Renishaw File Services (RFS)desktop client user guide

The Renishaw File Services (RFS) system enables the transfer of business related files between Renishaw and our customers.


Renishaw File Services (RFS) desktop client user guide



Starting the application

Selecting a project


Downloading files

Multiple downloads

Uploading files

Existing files


Progress area

Deleting files

Creating a new project

Set an administrator

Access using the website

More help


  1. Get the latest version of the installer from the website (
  2. Save it to your computer.
  3. Double-click on the installer to run it
  4. Accept the defaults


In the future the application will automatically let you know if there is an update available, when you start the application.When an update is available click OK to the update and your web browser will automatically be started and take you to the website to download the new version.

Save the installer for the new version then double-click on it to run it. There is no need to uninstall the current version.

Starting the application

Open the application from Start > All programs > Renishaw > File Services > Renishaw File Services Client.

You will be asked to log in using your RPS account. After you first log-in the program will remember your email for you.

Selecting a project

Once you have logged in the application will automatically retrieve a list of projects you have access to.

To select a project, either click on the down arrow to display the list, scroll through to the project and click it, or click in text area and start typing the name of the project and then press enter.


The files available to download will be shown in the central content area. Projects can be public or private, as indicated by the icon to the left of the project name

Private project. Access to the project is restricted to specific users and cannot be seen by anyone else.

Public project. Anyone with an RPS account will be able to view it. They will also be able to download any of the files contained within the project.


Projects have three levels of permissions associated with them. These determine what you can do:

Administrator – you can upload, download, and delete files in a project as well as change access permissions, project name and expiry date. Only Renishaw employees (those with email accounts) can be administrators.

Contributor - you can upload, download, and delete files in a project.

Downloader - you can download files from the project.

Downloading files

There are two ways to download files from a project.

  1. Download single files. Select a file by clicking on it (so it highlights in blue) and then pressing the “Download” button, selecting a location to save it to, and pressing “Ok” (this will prompt you if a file already exists with the same filename), or,
  2. Download all files in a project by pressing the “Download all” button, selecting a location and pressing “Ok” (this will overwrite any files with the same filename).

Multiple downloads

You can have multiple downloads from the same, or a different, project at the same time. While the current files are downloading, simply select a new file from the current project to download, or select a different project and then a file, the new downloads will be added to the download list.

Uploading files

There are two ways to upload files to a project:

  1. Press the “Browse…” button, select a file and press the “Upload” button, or,
  2. Drag and drop files on to the central area where the project files are listed.

Existing files

If the file you are trying to upload exists already (in a project that you have access to), you will be asked if you want to link the file. This saves you having to upload the file again. If you select "No" to linking the file then no action will take place and the file will not be uploaded.

Linked files are independent between projects, so deleting the file from one project will not delete it from any projects it is linked to.


The progress of your uploads will be displayed in the “Progress area” at the bottom of the interface. This will show you which files from which projects are being uploaded how much has been transferred. You can cancel an upload by pressing the “Cancel” button next to the progress bar. If a file fails to upload a retry button will be displayed. Pressing this will cause the application to attempt to continue the upload from the point that it failed.

Progress area

Deleting files

If you have permission, you can delete files by selecting an individual file and pressing the “Delete” button (you will be required to confirm the deletion of the file) or by selecting multiple files (hold the “Ctrl” key whilst selecting the files) and pressing the “Delete” button (you will be required to confirm the deletion of all selected files).

Creating a new project

To create a new project select “File > New project”. This will open a new window where you will need to enter the project name, a description (if required) and an expiry date (this can be upto 6 months).

Set an administrator

Enter this essential information then press the "Next" button. You will be shown a screen that lets you designate the administrator for the project.

A project administrators must be Renishaw employee, any project you create you will automatically be assigned “contributor” rights.

Enter an employees email address and press the ">" button. You can add as many administrators as you wish to the group.

When you have selected the administrators press the “Finish” button.

The window will close and the main application will reload with your newly created project selected. An email will automatically be sent to the Administrators you have chosen letting them know you have created the new project.

Access using the website

All projects and files create with the application are available via the website (

More help

We hope the system is reasonably intuitive, but if you need any further help please contact , we’ll be more than happy to help.

RFS user guideRenishaw Internet Development TeamOctober 2009