Under Three Years old & Non ECE funded children
$5.00 an hour up to a maximum of $200 for 40 or more hours.
(WINZ Subsidy available)
20 FREE ECE Funded Hours for 3 to 5 Years old
$100 per week flat fee up to 50 hours.
Zero Fees for 20 hours – Full – Day, Morning or Afternoon sessions.
(WINZ Subsidy available)
The rates for 3 to 5 year olds in both the full-time and sessional categories assume that the child is using their 20 hours ECE. Parents must sign a form to confirm that their child is not enrolled elsewhere under the 20 hours ECE scheme.
If children are still in attendance after 5.30pm when the centre closes, extra fees will be incurred at a rate of $10 every 10 mins, as we have to pay our staff to stay late and care for the child.
Fees are to be paid a week in advance on the first day of attendance or by prior arrangement.
Full Fees are to be paid for all absences.
**The WINZ Subsidy maximum payment is $5 per hour. An Automatic payment is to be set up to cover the difference per child at time of enrolment.
(Updated: January 2016) / OUR PHILOSOPHY:
“We believe in providing a safe fun place
for children to play and learn alongside each other. Ohana Kindy respects the values, beliefs and aspirations of whaanau. This is acknowledged by inclusive reciprocal relationships, using the sharing knowledge that is transferred from home to Ohana, Ohana to home. We encompass the development of early literacy, numeracy and social skills through holistic learning experiences”
OHANA KINDY provides quality education and care for children from the age of 0 to 5 years old.
Our hours of operation are:
7.30 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Friday
(except Public Holidays).
We operate 52 hours per week, all year.
ü Qualified and experienced teachers, excellent adult: child ratios, and a very spacious fully resourced centre.
ü Ohana Kindy ensure that all children attending the centre receive the best quality in education and care.
ü Children are given endless opportunities to experience a rich learning environment.
ü Children are encouraged to play alongside each other, to help them to build their social-skills and self - confidence.
(Additional information available for parents includes Policies Folder, Newsletters, Bulletin Board, Children’s Individual profile books and financial statements). /
Welcome to:
Ph:07 – 3453681
‘Naku te rourou rau nau te rourou ka ora ai nga whanau” (With your knowledge and
my knowledge, the families will prosper)”
Our Nursery Play room
Our Kindy Room
Our Playground
O /
Communication with Parents
OHANA KINDY aims to make communication with parents as open, regular and informative as possible. We recognise that while parents are interested in all aspects of the centre, they are often restricted by time. We have therefore instigated a variety of communication channels.1. Regular newsletters are written. These are made available to parents in hard copy.
2. Parents Bulletin Board is located near the main entranceways to communicate necessary information to parents, and are updated daily.
3. Teachers at OHANA KINDY meet with parents regularly to discuss their child's development and any issues of importance.
4. Programme information sheets are displayed prominently in the centre.
5. Nappy changes, toileting and sleep times are recorded and available as requested.
6. Profile books are displayed prominently and updated regularly to show learning and development following the children’s interests.
7. Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers and management freely and we value their contributions.
8. Teachers are bound by confidentiality and are not permitted to release any information concerning another child’s health or behaviour.
Children are most welcome to celebrate their birthdays at OHANA KINDY.
Parents are most welcome to join us or leave cameras for us to record the celebrations. / Meals, Food, Snacks, Milk & Formula
Healthy eating is encouraged at OHANA KINDY.
Lunch is to be provided by parents (Morning tea and afternoon tea are provided by OHANA KINDY)
Hand washing and general hygiene routines are carried out by the adults and the children before and after meals.
Allergies, food intolerances and special dietary requirements will be a shared responsibility of the child’s family and the centre.
Parents are required to bring bottles and formula for children who are on formula, whole milk or expressed breast milk.
Parents to notify our teachers if there are any special dietary or religious needs for your child. We will make provision if required.
No nuts or peanut butter is kept on the premises and we request that parents to not send peanut buttered sandwiches with their children.
If a child’s allergy is life-threatening, a management plan will be in place to ensure all staff know emergency protocols.
Water is available for the children at all times.
Children are empowered by having control over their food intake, allowing for choice and self-service at mealtimes (when practical).
Mealtimes are unhurried, with a blessing before every meal served.
(Further and fuller information is available in our Policies folder at the sign-in at the Reception).
“Ohana Kindy, where children
and family comes first”