Lake-Sumter State College Course Syllabus

Course / Prefix Number: / MAN4303 / Course Title: / Leadership and Management Practices
CRN: 10607 / Credits: 3 / Term: Fall 2013
Saturdays: 9:00am to noon LA 1
Course Catalog Description: / This course introduces students to the legal, regulatory and ethical environment of business. Emphasis is placed on the manager’s role in raising ethical awareness, understanding and applying context-appropriate ethical frameworks in decision-making and developing an ethical culture.
Instructors: / Laurinda Williams / Contact Information:
Office Location: / Office Hours:
By Appt
Prerequisites: / C or higher in MAN3240
Co-requisites: / MAN3240
Textbook and Other Course Materials / Textbooks (Required)
Leadership, 6th edition (2013)
Peter G. Northouse
Sage Publications
The Leadership Challenge, 5th edition (2012)
James Kouzes and Barry Posner
Jossey-Bass Publishers
Supplemental Resource (Required)
Assigned Articles
Technology and Online Computer Access Requirements: / Students must have access to a computer that can connect to the Internet and meets the minimum requirements of Blackboard. Visit and select Browser Check to ensure that your system is ready for use in this class.
Students are required to use Microsoft Office 2010 products to complete assignments and take examinations for this course. Students are NOT required to purchase the software or to own a computer as computers for student use are available in LSSC’s Libraries and Learning Centers on each campus. You may need to arrange your schedule to be able to use on-campus computers to complete your assignments.
It is the student’s responsibility to have an alternative plan if their main computer system fails or encounters technical issues that prevent the completion of required assignments by the specified due date (i.e. – complete work on-site at a campus library or learning center, have a secondary computer available, etc.). Computer hardware, software and/or printer problems are not acceptable excuses for incomplete or late assignments.
Course Objectives:
(what the course will do) / This course requires students to work individually as well as collaboratively in creating original assignments based on course materials as well as outside resources. By the end of this course, students will have gained knowledge and competency to do the following:
1.  Understand the various approaches to defining leadership and how the field has developed.
2.  Distinguish among the major contemporary theories of leadership, demonstrating the ability to select and apply the appropriate theories to various situations.
3.  Describe the major bases of power, explain their relationship to various styles of leadership and followership, and demonstrate the ability to accurately assess which base(s) are being used in a variety of situations and the effectiveness of their use.
4.  Assess personal traits, knowledge, skills and abilities and reflect on how your own results influence your approach to leadership, followership and management.
5.  Select a leader whom you know personally, assess their approach to leadership and management, and analyze the effectiveness of their approach.
6.  Explain how individual differences influence leadership and followership.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessed in this Course:
(what the students take with them beyond this course) / Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are measurable results of the learning process. SLOs will be assessed using rubrics that will be provided to you in advance of the assessment. The assessment of SLOs is separate from the process for determining the class grade. The class grade reflects your average achievement for the entire course, whereas each SLO is individually assessed on a scale from 0 to 4. The following table summarizes the SLOs on which you will be assessed during this course.
Student Learning Outcome / Assessment Plan
1.  Understand the extensive, multidisciplinary history of leadership study and the various leadership theories, past and present. / Assessed on quizzes, exams, case analyses, online discussion questions, and group project.
2.  Examine personal values, identities and motivations that shape one's own leadership and followership styles and behaviors as well as those of others. / Assessed on quizzes, exams, case analyses, online discussion questions, and group project.
3.  Communicate effectively in order to develop relationships, manage conflicts and collaborate across differences. / Assessed on online discussion questions, class exercises, and group project.
These student learning outcomes support the Program SLOs:
#1 Assess one’s personal management and leadership styles and formulate an ongoing developmental plan to build on strengths and address any weaknesses.
#2 Identify the concepts, tools and techniques for effectively managing and leading an organization and apply them in an appropriate, integrated manner.
#3 Employ relevant technological tools and demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate resources when researching issues and formulating viable alternatives.
#4 Exhibit context-appropriate management and leadership and when needed, serve as a change agent within one’s organization and community.
#5 Use critical thinking and apply personal and professional ethics when making managerial decisions.
#6 Demonstrate diversity and global awareness and explain how these impact individuals, groups, organizations and communities.
#7 Communicate effectively, in oral and written forms, and exhibit active listening skills.
#8 Analyze the various legal and social issues which impact an organization and formulate socially responsible approaches that balance the concerns of stakeholders.
Academic Integrity: / The successful functioning of the academic community demands honesty, which is the basis of respect for both ideas and persons. In the academic community, there is an ongoing assumption of academic integrity at all levels. There is the expectation that work will be independently thoughtful and responsible as to its sources of information and inspiration. Honesty is an appropriate consideration in other ways as well, including but not limited to the responsible use of library resources, responsible conduct in examinations, and the responsible use of the Internet. (See college catalog for complete statement.)
Important Information for Students with Disabilities: / Any student with a documented disability who requires assistance or academic accommodations should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities immediately to discuss eligibility. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) is located on the Leesburg Campus, but arrangements can be made to meet with a student on any campus. An appointment can be made by calling 352-365-3589 and specific information about the OSD and potential services can be found at, then go to “Quick Links” and click on Disability Services.
Privacy Policy (FERPA): / The Family Educational Rights and Privacy ACT (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 123g; 34 CFR Part99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of a student’s education records. In order for your information to be released, a form must be signed and in your records located in the Admissions/Registrar’s Office.
Attendance / Withdrawal Policies: / Punctuality, attendance and class participation are expected and essential for success in this course. Tardiness, absences and failure to participate in each class will negatively impact your grade.
If you wish to withdraw from the course, you must go to the Admissions Office and submit the formal course withdrawal form by the withdrawal deadline. If you do not complete the course and do not formally withdraw, you will receive a failing grade.
Withdrawal Deadline: / 11/12/2013
Methods of Evaluation: / Assignments 30% 300 points
Leadership Analysis (100 points)
Leadership Biographies (2 at 50 points = 100 points)
Quizzes (4 at 25 points = 100 points)
Group Project 20% 200 points
Individual Outline (50 points)
Group Leadership Demonstration (70 points)
Group Synthesis (30 points)
Peer Evaluation (50 points)
Mid-Term Exam 15% 150 points
Final Exam 15% 150 points
Participation 20% 200 points
Online Discussion Questions (100 points)
Leadership Article & Presentation (50 points)
In-Class Engagement and Contribution (50 points)
100% 1000 points
Grading Scale: / Grading Scale
100 - 90% = A Superior
89 - 80% = B Above-Average
79 - 70% = C Average
69 - 60% = D Below-Average
0 - 59% = F Failing Work
Course Calendar: / See the Course Schedule on the last page of the syllabus.
Classroom Rules and Policies: / On-campus student responsibilities
·  Be respectful of your instructor and fellow classmates at all times.
·  As a courtesy, please do not talk, type, or print while the instructor is talking to the class or when a student is asking a question that pertains to the class.
·  Do not “surf” the Web, check email or visit social networking sites during class, unless directed to do so by your instructor.
·  Do not bring laptops or other electronic devices to class as these items will not be permitted to be on or used during class.
·  Turn off cell phones, pagers, and texting devices. If you are anticipating an emergency contact during class, please speak with the instructor prior to class regarding the situation.
·  The use of any cell phone or texting device during an exam will be presumed as cheating (refer to the cheating policy).
·  Refrain from bringing food and drink into the classroom.
Online component student responsibilities
·  Be respectful of your instructor and fellow classmates at all times.
·  All assignments are submitted via Blackboard.
·  All assignments must be submitted as attachments using the Blackboard Assignment tool.
·  No other form of submission – including email in or outside of Blackboard – is accepted. Assignments not submitted using the Blackboard Assignments tool will receive zeros automatically.
·  It is the student’s responsibility to make time to do their homework and to complete the homework before the deadline.
·  It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have access to a working computer system with a working Internet connection.
·  It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their system supports Blackboard and all software needed for this class.
·  It is the student’s responsibility to be sure to start the assignments with enough time to allow for technical difficulties and the need for assistance
Instructor responsibilities
·  I am available via phone or email for questions and/or concerns. I check voicemail and email several times daily and will respond to messages in a timely manner (within one business day). I also check Blackboard several times a day and will respond to questions posted to the site within one business day. I will notify the class in advance if I will be unable to access the course, my email or my phone messages at any specific time during the semester.
·  I am available to meet with students on campus or online by appointment, Monday through Friday.
·  You should consider me a resource in this course and I will gladly assist students who work hard and plan ahead. I am available to answer questions about assignments ahead of time but will not “grade” assignments before they are officially submitted. In other words, you may ask me specific questions about an assignment, but I will not provide detailed feedback on rough drafts. Because I do not have time to this for every student before an assignment is due, it would be unfair to do so for some and not others.
Violence Statement: / Lake-Sumter State College has a policy of zero tolerance for violence as stated in College Board Rule 2.17. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with Board Rule 2.17.
Syllabus Disclaimer: / Information contained in this syllabus is, to the best knowledge of this instructor, considered correct and complete when distributed to the student. The instructor reserves the right, acting within policies and procedures of Lake-Sumter State College, to make necessary changes in course content or instructional techniques without prior notice or obligation to the student.

Course Schedule – Fall 2013

MAN4303 – Leadership and Management Practices

(This schedule is subject to change)

Assignments: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date indicated below.
Week / Topic / Date / Preparation / In-Class Activities / Assignments Due
1 / Introduction to the Course; What is Leadership? / S 10/19 / Review Syllabus
N: Ch 1
K&P: Chs 1 & 12
Articles / Review Syllabus
Review Material
Class Exercise
2 / Ethical Approaches: Prescriptive and Psychological / S 10/26 / N: Chs 2 & 3
K&P: Chs 2&3
Articles / Review Material
Class Exercise
Quiz / Online DQs
3 / Common Ethical Problems: Individual and Organizational / S 11/02 / N: Chs 4 & 10
K&P: Chs 4 & 5
Articles / Review Material
Class Exercise
Quiz / Online DQs
4 / Organizational Culture & Compliance / S 11/09 / N: Chs 5 & 6
K&P: Chs 6 & 7
Articles / Review Material
Midterm Exam / Online DQs
5 / Ethical Conduct in the Workplace / S 11/16 / N: Chs 7 & 8
K&P: Chs 8 & 9
Articles / Review Material
Quiz / Online DQs
6 / Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Considerations / S 11/23 / N: Chs 9 & 11
K&P: Chs 10 & 11
Articles / Review Material
Quiz / Online DQs
Leadership Analysis
7 / Group Presentations / S 11/07 / Group Presentations
Final Exam / Individual Paper
Peer Evaluation

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