears are very real to children; therefore:

A. Never acknowledge the fear and try to avoid talking about it

B. Tell the child there is nothing to be afraid of

C. Never force the child into something he/she does not want to do

D. Just ignore the fears and they will grow out of them

47.Which one of the following will MOST enhance the emotional development of children?

A. Providing a variety of learning experiences

B. Placing a child in a child care center

C. Providing an environment that fosters independence and trust

D. Providing opportunities for large/gross motor skill development

48.Children who acquired their fears by observing another person acting fearful, learned by:

A. Osmosis

B. Personal experience

C. A painful experience

D. Imitating behavior

49.Which statement about emotional development is true?

A. Saying no and using punishment are effective parenting techniques

B. Parents can give too much love, affection, and attention to infants

C. Self-confidence is built by a loving and trusting relationship

D. Infants are not affected by their parents’ feelings and emotions

50.Which of the following statements is the MOST accurate description of moral development?

A. Acquired during the first three years of life

B. Acquiring an adult attitude toward your own sexuality

C. The process of basing behavior on what you believe is right and wrong

D. The process y which we learn to behave in social settings

51.The best way to build conscience is to:

A. Teach children with the “Do as I say, not as I do” approach

B. Be a good example as a parent

C. Allow children to learn right and wrong by themselves

D. Dictate all behaviors for the child, so he/she does not make mistakes

52.Which reflex is shown when an infant turns its head toward an object that touches its cheek?

A. Sucking

B. Rooting

C. Startle/Moro

D. Babinski

53.Which reflex can be observed by making a loud noise?

A. Sucking

B. Rooting

C. Startle/Moro

D. Babinski

54.The test done one minute and again five minutes after delivery is:

A. Apgar

B. Physical

C. Ultrasound

D. Reflex irritability

55.Which reflex is caused when the baby’s foot is stroked, making the toes fan out?

A. Sucking

B. Babinski

C. Rooting

D. Moro

56.Newborns learn primarily through

A. Example

B. Practice

C. The senses

D. Their mothers

57.Right after birth, babies usually experience a slight:

A. Fever

B. Chilling

C. Weight loss

D. Weight gain

58.Newborns prefer to look at:

A. Bright colors

B. Things that move

C. The human face

D. Blinking lights

59.Soothing a crying newborn helps it develop a sense of:

A. Self-actualization

B. Trust

C. Independence

D. Anxiety

60.If an infant is jostled back and forth and its head is not supported, the baby is at risk for:

A. Shaken baby syndrome

B. Down’s syndrome

C. Turner’s syndrome

D. Elephant man syndrome

61.Crawling develops the same motor skills and brain pathways necessary for:

A. Climbing

B. Running

C. Reading

D. Skipping

62.What does an infant usually do with toys or other objects placed into its hands?

A. It ignores them

B. It manipulates them and puts them in its mouth

C. It watches them but does not try to touch them

D. It cries because the object has startled it

63.What is SIDS?

A. A sleep disorder

B. An infant sleep-induced delirium

C. The instantaneous shut down of the infant’s renal system

D. The sudden, unexplained death of an apparently healthy child

64.When lifting a young infant, the MOST important thing to remember is to:

A. Make sure the child is face up with lifted

B. Grasp the child with one hand on its stomach and one on its back to give the child a sense of security

C. Bounce the baby slightly to sooth it

D. Place one hand under the child’s neck to supports its head

65.Which of the following is one of the first gross motor skills to develop?

A. Crawling

B. Sitting

C. Arching the back

D. Lifting the head

66.Which of the following describes a typical gross/large motor skill of an average 6-month-old infant?

A. Showing hand preference

B. Fitting blocks inside one another

C. Sitting alone

D. Picking up small objects with thumb and forefinger

67.By the end of the first year, an infant’s weight has:

A. Increased by one-half

B. Decreased

C. Tripled

D. Increased by five pounds

68.By the end of the first year, an infant’s length has:

A. Increased by 5-6 inches

B. Increased by one-half

C. Doubled

D. Tripled

69.Which of these fine motor skills develops last?

A. Transferring an object from one hand to the other

B. Grasping a large object in one hand

C. Picking up a small object

D. Splashing water in the bathtub

70.Which item would be the best choice to help develop the infant’s eye muscles?

A. A fast moving object held 6-8 feet away from the baby’s face

B. A pastel picture hung on the wall across the room from the baby’s crib

C. A slow moving mobile attached to the side of the baby’s crib so that it hangs above the baby’s head

D. A brightly colored painting hung on a wall near the ceiling

71.Knowing an object still exists, even when it is out of sight, is an example of:

A. Assimilation

B. Eye/hand coordination

C. Object permanence

D. Accommodation

72.You can encourage a baby’s language development by:

A. Speaking more than one language

B. Using baby talk, which is easier for a baby to understand

C. Using specific exercises to strengthen the muscles of the baby’s tongue

D. Giving the baby positive feedback for the sounds he/she makes

73.Babies are motivated to learn when:

A. Learning is scheduled

B. They receive positive reinforcement

C. Behaviors are ignored

D. They are confined to the same area every day

74.When grandparents come to visit and the child cries or appears to be afraid of them, the child is:

A. Showing stranger anxiety

B. Showing object permanence

C. Using assimilation

D. Using accommodation

75.Which statement regarding the emotional development of infants is true?

A. Playtime is essential for emotional development when the child is able to crawl or walk

B. Emotional development begins the day the child is born

C. Emotional development is established when a positive relationship is established

D. The more toys an infant has in the crib, the better the emotional development

76.One of the greatest physical challenges for an average two-year old is learning:

A. Bladder/bowel control

B. To walk

C. To talk

D. To ride a bike

77.Which statement about toilet training is true?

A. Children are ready to be toilet trained when they turn two

B. Parents should train the child when the child is physically and emotionally ready

C. if the child has an accident, make him/her clean it up

D. Once you start training the child, do not stop until the child is trained

78.What ability typically marks the beginning of the toddler stage?

A. Talking

B. Walking

C. Running

D. Climbing

79.At bath time, toddlers are old enough:

A. To be left unattended for short periods of time