Muller sinks to an all time low.

Quite a few of the Mad Galahs have castigated Fergus with prodigious, creative expletives and less than gracious suggestions. Fergus does appreciate constructive criticism from decent, honest Veterans, however he is immune to rude retorts from the liars and wannabes ensconced in the Mad Galah movement. In fact, he finds the language quaint and amusing.Whilst expletives are humourousFergus findsblatant lies to be disappointing. Noel Molly Muller has offered an apology for his previous "mistakes" but justwent on to sink further into the mirewith different versions of the same lies.

Molly Muller is a tenacious pathological liar and just won’t give up; the problem with being a pathological liar is that you have to have a good memory. After a memory check he still claims to have single handed killed three members of an Indonesian patrol, and has changed the total he confronted from a “Company” to a mere “seven to ten” men and still claims to have killed three of them. We all know that seven to ten men would be no match for Molly sporting a rifle or a Bowie knife. Muller obviously has no idea about what would happen with odds of ten rifles to one, except what he has read in Rambo comics. Here is what he previously said

“On recovering them, somehow, the ship was given incorrect co-ordinates and I beached where there was a company of PKI. By that, I mean that I beached and then a company of PKI came along from inshore. They were spread out and heading directly to the beach. I was forced to engage several of these individuals and in the process, I dispatched three that I am aware of but there may well be more. The Patrol did not go onto the sand but stayed in the jungle and headed north away from me and as soon as I believed it safe, I re-entered the water and made haste back to HMAS Vendetta.”

Here is his amended version as described by him on 4 March 09.

“The COMPANY upon the beach in North Borneo - I will give you this as my memory is poor, If I ever once stated that I ran into a COMPANY Strength group on the beach in Brunei, I apologise as it was NO MORE, NO LESS than a scouting party of around 7 to 10 men - nothing else and I have no recall as to if that is another of your personal twisted interpretations or a mistake upon my part, I will alow that the error may be mine and apologise, IT WAS A SCOUTING PARTY THAT I RAN FOUL OF NO MORE THAN 7 TO 10 MEN OF WHICH I DISPATCHED 3 (I BELIEVE), THEY WEREN'T SAYING TOO MUCH WHEN I LEFT THEM, NO THE REMAINDER OF THE PARTY NEVER DID RUN AWAY IN FEAR AND I NEVER CLAIMED THEY DID, I WAS THE ONE THAT DEBUNKED POST HASTE, RE-ENTERED THE WATER AND HEADED BACK OUT TO THE SHIP. I WAS NOT WAITING FOR ANY "DRINKS OR 'NOW IS THE HOUR'" FOR MY TROUBLE.”

Molly is also dreaming about his aptitude and propensity to be a high flying senior executive. Remember he said this:

“What about the 42 years of my life wasted driving Trucks and Buses around the country side as I no longer had the acute mind power to command Executive Positions that I once used to enjoy.”

As an 18 year old, Muller claims to have spent time as a junior clerk in an accounts department, here is what he said:

“Prior to joining the RAN, I had a great job in the Accounts Department of David Murray Stores here in Adelaide in their Pirie Street Head Office. The building still stands and is tenanted by the Department of Social Service. When I applied for entry to the Navy, I left that position rather than deluding them about my future intentions and took a temporary job of Delivery Driver around the streets of Adelaide for an Automobile Company known as McDonald Motors BMC P/L.”

His Ratings Record of Service Card, clearly shows his civil occupation as “Driver” prior to enlisting in the Navy. Whether he was an accounts clerk at anytime is anybody’s guess, however it is patently obvious that Muller never at any time exhibited an “acute mind power to command Executive Positions”. His employment history is – Junior Clerk – Driver – Naval Able Seaman – nothing wrong with any of that, except that Muller has allusions he was CEO material ruined by the Navy.

Muller also said on the 4 Mar 09:

“Again, the situation in the Roads of Penang when I was ordered into the water to repel enemy divers and then conduct a bottom search of HMAS Vendetta is as described”

Repel enemy divers !!!!!!!!!!. As if any Naval officer would send one junior signaller to get into his “Frogman” suit to “repel enemy divers”. Was Molly sent in with a knife between his teeth, a spear gun or was he to employ under water Tai Chi to repel enemy divers? Nothing wrong or heroic about a bloke qualified as a ships diver to be sent into the water to inspect the ships bottom, just leave it at that Molly and we may believe you. Ships divers are and were different to Clearance divers. It’s the Clearance divers who do all the really dangerous stuff.

Strange Molly has not mentioned the “Heads in the shower” in his latest “Claytons” apology. This is what he said:

“I made contact with the Ghurkhas and brought them back on board. As a matter of an aside, the Ghurkhas, you will recall Phillip had Hessian bags which contained human heads. On reboarding HMAS Vendetta, these heads were placed in the ABCD Shower Cubicle. (The Wash Down area for anyone contaminated by Atomic, Biological, Chemical…….”.

It appears Muller, a pathological liar, simply can’t help himself. Here are the tell tale signs of such a liar:

·  They lie about even the smallest things. For example, saying "I brushed my teeth today," when they didn't.

·  They add exaggerations to every sentence.

·  They change their story all the time.

·  They act very defensively when you question their statements.

·  They believe what they say is true, when everyone else knows it isn't.

Here's an alternate "checklist":

·  Lies when it is very easy to tell the truth.

·  Lies to get sympathy, to look better, to save their butt, etc.

·  Fools people at first but once they get to know him, no one believes anything they ever say.

·  May have a personality disorder.

·  Extremely manipulative.

·  Has been caught in lies repeatedly.

·  Never fesses up to the lies.

·  Is a legend in their own mind.

It is very easy to fit Muller into every one of the above criteria, however despite the mountain of evidence he is still revered by his mates of the Mad Galah mob, but then again most of them are either frauds or loonies or both.

Muller you are a liar a fraud and a wannabe. You have continuously pushed your lies at DVA to fraudulently gain benefits. It is of no use asking you for an apology because you are a pathological liar and a legend only in your own mind.

Below is the full email directed at Fergus from Muller on the 4 March 2009.



Noel P Muller <

toFergus Fairfax <>,

Allen J Petersen <>,

Orange Protest <>,

Donald Tate <>,

Francis Edwards <

dateWed, Mar 4, 2009 at 10:14 AM

subjectRe: Molly Muller's Lament

hide details 10:14 AM (9 hours ago) Reply

Yes, Well, as IT said, IT is back again

Nothing has changed, the same old rantings from a mindless Numb Skull with water where the Grey Matter ought to be. You are very clever at using a mans own words and then twisting them to suit your own purposes you DROP KICK. For no other reason than to clear my personal reputation with those whom I would like to know the truth and for no other reason I have (again) opted to answer your drivel. NO OTHER REASON WHAT SO EVER, YOU SLIME BALL EXCUSE FOR A LIFE FORM.

Prior to joining the RAN, I had a great job in the Accounts Department of David Murray Stores here in Adelaide in their Pirie Street Head Office. The building still stands and is tenanted by the Department of Social Service. When I applied for entry to the Navy, I left that position rather than deluding them about my future intentions and took a temporary job of Delivery Driver around the streets of Adelaide for an Automobile Company known as McDonald Motors BMC P/L. Again, you SHIT STIRRING SLIME BALL, I underwent the Naval Psychology Entry Test and as a result was urged strongly to enter the Navy as a Cryptographer, which is exactly what I did. What is the full and recognised title of a CRYPTOGRAPHER - easy - TACTICAL COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR. Surprise, surprise, I told the truth and you have once again proven yourself to be the craven liar that you are by twisting my words to suit your ends.

Again, the situation in the Roads of Penang when I was ordered into the water to repel enemy divers and then conduct a bottom search of HMAS Vendetta is as described. I can get you as many witnesses to that one as you choose. The very truth of the matter is that the event (due no input of my own) was the talk of the ship (as these things are on a small ship) it was the talk of the ship for days after the event. It is genuinely sad for you that you have nothing in your past to relate to - that necessitates you resorting to going around squawking and befouling other peoples histories.

The COMPANY upon the beach in North Borneo - I will give you this as my memory is poor, If I ever once stated that I ran into a COMPANY Strength group on the beach in Brunei, I apologise as it was NO MORE, NO LESS than a scouting party of around 7 to 10 men - nothing else and I have no recall as to if that is another of your personal twisted interpretations or a mistake upon my part, I will alow that the error may be mine and apologise, IT WAS A SCOUTING PARTY THAT I RAN FOUL OF NO MORE THAN 7 TO 10 MEN OF WHICH I DISPATCHED 3 (I BELIEVE), THEY WEREN'T SAYING TOO MUCH WHEN I LEFT THEM, NO THE REMAINDER OF THE PARTY NEVER DID RUN AWAY IN FEAR AND I NEVER CLAIMED THEY DID, I WAS THE ONE THAT DEBUNKED POST HASTE, RE-ENTERED THE WATER AND HEADED BACK OUT TO THE SHIP. I WAS NOT WAITING FOR ANY "DRINKS OR 'NOW IS THE HOUR'" FOR MY TROUBLE.

So, continue upon your merry way, you plague, I have not got the slightest idea what your true agenda is and less do I care, you are less than a Maggot to me and worthy of no more recognition than one of those detestable creatures. Carry on with your mindless rantings for the entertainment of similar THINGS to yourself as this is the very last time I will ever respond to any thing bearing your name. My suggestion, do everyone a favour, jump in the bowl and then pull the chain, see how many miss you, FOULNESS.

Best regards, "Molly"

Noel P "Molly" Muller

42 Heather Drive

Ridgehaven SA 5097

Tel/Fax:- +61 08 8395 0576

Mobile:- 0401 651 145
