Engage Finance & Personnel Meeting
Monday 22ndFebruary 2016 @1630
The Locksley School, Locksley Road, Norwich NR4 6LG
Dennis Freeman-Chair (DF) / Des Reynolds (DR) / Gill Wardlow (GW)
Phil Harris (PH) / Andriana Sneddon - TA/Clerk
Meeting commenced at 0930
No / Item / Action
1.0 / Apologies and Absence
Clive Evans was absent due to agreed sabbatical- to be reviewed September 2016
2.0 / Declarations of Interest
There were none
3.0 / Previous Minutes
3.2 / The Minutes of Trust Resources and Personnel meeting, 22/01/16 were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting and were signed off by the Chair.
The Confidential Minute of 21/12/15 was distributed to those present at the meeting, accepted as a true and accurate record and signed off by the Chair. These were then sealed by the Clerk.
An update on these matters can be seen in ***CONFIDENTIAL MINUTES*** item 12
4.0 / Matters Arising
4.1 / Update on previous actions as follows:
  • 3.2) DR advised that CST staffing restructure proposal would be presented at next Board meeting as would Pinetree staff restructure for approval.
  • 6.1)GW to liaise with PS Financials to look at virements/ splitting annualised contracts to monthly expenditure for all sites- ongoing to P6 Budget revision
  • 6.1) Queries on Maintenance and Premises expenditure to be investigated as possible Capital Expenditure and recoding needed- ongoing to P6 Budget revision.
  • 6.1)Low insurance costs- GW to check-ongoing to P6 Budget revision
  • 6.1)CCTV zero expenditure-GW to check-ongoing to P6 Budget revision
  • 10.1) DR advised he continues to explore leasing options for ICT update.
/ DR
5.0 / P5 Monitoring- January 2016
5.4 / Papers for January 2016 (P5) were distributed to members Monitoring commentary (attached) with follow up required/queries as follows:
  • Pinetree Maintenance and Premises-extremely high expenditure reflecting the cost of getting the site in Special Measures to required standard ( see previous Minutes (22/01/16).Members were reassured that overall, expenditure 50.10% budget was not substantially over 41.67% despite these highcosts
  • GW advised that Pinetree Accounts are finalised and TAPFSfinal balance of £2k should be received shortly.
  • Total expenditure queried for SSSfN up on budget, especially Alternative Provision (see previous minutes 22/01/16) DR advised that he had requested additional funding from NCC during Annual Conversation recently and would revisit during second part of Conversation.
  • GW advised that other high occupational costs include annual commitments
  • GW confirmed that all recodes required ( see point 4 above) would be completed prior to P6 budget revision
  • Engage Income was low as Top slicing not yet actioned
  • GW advised that staffing expenditure was over budget as original budget was based on a small central staffing team; requirements had necessitated expansion. GW advised that this will be addressed during Budget revision
Top slicing: Following a budget revision for both academies and the Engage MAT,GW proposed that Top Slicing amount be increased from £350 per head to £1100 per head with effect from Sept 2015( see previous Minutes 22/01/16)
Members were concerned to note substantial increase; GW explained that this was due to the transfer of all salaries for Trust posts from September 2015 and included new posts identified and recruited since September 2015.
DR proposed that this proposal be accepted and implemented, seconded by DF and unanimously voted for approval.
GW presented Cash flow figures; members were concerned to note significant declining amounts from May 2016. GW assured members that all possible income had been accounted for but that there was potentially @£300k requested from NCC at first meeting of Annual Conversation; DR to remind at second part Annual Conversation.
Reductions in expenditure would still be required in July and August 2016; PH requested that LY’s comparative figures by month for salaryamounts, ,supplier BACS and totals be added to spreadsheet for comparison.GW to action for P6
Members decided that it would be inappropriate to complete Financial Monitoring Record for January 2016 and would restart after budget revision / CHALLENGE
6.0 / Performance Management Pay Progression
7.0 / VAT Update
7.1 / Resolved – see previous Minutes (22/01/16)
GW advised that EES now a standalone VAT paying company and had started charging directly to NCC with VAT and had received retrospectively charged VAT.
8.0 / Risk Management strategy
8.1 / Refer Business Continuity Plan to Trust Premises, Health and Safety Committee for review as to whether a further time plan needs to be formulated. / TA
9.0 / Trust Website
9.1 / TA advised that after review, the proposed website framework would not be sufficient or compliant. Proposed changes would incur additional costs of @£1200 +VAT.
Whilst members were unhappy with additional cost they accepted that they were tied to contract and expenditure approved.
DR and TA to review new framework and implement. / TA/DR
10.0 / Direction for SIDP submission
GW advised that due to audit requirement for budgetary input to SIDP, the 2016-17 SIDP’s would be needed by Finance team by May 2016.DR advised that this would not be possible as in order to create the next SIDP, the previous year’s outturn was needed; SIDP’s would usually be created in first half of Autumn term.
GW to revert to audit partners / GW
11.0 / Meeting date
Due to unavailability of TA, the next scheduled meeting on 21/03/16 has been brought forward to 4pm.
Next meeting: March 21st, 4.pm at Locksley.
Meeting closed at 17.35




Engage MAT F&P Meeting522ndFebruary 2016

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