Year 11 Unit 1 Understanding Our Natural World

Theme B: Our Changing Weather and Climate

Part 1: Managing the elements of the weather

Part 2: Weather systems affecting the British Isles

Part 3: The Causes and Consequences of Climate Change

Part 1: Managing the elements of the weather / 1.  Distinguish between weather and climate
2.  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the measurements of the elements of weather:
·  Temperature (degrees), min and max thermometers
·  Precipitation (mm), rain gauge
·  Wind direction (8 point compass) wind vane
·  Wind speed (knots), anemometer
·  Air pressure (mb), barometer
·  Cloud types: stratus, cumulus, nimbus, cumulonimbus and cirrus
·  Cloud cover, oktas
3.  Know and understand the factors that need to be considered when locating the following instruments:
·  Thermometers
·  Rain gauge
·  Wind vane
·  anemometer
4.  Identify sources of data used to create a weather forecast:
·  Land-based stations
·  Balloons
·  Buoys
·  Weather ships
·  Geostationary and polar satellites / Climate
Range of temperature
Maximum thermometer
Minimum thermometer
Rain Gauge
Wind Vane
Wind speed
Wind direction
Atmospheric pressure
Cloud cover
Cloud types
Part 2: Weather systems affecting the British Isles / 1.  Know and understand the temperature and moisture characteristics of the following aire masses affecting the British isles and their seasonal variation:
·  Tropical maritime
·  Tropical continental
·  Polar maritime
·  Polar continental
2.  Demonstrate (with reference to places for illustration):
·  The weather patterns and sequence of change associated with a frontal depression as it moves across the British Isles (weather at the warm front, in the warm sector and at the cold front)
·  The weather patterns associated with anticyclones in the British Isles during winter and summer
3.  Interpret synoptic charts and satellite images and understand the limitations of forecasting (range and accuracy)
4.  Evaluate the effects (positive and negative) of depressions and anticyclones on the economy and people (with reference to places) / Synoptic chart
Satellite image
Cold Front
Warm front
Part 3: The Causes and Consequences of Climate Change / 1.  Distinguish between the greenhouse effect and global warming
2.  Understand the causes of climate change:
·  Natural climatic cycles
·  Volcanic activity
·  Human activity, including motor vehicle pollutants and the burning of fossil fuels
3.  Evaluate the effects (actual and potential) of climate change on the environment, society and economy using one case study from either LEDC or MEDC
4.  Evaluate the sustainability of strategies to deal with climate change (with reference to places for illustration)
·  International agreements eg Kyoto Protocol
·  The use of alternative sources of energy (wind power, solar power and biofuels)
·  Strategies to cut down the use of private cars (investing in public transport, and congestion charging)
·  Strategies to slow the rate of deforestation in tropical rainforest areas by encouraging sustainable practices
5.  Identify the issues and analyse the challenges associated with securing international co-operation to deal with climate change / Global Warming
Greenhouse Effect
Fossil Fuel