Gillette Gun Club Annual Fees

Proposed Fee Rate increase

1.  Hire Full time help

·  Lack of Volunteers

2.  Over Head

·  Insurance rates

·  Lead Removal

·  Equipment upkeep

·  Range Equipment and Repairs

·  Target expense

3.  Ownership

·  Clean up

·  Damage to the Range

·  Shots fired in unsafe directions

4. Indoor Range/Clubhouse Fund

Other Areas of Concern to the Range

1.  Yes House

2.  Encroachment of Housing (expected growth of 10000 by 2010)

3.  Membership Growth.

·  400+ 2 years ago now approaching 700.

·  .02% of Population = 950 members (est.)

Benefits of Hired Help

1.  Club House/ Trap Houses opened to Public more hours

2.  Target and Supplies available to Shooters

3.  Range Upkeep and Damage Minimized

4.  Range Safety

Proposed Fee Options

1.  Raise Fees 150% for Individual membership, offer a Family Membership. And hire a full time facilitator.

2.  Retain current Membership fees and limit range time to certain hours when volunteer help is available.

3.  Run two Sessions. A winter and summer session and charge separate rates for each session.

4.  Retain Current fees and quit supplying target backers and target supports for the rifle and pistol ranges. (We currently supply target backers and target supports for the rifle and pistol ranges. Yet, the trap shooter will pay a target fee when using the trap throwers. Unless the trap shooter bring their own thrower with targets. A trap league shooter will pay close to $100 in target fees for the summer trap league. The Gun Club makes very little profit off of these targets.)

5.  Retain current Membership Fee plus a Range fee every time range is used.

6.  Retain current Membership Fee plus a target fee similar too the Trap house fees.

7.  Eliminate the Daily use fee and require everyone to become a member.

8.  A discount for Range fees would be available to Members. Non-members would pay a higher fee.

9.  Retain current fees and require each member to volunteer 8 hours to the gun club.

10. Raise the Fee for the Rifle and Pistol range and continue to supply target backers and supports.

11. Two Tier Fee Schedule; Family and Individual

12. Outfitters/Commercial use fees $150 Year

13. Government involvement. Turn range over to the county REQ department.

14. Do nothing and allow the erosion of facilities to continue and rely on volunteers for crisis repairs.

Proposed Family Rate $100

Pro-rated Fees

Proposed Individual fee $75

Pro-rated Fees

Additional Issues

·  Out of sate Hunters (Daily use fees?)

·  Special Events; Training, Sporting, Company/Family functions

·  Add additional Life Membership for $600
