Zhang and Gunner Photosynthesis Research 2013


Mathematica equations used to create Figure 2 and 6.


RT is the total concentration of RCs (RCT). XT is the added XQ (XQT); YT is YQT. There are four kinds RCs that can be distinguished by their charge recombination kinetics:

RX and RY: RCs with XQ or YQ at the QA site (XQA or YQA) with empty QB sites.

RXY RCs with XQ at the QA site and YQ at the QB site (XQA:YQB),

RYY RCs with YQ at the both sites (YQA:YQB).

KX, KY are the dissociation constants for XQ and YQ at the QA site.

KXY and KYY the Kds for these quinonesat the QB site. KXY= KYY here.

Binding non-native quinones to the QA site.

Figure s.1. QA activity as a function of quinone concentration. The theoretical lines are the best fit to the data using Eqn. 3. Values for the Kd and maximum amplitude at saturation are given in Tables 1 and 2. (●):AQ; (▼): Me-NQ; ():NQ; (♦) diMe-BQ; (■) triMe-BQ. Titration carried out with 1 µM RCs; 10mM Tris, 0.005% LDAO, pH = 7.8 at T=2982 K.

Estimating the energy level of NQBwith a low potential diMeAm-NQA.

The observed rate is a combination of indirect thermal back reaction rate and direct tunneling rate (Kleinfeld et al. 1984, Labahn et al. 1994)


 is the fraction of RCs in the P+QA- state and the recombination rate is kBAP.

The free energy difference between QAQB- and QA-QB is given by the equilibrium distribution of the two forms of RCs.





Kleinfeld D, Okamura MY, Feher G (1984) Electron transfer in reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides: I. Determination of the charge recombination pathway of D+QAQB- and free energy and kinetic relations between QA-QB and QAQB-. Biochim Biophys Acta 766: 126-140.

Labahn A, Paddock ML, McPherson PH, Okamura MY, Feher G (1994) Direct charge recombination from D+QAQB- to DQAQB in bacterial reaction centers fromRhodobacter sphaeroides. J Phys Chem 98: 3417-3423.