1st 9 Week Syllabus for Social Studies 6th Grade ~ 2016-2017
Lovinggood’s Late Work Policy:
“Oops Opportunity”
This policy applies to “Missed” deadlines only. This is when a student is PRESENT and does not have his/her assignment.
Level I: Involves the use of the “Oops” card
If a student misses a deadline:
· The student will be allowed to use his/her school-wide “Oops” Card to obtain a 1 day extension for the missed assignment – THE CARD DOES NOT REPLACE THE ASSIGNMENT – THE ASSIGNMENT MUST BE COMPLETED.
· Students will be given 5 cards every semester (18 weeks).
· A student may use no more than 2 cards per content area class.
· This policy does not apply to long term assignments. Long term assignments can be defined as any assignment that allows for at least a one week (or longer) turn around due date. Those assignments are due on the date the teacher gives as the due date.
· Please refer to the Cobb County policy if the child is absent. The county policy and this Lovinggood “Oops” Policy are in no way tied to each other.
Students will receive cards from homeroom teachers once per semester. We are asking that students keep these cards secured in lockers to avoid them losing or forgetting the cards when needed. There will be no grace for lost or forgotten “Oops” Cards.
Level II: Involves attending “Fix It Friday”
If a student has used the two “Oops” cards in any given class, and has repeated the practice of having “Missed” assignments, the student can choose to attend the administration’s “Fix It Friday” Session OR ACCEPT THE ZERO.
· This is a Friday after school detainment that the student will attend in order to complete all missed work AND/ reflect on needed strategies in an effort to modify the behavior. We would hope for improvement of the practice of meeting deadlines. Repeat instances can be defined as anything needed beyond the 2 Oops Card Opportunities.
· Students need to work diligently during this time, only COMPLETED work will be assigned credit
· There are only 2 “Fix It Friday” opportunities in a 12 week period. Late work after this will not be accepted.
· If a child does not attend, he/she will accept the zero for the missed assignments.