Aug 2013doc.: IEEE 11-13-1008-00-000ac

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

TGac teleconference minutes – 20130829
Date: 2013-08-29
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
David Xun Yang / Huawei Technologies / F1, Huawei Industrial Base, Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China / +8615914117462 /


This document contains the meeting minutes of the IEEE 802.11ac teleconference on 2013-08-29.

Teleconference time: 2013-08-29, 20:00 ET

Attendees present:

  • Osama Aboul-Magd (Huawei) – Chair
  • David Xun Yang (Huawei) – Secretary
  • Brian Hart (Cisco)
  • Peter Ecclesine (Cisco)
  • Hongyuan Zhang (Marvell)
  • Eldad Perahia (Intel)
  • Nihar Jindal (Broadcom)
  • Matthew Fischer (Broadcom)
  • Jae Seung Lee (ETRI)
  • Yusuke Asai (NTT)
  • Youhan Kim (Qualcomm)


  • IEEE 802 and IEEE 802.11 IPR policies and procedure
  • Attendance Reminder (Send an e.mail to David ( ) or Osama ())
  • Comment Resolution discussion.
  • Hongyuan Zhang
  • Motion related to resolutions of CIDs 11007, 11044, 11043, 11042, 11041, 11040, 11045, Peter Ecclesine (11-13/0987r1) – discussed last week. Waiting for Allert feedback.
  • Motion related to CID 11022, Brian Hart (11-13/0989r1)
  • - Yusuke Asai
  • - Nihar Jindal

The Chairman calls the meeting to order at 2013-08-29at 20:04 ET.

The Chairman reviews the agenda today.

The Chairman asks if anybody has comments/objection to the agenda. No response noted.

The Chairman asks if anybody not familiar with IEEE policy. No response noted.

The Chairman reminds people to mute if not speaking and mention affiliation before speaking first time.

The Chairman calls for potential essential patents. No one responds to the call and no claims are broughtforward.

The Chairman reminds all attendees to take attendance by sending email to David, or Osama, .

There are 10 voting members on the call.

Presentation #1: 13/0983r0D6 VHTSIGB Comment Resolutions (Hongyuan Zhang, Marvell)

Hongyuan presented

11002, 11003

Comment Resolution Motion #87: Move to approve the resolutions to CID11002 and 11003 in doc 11-13/0983r1.

Move: Hongyuan, Second: Youhan. No discussion on the motion.Result: Motion accepted

Comment Resolution Motion #88: Move to approve the resolutions to CID11007, 11044, 11043, 11042, 11041, 11040 and 11045 in doc 11-13/0987r1.

Move: Peter, Second: Youhan. No discussion. Result: Motion accepted

Presentation #2: 13/0989r1Comment Resolution Part1 (Brian Hart, Cisco)

Brian presented

11035, 11022

Comment Resolution Motion #89: Move to approve the resolutions to CIDs 11035 and 11022 in doc 11-13/0989r1.

Move: Brian, Second: Eldad. No discussion. Result: Motion accepted

Presentation #3: 13/0999r0Comment Resolution Part1 (Yusuke Asai, NTT)

Yusuke presented


Comment Resolution Motion #90: Move to approve the resolution to CID 11036 in doc 11-13/0999r0.

Move: Yusuke, Second: Youhan. No discussion. Result: Motion accepted

Presentation #4: 13/1002r0Comment Resolution Part1 (Nihar Jindal, Broadcom)

Nihar presented

11038, 11039

Brian: VHT-SIG-B Duration starts from VHT-SIG-B other than L-SIG.

Comment Resolution Motion #91: Move to approve the resolutions to CIDs 11038 and 11039 in doc 11-13/1002r1.

Move: Nihar, Second: Eldad. No discussion. Result: Motion accepted

Osama mentions that all the comments will be probably finished in the next conference call.

The meeting was adjourned at 21:01 ET.

Submissionpage 1David Xun Yang (Huawei)