Caen Street, Braunton, Devon, EX33 1AD

Tel: 01271 812786


Minutes of meeting of the Full Governing Body

held at Caen Community School on Monday 14 March 2016 at 7pm

1 / Apologies
Louise Round, Louise Gray, Mark Renton, Sophie Williams
2 / Declaration of Interests
3 / Minutes from Meeting on 1 February 2016
The minutes were signed as approved
Matters arising
4 / Action Points from Evaluation Visit
KC will put the points to consider into the school development plan. This is the focus to move the school forward to outstanding. KC to send the points to the Governors along with the complete document.
5 / Multi Academy Trust decision
The school has received a lot of information about Multi Academy Trust and have attended several meeting on this matter. The Governors have found this interesting and the point that came across was that all schools need to be in a Trust in two years time. There is no process to force schools to do this. The Governors were told that the breakeven point financially for a Trust is 2000 pupils. This would involve a great many schools in this area.
There was a good presentation at Braunton Academy about the Governor’s role and the structures in a Trust.
How many at the meeting were from other schools?
All the schools had Governors at the meeting.
MW has had a conversation with Governors Services who sent more information. The information given was that there would be financial responsibilities for individuals.
The information will be distributed by MW to all Governors.
There is not a requirement to decide now as it a really big decision which can’t be reversed once made. This is a long term decision and all Governors need to read all the information and any independent advice. MW thinks it would be better to get in at the start of a Trust rather than join a Trust which already exists.
MW suggested that there should be a sub committee to look at this issue and look at the points that are important to this school and the issues involved.
The Academy has decided to join with other secondary schools.
There are various models with schools in this area and the small schools in the area maybe joining with other smaller schools. It is recommended that the other schools in one Trust are not further away than an hour by car.
This school could be the lead school and invite other schools to join. The teaching school is very willing to talk to school Governors.
KC would like the objectives for this school to be the teaching and learning which is theTeaching School’s ethos.
MW and JH to get together and discuss the vision of the Teaching School. KC will organise a meeting with the Teaching school with the various Governors interested.
MW would like all the information to be put somewhere on the website for interested people to read.
KC would like to invite parents who are interested to join the committee. It will be left until the next meeting to decide about parents.
KC would like a key stake in any Trust the school joins and one Governor would be automatically on the Board of Trustees.
6 / Governor recruitment – LEA Governor vacancy
Mr Mian is keen to join the Governing Body and there is a vacancy so the Governors decided to invite him onto the Governing Body. SN to send the papers to be filled in to Mr Mian and when returned completed SN will send to County for the panel to approve.
MW left at this time.
7 / David Chaplin's‘Good to Outstanding' Governor Training
This was presented as a power point to Governors with questions and
SP showed the Governors the Fractions work he is conducting in the school alongside Georgeham and Kingsacre and the pupils work is on the school website.
How do we know if our engagement with parents is good?
The only way is the Ofsted questions which is only filled in when Ofsted come into school. Some schools do use the Ofsted questionnaire and there are other ways like using post it notes on the website. The school to invite comments from Year 6 parents when the children leave in July. The parents of the Reception Unit have been asked for comments this year.
The Governors to think about this and what questions to ask parents.
Is there a new way of observing teachers and using different leaders for this?
Yes and using Learning Walks to observe other teachers. Teaching Assistants are also being used to observe other TAs.
Do Governors look at the Teaching and Learning in the school ?
Not really as left to KC and the SMT team.
Ofsted would ask about the teaching and learning and how Governors know the teaching is good/outstanding?
The Governors do come in and look at various aspects of the children’s work and look in depth at the data.
What would be a way for Governors to have information about CPD?
When the Governors have a Learning Walk or come into school they should ask the teachers about the way the school develops their professional development.
The expectations of the Governing Body as per presentation.
Work effectively with leaders to communicate the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school and to develop a culture of ambition.
Provide a balance of challenge and support to leaders, understanding the strengths and areas needing improvement at the school.
Provide support for an effective Head Teacher or are hindering school improvement because of a lack of understanding of the issues facing the school.
Understand how the school make decisions about teachers’ salary progression and performance.
Performance management the Head Teacher rigorously.
Endure that the school’s finances are properly managed and can evaluate how the school is using the Pupil Premium and the primary PE and Sport Premium.
Are transparent and accountable, including in recruitment of staff, governance structures, attendance at meeting and contact with parents.
Understand the impact of teaching, learning and assessment on the progress of the pupils currently in the school.
Ensure that assessment information from leaders provides governors with sufficient and accurate information to ask probing questions about outcomes for pupils.
Next steps
Become familiar with the language of outstanding Ofsted reports
Know and understanding the language and expectations of the framework.
Use self evaluation – a no surprises culture, eliminating in school variation to support crossing a grade boundary.
Build an evidence based approach to what is happening in classrooms.
Governance – supporting a sustained focus on the school’s core activities.
Partnerships and outward facing.
8 / Date of next meeting
Monday 25 April 2016
Items for next meeting – Site items, Budget for 2016/2017, Multi Academy Trusts

Meeting closed at 9pm