St Michael’s CE School Pupil Premium Strategy

Pupil Premium Grant - Detailed Allocation of Funding – 2016 -2017

Allocation = £13,673Number eligible pupils - 8

  1. Summary information

School / St Michael’s C of E Primary
Academic Year / 2016-17 / Total PP budget / £13,673
Total number of pupils / 43 / Number of pupils eligible for PP / 8 / Date for next internal review of this strategy / Feb 18
  1. Current attainment SEPT 16 – DEC 17

KS2 / Pupils eligible for PP (your school) / Pupils not eligible for PP
% achieving progress in line with national for reading, writing and maths / 86% / 88%
% making Expected attainment in reading / 50% / 65%
% making Expected attainment in writing / 50% / 65%
% making Expected attainment in maths / 50% / 53%
  1. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP, including high ability)

In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor oral language skills)
Attainment is lower for PP than other children in school children in maths
Attainment is lower for PP than other children in school children in reading
C. / Attainment is lower for PP than other children in school children in writing
  1. Desired outcomes

Desired outcomes and how they will be measured / Success criteria
Improve attainment for PP in school for Reading particularly KS2 / Children eligible for PP meet age related expectations in reading
Improve attainment for PP in school for Writing particularly KS2 / Children eligible for PP meet age related expectations in Writing
Desired Outcome 1:
To diminish the differences between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged children in Reading across the whole school.
Success Criteria: Barriers to learning have been identified and improved strategies are in place in order to successfully reduce them. Tracking will show that those children, identified as Pupil Premium have achieved age-related expectations.
Desired outcome:
An increased percentage of PP children meeting expected attainment. / Chosen Actions:
  • Increased TA time in KS2 [0.9 ]
  • 1:1 teacher support targeting specific weaknesses when identified (1 hour per week)
  • Introduce Accelerated Reader
  • Introduction of after-school tuition for targeted individuals.
  • Investment in new, more engaging, reading stock.
/ Rationale
The EEF Toolkit suggests that targeted use of TA time, following guidelines produced as a result of research, is an effective way of accelerating pupil progress. In addition, our own experience shows that the emotional and behavioural demands of our PP children, coupled with the requirement of teaching 4 year groups in one class, presents particular challenges. The support that can be offered to our PP children because of the high adult to pupil ratio, ensures a calm and purposeful learning environment.
1:1 tuition: Evidence indicates that one to one tuition can be effective, on average accelerating learning by approximately five additional months’ progress.
Research shows that Accelerated Reader is an effective tool for raising attainment in reading. In addition, our neighbouring small schools, who have similar mixed aged classes, can demonstrate a positive impact. / Cost:
Desired Outcome 2:
To diminish the differences between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged children in Writing across the whole school.
Success Criteria: Barriers to learning have been identified and improved strategies are in place in order to successfully reduce them. Tracking will show that those children, identified as Pupil Premium have achieved age-related expectations.
Desired outcome:
An increased percentage of PP children meeting expected attainment. / Chosen Actions:
  • Increase TA time in KS2 [0.9 ]
  • 1:1 teacher support targeting specific weaknesses when identified (1 hour per week)
  • Develop quality first teaching with input from cluster school expertise.
  • Teacher / TA CPD to develop good practice.
  • Develop marking policy to make feedback more effective.
  • Improve modelling of writing through use of visualisers.
  • Increase the profile of writing throughout the school and beyond, including use of the website and inclusion in village hall / church noticeboard.
/ Rationale
The EEF Toolkit suggests that targeted use of TA time, following guidelines produced as a result of research, is an effective way of accelerating pupil progress. In addition, our own experience shows that the emotional and behavioural demands of our PP children, coupled with the requirement of teaching 4 year groups in one class, presents particular challenges. The support that can be offered to our PP children because of the high adult to pupil ratio, ensures a calm and purposeful learning environment.
1:1 tuition: Evidence indicates that one to one tuition can be effective, on average accelerating learning by approximately five additional months’ progress.
KS2 teacher to link with another school which has consistently high pupil attainment in a similar mixed-age class. / Cost:

To give pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Grant the opportunity to access residential trips

Desired Outcome 3:
To diminish the differences between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged children in Maths across the whole school.
Success Criteria: Children entitled to the PP grant with additional SEN make at least expected progress
Desired outcome:
An increased percentage of PP children meeting expected attainment. / Chosen Actions:
  • Increase TA time in KS2 [0.9 ]
  • Introduce ‘Mathletics’ online maths activities.
  • Introduce new Maths scheme and ‘learning ladders’.
/ Rationale
The EEF Toolkit suggests that targeted use of TA time, following guidelines produced as a result of research, is an effective way of accelerating pupil progress. In addition, our own experience shows that the emotional and behavioural demands of our PP children, coupled with the requirement of teaching 4 year groups in one class, presents particular challenges. The support that can be offered to our PP children because of the high adult to pupil ratio, ensures a calm and purposeful learning environment.
Local schools with a similar context demonstrate increased pupil progress with Mathletics. It develops a wide breadth of maths skills and increases engagement, particularly with homework.
The new maths scheme, combined with the ‘Learning Ladders’, will improve independence and enable a more effective use of teacher and TA time by allowing more differentiated small group work. / Cost:

To give pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Grant the opportunity to access residential trips

Desired Outcome 4:
To provide all children with the opportunity to participate in residential visits.
Success Criteria: 100% of children entitled to the pupil premium grant attend residential visits
Desired outcome:
Children with PP entitlement benefit from all aspects of a residential trip. / Chosen Actions:
  • Parents can apply for financial support with the cost of school residential visits
/ Rationale
It is important that the parents/carers of those children eligible for PPG are supported in the payment of school residential trips so as to have the same experiences as other children / Cost:

Oct 16