1)There are 2 questions for this assignment. Each question carries 20 marks.
2)Answer the questions based on what you have learned in the course.
3)Print the assignment and submit to PJJ2 weeks before the final exam.
4)You must refer to the module notes in order to answer the questions.
5)Length of assignment should be 7-10 pages, Font 12 Times New Roman, double-spaced and justified paragraphing.
Read the two texts carefully. Analyse the texts below and comment how the two texts are different based on Paltridge’s (2006) argument for the differences between spoken and written discourse.
Text 1
And then, in the blowing clouds, she saw a band of faint iridescence colouring in faint shadows a portion of the hill. And forgetting, startled, she looked for the hovering colour and saw a rainbow forming itself. In one place it gleamed fiercely, and, her heart anguished with hope, she sought the shadow of iris where the bow should be. Steadily the colour gathered, mysteriously, from nowhere, it took presence upon itself, there was a faint, vast rainbow.
(D. H. Lawrence’s novel, The Rainbow, chapter 16)
Text 2
normally + after very heavy rain + or something like that + and + you’re driving along the road + and + far away + you see + well + er + a series + of +stripes + + formed like a bow + an arch + + very very far away + ah + seven colours but + + I guess you hardly ever see seven it’s just a + a series of + colours which + they seem to be separate but if you try to look for the separate colours they always seem + very hard + to separate + if you see what I mean + +
(Postgraduate student speaking informally)
+ indicates pauses
- Analyse the following text with respect to its cohesive devices and features of coherence.
- Report your findings in the form of an essay to argue that it is a cohesive and coherent piece of discourse.
- In your essay, you need to mention the cohesive feature, its definition, in which line(s) did it occur and present the exact sentence which contains the particular cohesive device. You need to mention all the instances of that particular cohesive device found in the text.
Endangered species are plants and animals that are in danger of becoming extinct. In some parts of the world, endangered species are fast depleting. This has caused much concern among environmentalists, animal rights activists and nature lovers. Why is this threat to endangered species becoming more serious? Human actions such as indiscriminate cutting down trees or deforestation, and illegal hunting are two main reasons that lead to the extinction of endangered species.
Indiscriminate cutting down of trees resulting from Man’s quest for rapid development leads to the destruction of large forest areas. With continuous deforestation for the expansion of residential and commercial areas, the ecosystem in these areas has been destroyed, resulting in the loss of natural habitat for both plants and animals. As these species cannot adapt to new surroundings, they will slowly become endangered and if nothing is done to protect and preserve their natural habitat, these endangered species will eventually become extinct. This explains why environmentalists and animal rights movements are continuously fighting for the preservation of natural habitats.
Another reason for the extinction of endangered species is illegal hunting. Animals are hunted for certain features that they possess, which are made into ornaments, decorative items and other items for commercial purposes. For example, the killing of elephants for their ivory by man has been well documented throughout history. It has been reported that the hunting of elephants for ivory to make decorative items, for example caused the near extinction of elephants in Africa. In addition, the illegal hunting of elephants in India has resulted in the decline of elephants there. As the problem becomes more serious, environmentalists and wildlife organizations are campaigning for a total ban on all ivory trade.
(Azian et al. 2006) / Line 1
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