Welcome to BIOLOGY!

I’m Mr. Kirk and I will be your biology teacher. This course overview describes the policies and procedures I will follow in order to do my part in providing you with a successful biology experience.

What you need that is provided by the school:

1.  Biology textbook – Take good care of it. You are responsible for returning the book in the same condition, and you must pay for any damage to (or the replacement of) the book, which costs about $60. You won’t need to bring it to class unless asked to in advance so please keep your book where you are most likely to use it.

2.  Safety goggles – Some labs this year may require you to wear safety goggles. We have enough for everyone in the classroom, but if you would like to bring your own personal pair you may. Any safety glasses with splashguard are acceptable.

What you need that YOU must provide:

1.  Pens and #2 pencils – You will need a writing utensil to take notes and record data from labs during class, and you will need a #2 pencil to complete most tests.

2.  A 3-ring binder (minimum 1-inch) – In this, you will build your Science notebook, which is explained in more detail on page three.

3.  A dry-erase felt-tip marker – You will need at least one dark-colored dry-erase marker for lab group work (available at the Moose Head Shed).


Attendance – Everyone is expected to attend class on time every day. Most students who struggle with biology do so because they do not attend class regularly. An absence (excused or unexcused) will result in the loss of all of that day’s productivity points. Very important: If an absence is reported as excused by the attendance office, the student may make up that day’s productivity points by completing an alternative assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for such make-up work. On the other hand, all assignments collected or assigned on the day of an unexcused absence will be recorded as zero (0) credit and may not be made up. It is my policy to contact the parents/guardians of a student the day after an unexcused absence. West high school is not a university. It is a public high school, therefore, attendance is required (even by law!).

Tardiness – Anyone not is his or her assigned seat when the bell rings may be marked tardy. For the first two tardies of a quarter, the student will loose one (1) of those days’ productivity points. For the third and subsequent tardies, the student will receive a lunch detention (50 minutes) and will loose two (2) of those days’ productivity points. Students start fresh again every quarter.

Participation – You will receive daily productivity points based on participation in discussions and class activities, respect and sensitivity to classmates, engagement in the class, behavior, cooperation, attitude, attendance, and other factors. If you have an excused absence, you are still responsible for the work due and assigned on the excused day(s). If it is not feasible to recreate the missed experience (i.e., laboratory activity) outside of class time, I may assign an alternative task. It is the student’s responsibility to get missed work from the teacher.

Class Activities – All students are expected to participate in class activities such as discussions, lab projects, individual projects, and cooperative projects. Plan on working with different class members throughout the year. I will make changes to the lab groups and seating chart as needed.

Learning Groups – Some activities will be graded as a group. Learning group members will also be accountable to each other in many other ways. Each member of the group:

1.  Should practice group skills such as assigning roles for efficiency.

2.  Should involve each person in the work and discussion.

3.  Is responsible for understanding all of the content of activities.

4.  Should collect handouts for absent group members.

5.  Will evaluate other team members on a regular basis.


You will receive a numerical score for everything that is graded in this class. Your letter grade for each quarter is based on the percentage of points you earn out of the total number of points possible.

A = 89.5% - 100%

B = 79.5% - 89.4%

C = 69.5% - 79.4%

D = 59.5% - 69.4%

F = 0% - 59.4%

Your semester grade is calculated in the following way:

45% 1st/3rd Quarter Grade

45% 2nd/4th Quarter Grade

+ _10% Final Exam Grade____

100% Semester Grade

Save all of your work! Another reason it is important that you keep all of your work in your science notebook is to verify my totals and help clear up any errors.

Progress Reports – Halfway through each quarter I may send home a progress report.

Daily Assignments – All assignments are due at the start of class on their due date. Please do not leave assignments in your locker or anywhere else. Late assignments will be accepted, but they will be penalized points. If you have an excused absence on a due date, then you are expected to turn in the assignment on the day that you return.

Science Notebook – You are required to have and maintain a science notebook, in which you will keep and organize handouts, notes, and assignments, etc. You will turn in your notebook to be graded generally after each unit. Please note that in order to save time and resources, I will only make as many copies of handouts as there are students in the class. Therefore, you will receive only one copy of a handout. Anything missing from your science notebook will result in a lower science notebook grade. (Think about it - these are easy points!) At any time I may give your science notebook what I call “the shake test,” to determine if all of the pages in your notebook are properly secured. Please immediately secure handouts and notes and everything applicable in the appropriate spot in your science notebook.

Productivity Grade – see “participation” above.

Exams – At the end of most chapters/units there will be assessments.


Biology is much more fun when everyone approaches it with an open mind and positive attitude. In class you are expected to conduct yourself in a way that is respectful of the rights and feelings of others, and does not interfere with anyone’s safety or ability to learn. The wearing of hats, coats, and certain other clothing is against school district policies and will not be allowed in class. Bringing walkmans, pagers, cell phones, and other electronic devices is also against school district policies and, therefore, are not permitted in the classroom. Disruptive behavior will result in a temporary or permanent removal from class.


If you need special accommodations or extra help, please don’t hesitate to ask. Also, if any part of the biology content or class makes you feel uncomfortable for any reason, please let me know as soon as possible. I am very receptive to questions, during class or outside of class. It is my job to help you learn biology and better understand the natural and technological worlds around you. Please feel free to let me know how I can best help you to learn.

Students or parents who wish to have a conference with me may do so by writing me at or by leaving a message on my voice mail at 204-4102 extension 63566.

Student/Parent/Guardian Review of Biology Overview

I (we) have carefully reviewed this overview of Mr. Kirk’s biology class with ______

(student’s name)

and we understand the course expectations and the commitment he/she must make towards achieving success in biology.

Signature of Student: ______

Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______

Please print your name(s) and indicate where you can be reached by phone.

Name: ______

Daytime Phone Number: ______

Evening Phone Number: ______

Name: ______

Daytime Phone Number: ______

Evening Phone Number: ______

Thank you for your attention to this overview. I look forward to meeting you during conferences. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns before that time.

Please keep the overview for your own reference and return this sheet to Mr. Kirk.