CSU Trial Gardens Lab 2008
Purpose: to become familiar with the flowering plants which thrive in the Fort Collins area
Due Date: 9/12/08 (2 weeks from date assigned including two weekends)
Directions to the CSU Trial Gardens: from FCHS, take Prospect Ave. west (towards the
foothills) to Remington St. Turn right/north. Park on Remington St. (in front of
the former FCHS).
Materials: white paper (6) pencils colored pencils clipboard lab
1. Read entire lab before you arrive at the Trial Gardens. That way you can plan your walk through the gardens and decide which plants to sketch.
2. Sketch a ½ page drawing of EACH of 2 DIFFERENT types of flowers and 2 DIFFERENT types of leaves. Leave space below the sketch for the title (common and Scientific name, underlined with a ruler). Sketch in pencil, then color and shade your sketches. Place drawings in the results section of the lab write up. 4 sketches, 5 points each = 20 points.
3. Proceed through the gardens, recording your answers to the questions along the way.
4. Watch for this as you go: Which flower smelled the best to you. Which section was it in?
5. Use the FCHS Science lab template and guidelines posted on the Botany webpage. See the teacher for clarification as needed.
Flower bed SE & SE of the gazebo (Note: foothills are to the west, Denver to the south)
1. What color are the seed pods and flowers of the Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean vine on the lamp post?
2. What colors is the Rudbeckia Denver Daisy?
3. What color are the flowers of Vermillion Bluffs Mexican Sage?
4. What color is Denver Gold Columbine?
5. What does the chocolate flower Berlanderia lyrata smell like chocolate?
Bed L (Directly west of the gazebo)
6. What kind of flower is the Lanai Blue 09 L44?
7. Name the flower between Lanai Magenta and Vegas Peach.
Bed K (West of L)
8. What kind of plants are along the east side of this bed?
Bed M (North of K)
9. What color is M1?
10. What color is double fire?
Bed N
11. What kind of flower is the tallest in bed N?
Potted Plants (North)
12. What do the yellow flowers in the second pot (East of471) feel like?
13. What color is the grass-like plant 535?
14. What kind of plants are 475-533?
15. What kind of plants are 460-463?
16. What kind of plants are 407-438?
17. What kind of plants is 299? What color is it? (2)
18. What color is 327?
19. What kind of plant is 388 dark chocolate?
20. Name number 189.
21. What color is AA505?
22. What colors are Gaillardia AA503?
23. What color is the fruit of the ornamental pepper AA501?
“Best of” (round raised brick bed with tan stone rim)
24. Name the 2007 Best of Show Proven Winner at the center of the bed DO1 (Hint: it has pink and white flowers.)
25. Name DO2.
Shade Plants (under green canopy on north side of the gardens)
26. Name SO1.
27. What kind of plants are SA01–SA19?
28. Compare SA01 – SA19 to SB01-SB30. How do their leaves and flowers differ from one another?
29. Name the tallest plant in bed SC.
30. What kind of plants are SC25-SC19?
31. What kind of plants are SC12-SC1?
32. Name your favorite plant in section SC. Why is it your favorite? (2)
33. What type of flower is AAS10?
Beds C & D
34. What type of flowers are in these beds?
35. Which one is your favorite? Why? What color is it? (3)
Bed E
36. What color is Dracenea E16?
37. Name E76.
38. For what is the plant E69-E67 used? (Hint: check your Botany class notes.)
39. Name plants E66-E64.
40. Bed F
41. What type of plants are F28-F23?
Bed J
42. What color is J100?
43. What type of plants are J100-J79?
44. What color is the center of J66? Osteospernum Margarita Mix?
45. Which flower smelled the best to you? What section was it in? (2)